So what you really are after is popularity. You said that you knew a couple of preppy girls but that they were really fake. Not to hurt your feelings, but you're about to venture down the same path.
You need The Order in your life desperately. I think you should speak with my spiritual guide. Her name is Master Amara Kiran
I'm not being hokey here and I really am concerned for you. She really can help you. Hey, it's worth a shot. Please try!
2006-11-17 13:49:33
answer #1
answered by Dhara 6
Why would you want to be friends with fakes? That would turn you into a fake, not too good. Maybe you should get other friends, but not necessarily preps. Preps are backstabbing that talk behind your back and start all kinds of rumors. Few of them are even tolerable, why would you want to be like that? There is nothing wrong with long hair, my hair is long and everyone loves it, just stick to long and maybe redo the highlights or something. If you really want to become a fake, then start talking to the backstabbers. But a haircut won't make you a prep or not.
2006-11-17 21:48:44
answer #2
answered by Rachel C 5
y do u want to be friends with fakes or with any preps i hate preps they are rich bitches i use to have a prep friend and she treated me like dirt heres some advice if u dont like the ppl ur with right now find some u really fit in with ppl like u not fakes trust me they degrade you if they dont like you now they that wont change there mind once u get a makeover ya they might want to hang out with u but that will just be because they will thing that you look nicer listen to me ive had this happen to me befor mostly fake preps make friends with ppl like you that want to be a prep so that you can hang with other preps
i hope you make the best choice for you l8ter
good luck!!!!!!!!!
2006-11-17 22:01:03
answer #3
answered by Nicole 2
1) you can just walk up to them maybe at lunch and ask to sit with them or invite them to a party but if they are mean dont be their friend, because you dont want them just to be using u.
2) you can die it blond... im sure they will like that but u really dont have to change to become someone's friend. they should like u for who u are.
2006-11-17 21:47:19
answer #4
answered by tinkerbell03 2
I am kind of a prep but you just have to work your way into th e group. don't anything dumb and i hope that everything should be ok. GOOD LUCK
2006-11-17 21:46:01
answer #5
answered by D 3
The "weirdos"? You're a REALLY friendly person... T_T
2006-11-18 03:10:06
answer #6
answered by High-strung Guitarist 7
yeah a short style would work
2006-11-17 21:48:17
answer #7
answered by keshh23 2
i suggest slitting your throat
2006-11-17 21:56:20
answer #8
answered by Whohohohohoooo! 1
Why would you ever be friends with fakes? Duh!
2006-11-17 21:44:59
answer #9
answered by CrankyYankee 6