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11 answers

Well , from the video it looked like the cops were tazing the student because he didnt stand up .And the cops threatened to taze the students who asked the cops for their respective ids .

For the record , what the cops did basically was taze a student repeatedly just because the student didnt stand up .

People have died out of one shock from a tazor - this kid was shocked 4 times???And that too because he didnt stand up?

If the police officers (there were three of them at the scene) need a tazor to make an average adult who is handcuffed stand up , then the officers in question have obviously proven their inability as police officers .

So lets assume the officers didnt have a tazor .What would they have done then ?

They have two options .
1) Lift the student which is what they should have done in the first place or
2) Shoot the student with a gun .

How stupid would that look - shooting a student because he didnt stand up?

The cops should be sued . For incompetence in their job .They didnt act in the appropriate manner .Incompetence is not an excuse to taze somebody 4 times .

2006-11-19 15:27:12 · answer #1 · answered by Frank L 1 · 1 0

In Mexico, police are BARRED from entering any university campus unless invited in by the Chancellor.

Every UCLA alumnus should call the UCLA President's office (310-825-4321) and let Pres. Robert C. Dynes and Chancellor Norman Abrams know that you will withhold all contributions until the police officers are fired.

A university is usually far more tolerant and respectful of students' rights, and far more restrictive on police brutality, than outside the university gates. Having worked in universities for the past 20 years, I can safely say the behavior of the UCLA PD as exhibited in the 6-minute video (not 10 seconds) is inexcusable. They could have dragged the guy out, let him scream all he wants. If he resisted phsycially, they could have handcuffed him -- for 200 years our police did not need tasers or pepper spray to handcuff people. (Maybe he was already handcuffed when they Tasered him, which is even less excusable.)

There is a big difference between being tased once (often by a low-voltage) in a test situation and having it done to you multiple times in a row in a hostile situation. There have been 73 deaths associated with tasers between 1999 and 2004. Even police officers in five states have sued Taser International claiming they "suffered serious injuries after being shocked with the device during training classes."

2006-11-18 18:03:42 · answer #2 · answered by k2j2unk 2 · 0 0

To be fair, the student precipitated the incident by refusing to show his I.D. Instead, he should have complied with the request and complained later to the administration if he thought he was being singled out because of his ethnicity. On the other hand, here one has a student working quietly on the computer bothering noone who ends up tasered by police up to five times and then arrested. Clearly the university and police policies directly resulted in this student's brutalization. Should the officers be sued? No. But the university policies should be changed to reflect the fact that the presence of police and troops on campus has a history of inciting violence that would not have otherwise occurred. Students by their very nature can be oppositional - they are often young and full of themselves and not deserving of being brutalized for that.

2006-11-19 12:16:03 · answer #3 · answered by crazysky2000 1 · 0 0

what's this a Kent State revival, nicely it relatively is going to quickly substitute into one if Californians do no longer placed a stop to the innovations-set of rigidity accessible. somebody would desire to have study them their rights. As in a student would desire to have began to study and persevered to study the officers their rights and made a citizen's arrest. California has fallen off the map so some distance as over controlling its voters. that's time for government to be saved in examine. I as quickly as lived in l. a. and it became very great that the police accessible have an innovations-set of severe power. needless to say this officer never even tried to calmly convince this student to upward thrust; he confirmed no compassion in any respect yet aggravated the placement. regrettably the tape does not teach what got here approximately only earlier the 1st Tasering, in spite of the undeniable fact that not one of the Taserings on that tape have been called for. btw: ANY OFFICER WHO SHOOTS A TASER this is meant TO INCAPACIPATE a individual, THEN STANDS THERE asserting arise AND TASSERS back, AND back IS TO stupid TO PAY additionally, the student became needless to say attempting to calmly communicate with the officer and get the placement below administration. the student in this occasion HAD far greater INTELLEGENCE AND HAS greater EMOTIONAL administration THAN THE OFFICER. while he suggested "I have been given tassed for no reason and his tone of voice calmed down it confirmed that there became no attempt made by utilising the police to proceed to handle him as a individual, extremely they livestock proded him consistently. This became thoroughly uncalled for. Sue for funds huge funds and make some headlines. This habit has to stop. confident that's a POLICE STATE you presently how the opinion of an older (a minimum of center elderly lady) without connections to everyone in touch. Take it to trial and play the tape, get a jury, you will win. this is the examine and stability gadget and to that end the officer used extreme rigidity and would desire to be FIRED (you won't get any funds particularly while you're suing government, yet this has to stop) the perfect video to observe is the truthfully incident, type your individual opinion from that on my own

2016-10-15 16:18:07 · answer #4 · answered by bumber 4 · 0 0

It will not.

The court should throw out the case. The little brat disobeyed direct orders from an officer to produce ID and then tried to incite a crowd of other students. It may have been a tad extreme, but he deserved what he got. If he showed his ID as requested, he would have entered the library and life would have gone on as normal. He is responsible for the decisions he made and should have no case. Hopefully, this over-emotional and hyper-sensitive student learned a good lesson in being held accountable for one's actions. You are not entitled to do whatever you want when you damn well feel like it.

2006-11-17 04:35:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

The better question is, how justified will the campus police be when their actions are shown to be just and appropriate. It was a routine ID check, and the student tried to turn it into racial/ political issue. The officer should be doing the suing for defamation of character, and then given a medal.

2006-11-17 04:15:51 · answer #6 · answered by jh 6 · 2 4

So often I would agree that cops sometimes overstep their authority, but that is not the case here. It is so common post 9-11 for people to scream racial profiling or discrimination when they are acosted or requested to do something by authorities. I say thanks and hooray to the guards who were doing their job to keep the college a safe place!

2006-11-17 04:36:34 · answer #7 · answered by Angel 3 · 2 3

It will not be great at all! Those cops are out on the streets trying to watch our backs and some idiot decides to go wacko. The idiot got what he deserved!!

2006-11-17 04:51:49 · answer #8 · answered by Starla_C 7 · 0 3

Those cops were right on

i watched the utube - the kid deserved it - 100%

2006-11-17 04:18:03 · answer #9 · answered by BigD 6 · 3 4

Sucker got what was coming to him. He thinks just because he's of Iranian descent he can do whatever the hell he wants. Police ask for ID they get it. Doesn't matter who you are. Ask Cynthia McKinney.

2006-11-17 04:15:44 · answer #10 · answered by clsga 2 · 3 5

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