Man, is that crap still happening? I thought this Country and it's people were better than that...I know my circle of friends and family aren't harboring acrhaic and useless prejudices. When are we gonna learn?
2006-11-17 06:41:06
answer #1
answered by The Mystic One 4
I see all races. Not just black or white. I see Asian, Latino, European, etc. Not in a bad way though. I've always lived in very diverse areas, with many different cultures. I love stuff like that. Seeing how different races and cultures do things. The language, the food, entertainment, etc. I think people get too hung up on the negative things, and they don't take the time to embrace different cultures and see the different things we can learn from each other.
2006-11-17 14:52:38
answer #2
answered by *karasi* 5
Most in either race act a certain way and are pretty predictable to the other. Most of us were raised differently, talk differently, act differently, and you can't hide from our history. Until we ALL start acting like one race and we have given the history some more time, then there's always going to be a black and white race in our minds.
2006-11-17 14:46:27
answer #3
answered by Sandfrog 3
You know, I've kinda wondered that ever since I was little. I'm part Italian and part Native American. I don't consider myself black, obviously, but never really thought that "white" covered it either. "Caucasian" seems a lot whiter than what I feel, being more olive skinned. I prefer to see race as a whole large spectrum of ethnicity, with skin color varying in every ethnic group.
2006-11-17 14:41:33
answer #4
answered by Terri A 4
I think the ones who do that aren't exposed to other cultures by choice or otherwise. If they had interacial marriages within their extended/families perhaps it wouldn't be that way...but then again chicken and egg situation.
2006-11-17 15:39:19
answer #5
answered by Craiova 5
I don't have a color T V so all races I watch are black & white
do that make me bad ??
2006-11-17 14:39:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I always thought we were members of the *human* race.
Well, except my mother-in-law!
2006-11-17 14:38:39
answer #7
answered by Demon Doll 6
Asians have never mistreated me.
2006-11-17 14:37:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Bcuz people are stupid
2006-11-17 14:38:22
answer #9
answered by fallen_guitar09 1
I have to say color blind as well...
2006-11-17 14:38:25
answer #10
answered by sk4ever69 1