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I hate how somebody will ask a question about racism and how bad blacks or how bad women have things compared to white men. WHY can't they see that they are totally prejudging white men altogether?

Does a majority of people REALLY believe that whites are born with all the opportunities in the world?! White people have to work just as hard as everybody else to make it anywhere in life.

ALSO: There are groups and programs for sending minorities to college who can't afford it-----where are the groups for poor whites?!!!! If you ask me----THAT's "racist".

2006-11-16 13:07:09 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

This is to "Nightingale": What are saying? That all blacks are filthy and poor? I don't get it where you stand.

2006-11-16 16:34:46 · update #1

26 answers

Well first I want to say this is because of ill-informed white liberals and unsophisticated Democrats as to why we have this proble in America...
I'll proceed...
Let me put it to you like this: there are lazy black people and there are hard working black people. The only problem is, there is a good majority of them that are lazy. This is unfortunate because like with anything, the ones that are lazy give the ones who are hard working a bad name. Now, I'm not a conservative but I'm not a liberal. I'm not a racist but I definately know what you're talking about. As a matter of fact I'm not even white, but that doesn't matter. Anyways, the problem isn't so much that they're lazy as it is the problem that lies behind the fact that the majority of them who are lazy don't want to take on the responsibilities of bettering themselves and their community and accepting their faults as to why they are poor, why they don't have black-owned businesses even in the cities that they live in, why so many of them are incarcerated, why they can't stop depending on the government to give them handouts. I could go on and on. The truth of the matter is (and this is not just coming from me but other African-Americans as well), the majority of black folk in America don't want to take on responsibility to make change. They'd rather complain and blame everything on the white man and everyone else who isn't black. I mean, when Martin Luther King rallied a Civil Rights movement, he intended that to better the lives of black folk and give way to equal opportunities for them. As a matter of fact, the very people who fought for those civil rights back in the sixties sacrificed their lives just so black folk could prosper in America. But its a shame to see a good number of black folk disgrace that legacy by allowing drugs, crime and a lack of work ethics to tarnish it. I always hear this left-wing rehtoric that blacks have it hard in this country because they're black. It's not because they're black, it's because they don't want succeed the right way. I'm sure a number of you want to call me a racist, a this or that. You know what, it doesn't really matter because I know for a fact that when the Chinese, Vietnamese, East Indian (who some that are darker than some of the black folk here), and other ethnic groups who immigrated here, worked their asses off and did what they had to do with the very little rights they had and actaully pulled through and ended up owning businesses, having the highest level of education and made names for themselves. Now why can't black people here do the same? Well, here are number of reasons why:

For one, they highly depend on the Liberals and Democrats to give them this warm feeling that everything is in good hands as long as it is trusted in the hands of Liberals and Democrats, when the truth of the matter lies behind the fact that Democrats don't encourage them to pull their weight, stop using race as an excuse for success, leave family guidance and morale to the side (after all, Bill Clinton was po' black folk's daddy), and brainwash them into thinking that communism is going to solve all the problems when in fact it'll only make things worse for blacks (after all, with communism, who needs to work hard?).
The second and foremost reason is because white liberals use their aethist, communist, anything goes, anarchist delusional theory driven ideas to confuse African Americans to believing that as long as they're poor and black, they can be used as puppets for deranged liberal marketing.

So, if African Americans actually think that the Democrats or the radical liberals are going to make things better for them, then they better start rethinking why they go to church, why they're in America and not in Africa and why they don't need schools at all. Because as far as I'm concerned, it's not the African Americans who are the aethists, it's not the African Americans who are doing pcp and cocaine and it's not the African-American Americans who are planning to go back to Africa anytime soon.
Even Bill Cosby will agree that a good portion of what I said is
true. He even made a speech about it in front of African Americans about a year ago. And there's a book out there called "White Liberals, Black Rednecks" written by African American Thomas Sowell, explaining why white liberalism and the Democrats are dumbing down black folk in America. So if some of you people want, you can say that I'm wrong or racist but think about it first. If Bill Cosby and Thomas Sowell are saying the same things, then I guess the only racist lies within yourselvs.
2 days ago - Report Abuse

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2006-11-16 13:18:47 · answer #1 · answered by Dan L 2 · 5 3

Has this one drop rule issue been outlawed/scrapped/ updated in the US? I am pretty sure no government in the US since its birth has seriously made efforts to discuss this matter openly and seriously with a view to abolishing it. This tells me something about the US, why would this one drop rule still be in existence? And more importantly why have you not researched this yourself?, I just have and I do not live in the US. You posted this question earlier, clearly the answers you received, you did not appreciate or take on board. I now believe you to be a "subtle" troll, trying to dress up a question as serious one, your not that interested, if you were, you would have researched a little on the one drop rule like I just have. The one drop rule was not put in place by Black people, if you had researched the origins you would know this, so why focus on only Black people, I am not saying none of your points do not have a hint of truth, it is just interesting how your focus is only on Black people, then attempt to justify your question with "I am half Black". Block me report me, I am not intending to be rude, I am just curious as too your real intentions posting this question twice. Edit: This one drop rule was Designed in part for the purpose of more slaves back in the day, since slavery was outlawed you would think this silly little rule would also be outlawed. What pivotal role are you playing to change things since your so concerned?

2016-05-21 21:45:27 · answer #2 · answered by Karin 4 · 0 0

I'm not sure what your question is although you make some really good points. There IS racism though, yes it can be directed against whites, yes there much more opportunity for minorities than say 20, 30 years ago. I just have a problem with "white people have to work just as hard". That isn't always true unfortunately. I wish it were. And if we AREN'T talking about the U.S. then it MOST definitely isn't true.

I'll go even further (and get some thumbs down i'm sure) by saying we would not be having all this attention paid to "illegal immigration" if what we were getting was a lot of white people coming here from Canada.

I do agree with you on one thing I think you're saying: it's better for anyone (minority or not) to work hard, get an education, and fight for themselves instead of being a victim.

2006-11-16 13:18:00 · answer #3 · answered by clueless_nerd 5 · 4 4

I don't believe all white men are racist that would be very ignorant. However, I do believe that racism or prejudice is alive and well in all ethnic communities. I believe there is a stigma against whites due to a history of past racism (i.e Jim Crow laws and slavery). Although, things have changed throughout the years there is still a belief that whites see themselves as superior and white men especially get things easier. Hopefully as our society becomes more tolerant we will coexist in a happier existence.

2006-11-16 13:17:49 · answer #4 · answered by ?Erroneous? 4 · 4 1

What is this thing that blacks are poor and all in bad neighborhoods and poor and stuff. Sure you have homeless blacks and whites, hungry blacks and whites, druggie blacks and white, poverty stricken blacks and whites, criminals that are blacks and whites. WHERE IS THE DIFFERENCE.

And if you ask me there is more Black sports stars, Singing Stars, Actors, Politicians, Teachers (and more) than ever before. Some of these sport stars and rap stars make more money in one season or one concert than we do in a lifetime. How is that fair?
They are good in sports and singing and we are good as CEO's and Big Business. Who is making more money here?

2006-11-16 13:21:39 · answer #5 · answered by Nevada Pokerqueen 6 · 3 1

I wasn't born rich that's for sure, though life was better for our family in my teens. Poor people, no matter the color, can get federal aid. What sucks is that you have to be VERY poor to get it. I'm not opposed to people who wish to give scholarships to non-whites if they want to, they are simply trying to encourage groups of people that do not go to college to go. There are no shortage of scholarships for people who look- I have benefitted from several because I have a) done work in the community
b) am descended from Irish immigrants c) have a relative who was Native American d) have worked my butt off in school to keep an excellent GPA. e) spent alot of time applying and writing essays
There are scholarships for white people based on origin of family, even if you are white, you just have to look

2006-11-16 13:14:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I am not a racist, I am white, I think that race does not matter but here in the US. there are many many more things to help out the other races! I have some good nature "African American" Friends but most of them get offend by that title... My one friend says I am Black I am not African American I am just an American!!!

I also many other friends that are a differnt rase but none of thet matter we all have lots in common!

2006-11-16 13:14:31 · answer #7 · answered by Adam D. 6 · 3 1

Think about somebody who's black. He lives in a very trashy small town, he's poor and he doesn't get to shower every night like you do. He was born like this.

Now, imagine him walking into the local Kmart looking for a job. He, barely clothed, smelling like the streets, is immediately escorted out of the building.

Think about it, you and I have more opportunity than that. It's not 100% about race, but I'm just using this as an example. A lot of black people are less fortunate than caucasions, though. When you really think about it, black people are mistreated as well. They're frowned upon, and often resort to criminality.

Though it's no excuse, they still have less opportunity, weather you want to admit it or not. That's why.

2006-11-16 13:12:56 · answer #8 · answered by Harsh Noise Wall 4 · 4 5

We don't fault the white community for being born white, but there is truth to the fact that on this planet- being white DOES have more advantages and resources for you. It is hard to explain to someone white of course, because you have never walked in the shoes of a person of color. Just the images we see on magazines, on television, in movies, etc. shows what advantages you have. No there is no lynching, no different fountains, but there is institutional and mental racism.

I teach Black children (2nd grade). The images they consider beautiful are typically lighter skin, and long straight hair ... they are so young, and already they see the advantage white people have in this world. They are considered beautiful and smart from birth. And that carries a lot of weight throughout life.

2006-11-16 13:14:46 · answer #9 · answered by Recreantess 2 · 3 5

Even though I'm not white! I understand you! I have seen a lot of this! It seems unfair how some people don't get it that they shouldn't judge people by ethnicity but by how they act!

2006-11-16 13:10:49 · answer #10 · answered by Dan =] 3 · 5 1

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