You will stay in that room you gave birth in for an hour or two. Then you will be moved to your room. Most hospitals allow a person to stay with you. Yes you will be allowed to shower at some point. I always go home the next day. Most woman stay a day or two depends on your birth situation.
2006-11-17 07:54:58
answer #1
answered by JS 7
Every hospital is different the hospital I work at and another I gave birth at have labor, delivery, and recovery rooms. I loved it! when you get to stay in the same room for everything they are normally large, private, and a little more like home. As well as i can remember I gave birth and then they cleaned the baby up and checked her over, if you allow them to, which I did, they take the baby to the nursery for its first bath, While they did that I went and took a shower( it was about 20 minutes after I gave birth) while I was in the shower they cleaned my room and put my bed back together, it comes apart at the bottom for delivery. BY time I was clean up my bed was brand new and they were bringing my baby back in to nurse. I had my husband stay with me both nights but some places are more comfortable then others...Most hospitals want you to stay at least one night, if you have a c-section i think it is 3 nights depending on how you are healing. My suggestion to you is to take a tour of the OB floor at your hospital they always give them if you call ahead. Also I wish i would have done this and i think i will this time, let them take the baby into the nursery at night so you can rest, It is going to be the last full night sleep you may get for a while. Good luck to you!
2006-11-17 08:04:12
answer #2
answered by 1
Hey there.
You normally are in a labor and delivery room when you actually give birth. You will be in that same bed while they clean you up and remove the epidural. (noramlly about an hour but it wont seem that long) Then they move you to the recovery room which is your room for the next two - three days. You can have vistors and one person can stay with you.
Once in there you are able to shower - though you probably wont have the effort. And they bring your little out of the nursery whenever you want. You have a nurse - they run on shifts - but the same one the entire shift. They will get you anything you need. Meds, food, shower. They are there to help.
Most hospitals have a lactation consultate that will help you nurse your little one the first couple of days you are there.
Dont worry. You will be fine!! And good luck!
2006-11-17 07:57:28
answer #3
answered by *Erin* 2
I think it depends a lot on the hospital your in but for me, When i first went they put me in a observation room and had me wait until i was 3cm to make sure it was real labour, then they admitted me and took me to the room where i delivered. I got an epidural and it was great!!! Before it i was in so much pain but after it I couldnt feel anything : ) . I had 4 people with me when i had the baby, you just have to sign a paper that its ok for each person to be in there. I stayed in the same bed i delivered in but they change the sheets and everything afterwords so it doesnt really matter. Right after you have the baby, as long as theres nothing wrong, they put it on your chest and you get to hold him...but then they take him away to clean him up and everything. meanwhile you have to push out the plecenta and get stiches, if you tore or had an episiotomy. After the babys all clean they give him to you and u can hold him all u want. Its your choice if you want to have the baby stay in the room with you for the night or if you want them to go to the nursery. the next day you can take a shower. you normally stay 1-3 days depending on how the delivery went. You can have someone say over night with my hospital they even brought an extra bed in. They take the baby to do a hearing test and give them thier first hepB shot but that dosent take too long. Good Luck and when your in labour just remeber that it will all be worth it once you see your little one!
2006-11-17 08:42:52
answer #4
answered by sashas_n_tj 1
Ok...most hospitals keep you in one room/one bed. The bed breaks down for delievery so it's not like you're just laying in all the ickiness of giving birth. You can get a bath after a while, but you're not a mess. When the bed breaks down you're bottom is practically hanging off the end and there is a bag or blanket or something to catch everything. It doesn't just get all over you and the bed. It sounds bad when you don't know what going on, but it's really not.
You usually stay in the hospital one night, maybe longer, but if you give birth one day, you'll probably go home the next, unless its a c-section. My hubby could always stay with me, so I would assume most hospitals allow spouses or someone to stay with you.
Good luck and congrats on baby!!!
2006-11-17 07:58:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You need to talk to the nurses at your hospital, as some of the questions you have are handled differently in different hospitals.
You may have a LDP (labor/deliver/postpartum) room where you don't need to move to a different room. (I did with my first.) They'll use chux pads and things on the bed to help keep it clean and if it does get messy, of course they will change the linens for you.
If your room is not LDP then they will move you to another room. Find out if your hospital has "rooming in" so that baby can stay with you at all times instead of being sent to the nursery.
Immediately after the birth, baby will be suctioned and evaluated. If all goes smoothly, this can be done in your arms/on your chest. The nurse (or your doula) will help you get the baby latched on and nursing.
After the first feeding, they will probably clean the baby up a bit more and weigh and measure him. They'll put a bracelet to ID baby on his ankle and give mom and dad each one too. Baby may also get a security tag that beeps if someone trys to remove him from the floor.
If you consent to it, your baby will be given a Vitamin K shot (or given it orally...usually you must request the oral administration) and some eye antibiotics (which are totally unnecessary unless you have STD's and I suggest most healthy moms may want to decline them).
If you tore or had an episiotomy, they'll sew you up. The nurse will probably offer to help you to the bath or shower when you are ready. She'll probably also offer you a clean gown. She'll give you a pad to wear in your underwear (and maybe some funky mesh hospital undies!) for the lochia (or maybe a newborn diaper that have had water frozen in it to put in your pants....feels so good on a sore bottom!).
In the hours following the birth, they will also check the baby's heartrate and temperature regularly. They'll check your temperature and blood pressure too.
Talk to your caregiver about when you can be released from the hospital. If you don't want to stay and you and baby are both healthy, you can go home after just a few hours. I think the average that insurance will pay for with a vaginal birth is 2 days.
Forgot to say that there is usually a "Dad's Couch" or a recliner or something where someone can stay with you.
2006-11-17 08:06:44
answer #6
answered by momma2mingbu 7
This depends on where you live, but I'll tell you what happened to me after I gave birth (I live in Ontario, Canada)
As soon as he came out they weighed him and all that fun stuff, we stayed in that room long enough for me to nurse him for the first time and then they helped me into a wheel chair and moved me into the recovery room, which is where I stayed for 3 days. I was way too tired to worry about having a shower this soon after having him, and I also had too many visitors. Slept for a little while, mostly just watched him sleep. There was a common bathroom for the three women in my room to share, although I don't believe that I showered until the day after.
No one was allowed to stay over with me, my boyfriend was the only one that was allowed to be there at all times (except for at night). I had to stay in the hospital for a total of 3 days, this was because I was breastfeeding and they like to keep you an extra day to make sure that the baby latches on correctly. If you choose to give your baby formula then you only had to stay for 2 days.
Hopefully this answers all of your questions that you had, hope I helped! Good luck and Congrats!!
2006-11-17 08:01:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Congratulations!! Child birth (once you're done) is the coolest experience. Once your little bundle is out you will most likely be too tired to do anything but cry and hold and feed them honestly you won't care about yourself. I myself fed my daughter talked with family for a bit and tried to sleep. the next morning I had a shower. If at your hospital you labour, deliver and stay in one room your bed will be either switched with another or sanitized and remade. Larger hospitals with tons of patients don't have room for you to stay too long I was lucky and was at a smaller hospital and I got to stay for 2 full days afterward and could have stayed longer. Take my advice stay as long as possible those nurses do a lot for you and you don't even know it til you get home. somebody may be able to stay with you that's up to the hospital but you most likely weill be too tired and busy to care if they do. Good luck and remember when you think you really can't do it anymore it's almost over.
2006-11-17 12:31:56
answer #8
answered by Heather T 1
u only stay in the same bed until u have the baby then they will clean u up and get u in a new bed which then they will bring the baby to u and u have a chose of having the baby with u or in the nursery and yes someone can stay with u and u do get to shower a day later or two depends on how u are doing i had a c-section and i had to stay 4 days
2006-11-17 08:13:32
answer #9
answered by alisha_62295 2
At the hospital that I gave birth I was allowed two people in the labor & delivery room at a time, during labor family members changed out so everyone could come in. After I delivered my son was put under the UV light to keep him warm while cleaning him up and for examination to make sure everything was in order. They took his measurements while I delivered the afterbirth. Then after that the doctor's pressed on my tummy to make sure all the afterbirth was out, if any is left you can become very ill. Then the doctor's put the bed back together, ( let the stirrups down) and began to wiped me off, and cleaned me with iodine. After both of us was clean they let me hold him for a few minutes, then took him off to the nursery. Also me and my baby got matching ID bracelets, so nobody else can come and take your baby except you. I was moved onto another side of the maternity ward and was given a private room where my family could come visit. After my son was brought from the nursery I was given the choice of letting him stay in the nursery or stay in the room with me. Of course I wanted him with me. While waiting in the room a lactaction consultant came in and talked to me about breastfeeding, then showed me how when my son arrived. His dad was allowed to stay overnight with us in the hospital for the 2 days we were there. I was given a menu everyday to select what I wanted for each meal of my stay. Then we were released, and given a newspaper from the day our child was born to see all the things going on at the time he was born. It was a wonderful experience that made me realize I wanted to have more kids after that. Hope this was helpful. All the best.
2006-11-17 08:18:58
answer #10
answered by TRUTH HURTZ 4