I don't think it was the worst, I enjoyed it. I don't think there is a worst series of red dwarf. Maybe the first few episodes where a bit poor because they were trying to settle all the characters in.
By series two, it was great though.
I would say that I think the ending to series 7 was poor.
When Rimmer runs away from death and it just says the end.
I hope the movie starts from there and answers all the questions.
2006-11-18 06:08:58
answer #1
answered by Michelino 4
No. I would have to say overall Series 1 was the worst.
Each series had its own crappy episodes, and each series had some great episodes.
One of my favourite episodes ever was Backwards. Where at the end Cat needs to go behind the bushes. Those who have seen the episdoe knows what happened - those who haven;t can probably guess!
Favourite quote:
"Transmit the following message on all frequencies and in all known languages. Including Welsh."
The worst episode of the lot for me has to be Blue.
2006-11-19 01:19:21
answer #2
answered by Andrew W 4
It wasn't the worst (Series 8 was worse), but it was certainly far short of it's best.
Probably the best episode of Series 7 was "Blue", the one where they all get taken round the Arnold J. Rimmer fairground ride that Kryten made.
I was in stitches at the "Munchkin Song"!!!
2006-11-18 06:32:39
answer #3
answered by Mark K 3
i wouldnt say it was the worst, still very funny, but was no where near series 2 which i think wa the best.
The second they moved away from the original style (cheap, tacky, essentially British low budget effects) it went downhill.
not as good as the earlier series but not necessarily bad compared to some of the drivel we get now
2006-11-18 03:38:53
answer #4
answered by Jamie F 3
God, it was horrific! I hated it so much! Although in my opinion it started going down hill when they brought in Kochanski. They thought it would work, it didn't.
Loved the first few series though, and still waiting for that film they promised!
2006-11-18 03:40:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes. It was totally out of kilter with the rest. I'm sure they could have come up with a better way to bring back Rimmer.
2006-11-18 03:36:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
yep defo..what was worse tho was when they digitally remastered all the series...dodgy graphics here there and everywhere
2006-11-18 03:43:58
answer #7
answered by choc 2
i liked it, i thought it was just closer to the books than the others
2006-11-18 03:37:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2006-11-18 03:36:29
answer #9
answered by evilmonkeyboy 4