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currently, i live in a house that my family owns. therefore, the rent is free, but i do not have that much privacy (my family has a key and visit whenever they want)
I found another place to live, but I will be on a tight budget and not be able to pay more than minimums on my debt...I am not sure what to do...

2006-11-18 03:38:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Personal Finance

i cant change the locks, unfortunately, they own it and can come in whenever they want...

2006-11-18 03:44:33 · update #1

i am in debt because of student loans...not because i've taken trips around the world

2006-11-18 04:04:52 · update #2

9 answers

You have to weigh the pros and cons of your situation. While lack of privacy is hard to cope with on a day to day basis- you have more funds to start making large payments on your debts. If you stay a little longer you can try and make huge dents on your debts- so that when you move you have a little more wiggle room in the finance department.
Is it possible to approach your family and set some ground rules about visiting?

2006-11-18 03:44:11 · answer #1 · answered by genna71 1 · 1 0

Will you be buying or renting the new place? If you are buying, will your finances improve at any point in the future to where you can get back to paying your debt? If so then I would say you might want to think about it. Of course there is a lot to consider there.

I would not do if it is a rental situation. Also, how are you spending your money now? If you are paying off your debt and keeping a savings then I say keep that going until you have your debt resolved. Do not get into more debt. If you are not living on your own (as in your own place), you should not be running up credit cards or taking out any loans that you do not have to. Sacrifice a little privacy now and get your finances in order and live independently later.

2006-11-18 11:43:35 · answer #2 · answered by A.Mercer 7 · 1 0

Living rent free is a very sweet deal. Pay off as much as you can before moving. You'll find that even when you're paying rent the landlord might be a little to snoopy to your liking, so endure the lack of privacy so that when you do go out on your own, it will be on a better financial footing.

2006-11-18 11:43:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Deal with it till you get you debt paid off. Why you would have debt when you have no rent to pay is beyond me but it is your life!!

Having no debt is wonderful feeling but then you must keep yourself from digging a hole again. Pay it off NOW, work harder, longer, and move out of this house or bring it up to the family that you will be moving unless the locks get changed and they c all first before just stopping over... SO SIMPLE !

2006-11-18 11:58:33 · answer #4 · answered by Kitty 6 · 0 1

Consider getting a lock for your room. It is their house but you should be able to have the privacy of your own room. I would consider your financial problems more pressing then your perceived lack of privacy, especially considering the fact that you are in debt. I mean, unless you have something to hide from your family, I don't see the problem.

2006-11-18 12:30:09 · answer #5 · answered by Roman Soldier 5 · 1 0

Why pay rent if you can help it?
Tell your family you love them, but are an grown up person and feel the need of privacy. Although you love them and very happy to have them visiting you, they must telephone first.
Then nicely and smiling, take their keys away.

2006-11-18 16:33:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Change the lock and if they ask why answer "Oh, I forgot my key" or "I lost keys" or give a lame excuse showing them that you didnt appreciate their visiting much

2006-11-18 11:40:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


2006-11-18 11:42:54 · answer #8 · answered by SWM 38 _4_ YOUNG GF 5 · 0 1


I hope this would be the right site for your question

2006-11-18 11:41:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

fedest.com, questions and answers