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* who to put the rules...the user or the maker?
* has the user to obey the instructions or not?
* can the user make up new rules for himself for using a very complicated machine and these rules does not obey the maker's instructions?
* who knows more? the maker or the user? so, if the user is convinced with some point of view .... but this is in the contrary with the maker's instructions...can that be?
*what is the user at the same time do not know all information..and he discovers every day new things... can he understand better in this case?
*can anyone apply the instructions with himself? and understand it as he wants? or there must be an agent who describes the proper use?
* who knows the future problems more...the user or the maker? who has the greater ability to troubleshoot it?
*can we judge instructions from the deeds of the users who do not understand it?

what if we say that the maker is Allah and u is the user and the made thing in the same time? will your answers change?

2006-11-17 13:56:35 · 4 answers · asked by mozakkera 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

4 answers

Ain't that one heck of a lot of Questions, Sir?

T o simplify matters, Sir, if we begin on the premise that Allah is the "Maker" and you are the "User"; then you have no choice at all in the matter.

Islam does not permit any choice to it's Members; except to follow it's rules or pay the price for violation which, in some cases, is Death.

Have a nice day.

2006-11-17 14:02:01 · answer #1 · answered by Daimyo 5 · 0 0

did you accidentaly post the Question twice?
in a simple paradigm

* maker puts in the rules in a simple paradigm.
* the user has to obey the rules if the maker put in a rule that the user has to . but the maker only puts that in a simple one not a sophisticated one . in a complicated or complex environment the user may modify the instructions .
* see above
* in a complicated paradigm once the maker puts makes the paradigm user changeable no one knows the complete set of instructions . hence after change the instructions may be modified if the maker had allowed it be initially . and they may be changed beyond the control of the maker .
* the user modifies the instruction and learn new things everyday but he cannot understand better as in a complex paradigm he is not the only user .
* there must be a basic set of rules /instructions around which safeguards against modifications must be put even in a complex paradigm but they must be very minimalistic as the more instructions there are the simpler the paradigm becomes . the safeguards around those set rules are the agent .
* there is no prediction of the future
* user's who do not understand the instructions simply proceed as simple paradigm

philocipher ©
The Basics of a Simple User paradigm
Nov 17th 2006

2006-11-17 22:20:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

maker,makes it hardly use it... user no choice,,depands from which religion they come from....... I am not a muslim,,is it possible not not use allah,jesus,buddha or any form kind of religion.......my answer is pray to whom u r suppose tp pray and that makes u the user...........

2006-11-17 22:01:53 · answer #3 · answered by harry d 3 · 0 0

well put Jesus Christ in the Picture and you
won't have all this if and and's

2006-11-17 21:58:51 · answer #4 · answered by cork 7 · 0 0

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