You're right, women do discriminate against men. I don't know why they think they are equally as skilled when its obvious they aren't.
2006-11-17 04:18:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I guess I have never seen a place where women are treatly so fairly like in the USA... I understand you and I know what you are talking about (having you watched that movied about the miner girl who presented the first suit for sexual arresment at a working place?) anyway I just wanted you to know that in places such as Latin America there is MUCH more discrimination, mainly when it comes to what is acceptable from a woman regarding sexual behavior. In many places of the world, ONE mistake can cost a woman every chance of ever getting married or even been taken seriously by a man on her life.
2006-11-17 08:08:24
answer #2
answered by Graça 3
well the president (chancellor) of Germany is a woman, guess our society is making progress...
But the real reason why women have been kept low throughout history is religion. It started with Eve committing an error and deceiving Adam and now you're all paying for it, lol.
On a more serious note, there're enough religions placing women in second place, one of them is islam. I remember reading that a man is even allowed to beat up his wife.....
For what reason it has been like that for ages i'm not sure. But the mass can be tricky to deal with. Think of the Jews. They have/had it really bad because for some groups it's the jews who killed Jesus.
The male figure has taken its place in history as the dominating sex for its strength and leading capabilities. That ofcourse has given us an important advantage over women in this race. Unfortunately like with all animals and mamal species, stupidity comes in bundles with some of us.
Even among men there's this childish compitition, to see whos more manly, whos stronger, whos bigger, etc... and those that dont fit in are considered weird, for the sole reason is to preserve ourselves as males. Yes i know ,very primitive and stupid....
Ever heard a man saying "she cut his/my balls" ? That should be your clue... Keep smiling ladies, the world is changing!
2006-11-17 08:31:03
answer #3
answered by Bitstorm 3
This has been true since the beginning of time...and women have been fighting for equality for a very long time.
I think if the women is the most qualified I would certainly vote for her. I think a woman will be president in the next 12 years.
2006-11-17 16:51:19
answer #4
answered by daljack -a girl 7
I'd like to expand on what Bitstorm had to say as well as recommend that you ALL read the books by Allan G. Johnson, particularly the one called "The Gender Knot." He discusses issues like this and he's really good at it.
While religion undoubtedly plays a big part in it, that can't be it. It wasn't like, one day men and women were equal, then the next religion was born and women were beat up. There must have been a precursor for it.
Here is my take on it all. I do not think that women being second class citizens is biological. Biologically, that doesn't make sense. I believe there is a far off root in biology which we, as a sociey, play up. It's called "masculinity," and more commonly and colorfully known as "being a dude" or "being a dudebro." It essentially means that men partake in the childish competitions, as bitstorm said.
Biologicially, females tend to have the choice of their mate. This doesn't hold up across the board, obviously, but with many species this is how it works: the males compete with each other for the attention of the female and the hopes that he can procreate with her. (Sound familiar?) Here is another fun thing to think about: on a whole, the males are the prettier of the species. They have nicer hair/mane/feathers/scales/adornments/etc. as a way of projecting to the female that he, the male, has good genetics that she should want to help him pass on. The females tend to have the same thing, but just not quite as pretty. So, we have males who are pretty that compete with each other for the attention of the female. What that means is that the female is placed on a pedestal of sorts to watch the males attempt to win her attention.
I am going to take a quick sidenote here to bring up the inconsistency of this with human behavior. With humans currently, it seems, women are the pretty ones and men are the ones that aren't so much. But what makes a woman pretty? If she takes care of herself and does her hair and puts on a little bit of make up and wears some nice clothes. What makes a man pretty? If he kind of wakes up in the morning and forgets to shave and his hair is kind of messy and fluffy in funny places. It seems to be a backwards standard that kind of is contrary to what nature gave us, as humans. What I am getting at with this is that I think human males have gotten a bit lazy. The way that things are structured, it makes males out to have the choice in mates which is kind of backwards biologically.
And this is where it all merges and could come out as discrimination. When the human male sitting around having females getting pretty in order to attract HIS attention, that creates fighting among the females (just as males fight amongst themselves for female attention). The only trouble with that is that females are not equipped for that. What drives the childish games which bitstorm mentioned is testosterone, the male hormone which is responsible for hair, competetiveness, and sexual libido. So what happens is we have a bunch of males sitting around with their testosterone with females fighting for his attention which makes the females look like the weaker sex because their actions have suddenly been turned into something which is arguably abnormal in terms of female behavior. And when behavior is abnormal, it is liable to be called and seen as abnormal and then discriminated against. Females have come to be seen as dependent on males (because of that weird reversed biology thing) and therefore weaker and less capable since they, apparently, can't fend for themselves. This is untrue, as many women know.
The trouble with all of this is that as humans, we are highly socialized with tiny bits of biological urges left over, so it is hard to say which is rooted in biology versus what is rooted in what society teaches us how to act. I think that gender roles as we know them are completely a social construction for a society which is completely male dominated. Female sexuality has been made into something which is *for* men. Think about this: it seems to be a collective fantasty of many men to see two lesbians having sex or to see two girls making out or whatever because the greater idea is that the girls are doing it for *him.* If they are actual lesbians having sex because they want to, or if they girls are queer and are making out because they want to, and not for attention, it is looked down upon and condemned. Therefore, that expression of female sexuality exists for men. Yet gay males or boys who make out are thought of as gross and disgusting and an abomination of god or whatever because there is no interest in male sexuality, only in putting it down.
I could talk about this topic forever, as I find it highly interesting. Loooong story short, I think that females have been treated poorly because somewhere along the lines, males decided that they needed to have all the power and control (two very important key factors when understanding masculinity) and what better way to show off that power and control than on another human being or on other human beings? This explains a lot in terms of unfair treatement towards women and also the poor treatment towards people of color and indigenous peoples from the white male explorers. Exploration was about finding gold and glory, so what better way to show off ones exploring prowess than by murdering thousands of innocent people because you can?
As for a woman being the president of the U.S., I support it but I would fear that she would be sooo unfairly criticized for not being able to handle the job, that is, not being man enough. Anyway, if you have any other questions or whatever that you feel I could help reason out, message me. I could seriously go on about this in a hopefully productive way.
2006-11-17 10:20:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous