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How would you like having your member cut off? I guess there's nothing wrong with that either?

2006-11-16 12:59:18 · answer #1 · answered by Mrs. Bass 7 · 4 3

Mutilation is mutilation, whither it happens to a girl or a boy, and it is wrong. In those countries where the girls are mutilated and in many more countries that do not mutilate girls, boys are gathered together and mutilated in groups of dozens at a time they all "share" the same rusty knife on the same filthy cot one after the other...AND NOBODY GIVES A DAMN..because they say it is not so bad for a boy or they think there is some benefit. After 50 years of being circumcised I know THERE ARE NO BENEFITS to being circumcised, and I was circumcised in a hospital not in a vermin filled shack.

Both male and female circumcisions were intended to remove as much pleasure as possible from sex. So people wouldn't waste so much time on sex and devote more time to work and prayer. If they removed any more from a male he would not function and there would be no more children to serve in the kings army or for the church. Females only have to receive the sperm to be reproductive so they do not not need as much "pleasure" from sex to function. That is why the female circumcision seems more extreme. If a man could father children without his glans they would have removed that too!

We circumcised our son 30 years ago, we hope he never hates us and we pray that God can forgive us for harming a child.

It should be pointed out that female circumcisions are normally carried out by female members of the clan.

As long as mutilation is allowed in this county, who are we to tell the rest of the world what is wrong?

2006-11-17 18:14:13 · answer #2 · answered by cut50yearsago 6 · 1 0

All Circumcision is uncalled for (okay there is that once in 100 Million time there is a medical condition or birth defect but bare with me on this) as humans (and other animals) are born this form, it does not benefit health (the oposite is true) and it desensitizes the person physically (there are nerves severed,.. it just screws up how a circumcisioned body feels and reacts to things,.. really,.. go half some limb or atleast fingers and toes loped off and see how your nervous system tries to cope).

"They" are very few people in Africa on a percentage base. There are probably more "they" in the rest of the world.

Another thing people like "they" do is try to sew closed all openings connected to reproductive and urinary tract. And then those who have had this done to them by "they" end up dieing from complications from this or loseing things like their ablity to reproduce, an organ, the need for a tube to take the waste out of their body, cancer, infections, lose of pieces of their body,.. etc.

So those of "them" who "they" have done this to tend to have relatively short lives.

There is also more then one way the/a circumcision can be on a female. Some remove the clitoris, some remove the libia, some remove both,.. some remove part of these,... some times other things are done.

2006-11-16 13:14:10 · answer #3 · answered by sailortinkitty 6 · 2 1

No; it's more of a women's choice than a man's right to tell a women to remove part of her virgina. Female circumcision is a ritual that has been practiced throughout tribes for centuries. But I don't know if it's appropriate or healthy to practice for fun. Unless for some reason is tames the woman's sex drive, I wouldn't do so. It's illegally practiced and done to girls at an early. There are no sterile tools. Women girls are often forced to bare the pain without any antiseptics. The whole clitoris is cut out
That's why Model Imon is a spokeperson for this act. She herself a victum of the procedure. This atrocity didnt't stop her from getting a career, modeling and coming back to stand up for other victims in her country. She is feel it is urgent for women in her country to be aware of their rights to not be uncircumcised.
Most Men in Europe are uncircumcised. They choose not to cut their foreskin. They still sleep with women who are aware that they are not circumcised. A relationship, even marriage, is still persistant in a relationship with uncircumcised men. Most European are excepting of an uncircumcised penis as some American women and women all over the years have done with men of their native country.

2006-11-16 22:21:36 · answer #4 · answered by Gountha aka Triana 2 · 0 0

Circumcision is mutilation, and it is wrong, whether it happens to a girl or to a boy. In the countries where girls are mutilated and in many more countries where girls are not mutilated, they mutilate groups of dozens of boys, they all share the same rusty knife on the same filthy cot..AND NOBODY GIVES A DAMN.. because they think it is not so bad for a boy or they say there is some benefit to the boy for having it done. After fifty years of experience at being circumcised; I know there is no benefit to being circumcised, and I was circumcised in a hospital not in a vermin infested shack.

Circumcision came about to remove as much pleasure from sex as possible, so people wouldn’t be so interested in sex all the time and be willing to spend more time working in the fields, or serving in the army, or worshiping G*d. If they removed anymore from a man, his glans for example, he would not function and he could not produce any offspring to man the army of the king or to work in his fields or to serve G*d. The female has only to receive the sperm to reproduce, so the removal of pleasure can be more extreme.

Female mutilation is normally carried out by the older females of the clan; who, like their counterparts the circumcised males, often see themselves as being improved and this is something that must be done. The male children are mutilated by the circumcised adult males.

These barbaric cruelties to children of either sex have no place in an enlightened world.
That what diminishes the least among us in the least way, diminishes me; for no man is an island, entire of itself...any man's torture diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the torturer calls; he calls for thee. .

While female mutilation is physically more extreme, both are equally morally wrong. As long as mutilation is condoned in this country, who are we to tell the rest of the world
what they do is wrong?

2006-11-20 11:34:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

lady circumcision is definitely barbaric! that's some distance diverse than male circumcision in that her exhilaration midsection isn't in effortless terms wiped out, yet mutilated inflicting an entire host of different issues. the only reason that's executed on women human beings is by way of the fact the lads think of they're so greater suitable and don't choose their women human beings to journey any exhilaration. Male circumcision is executed for totally diverse motives and in no way impacts their exhilaration. women all human beings isn't circumcised for scientific motives, men are. In countries the place hygiene is a controversy, that's perfect for a male to be circumcised (I won't get into all that) and in the event that they run into issues while they're older, it relatively is far greater painful to circumcise them then. in recent times, maximum men are actually not circumcised except the mum and dad request it, or perhaps then, it relatively is confusing to locate a doctor which will do it. women all human beings isn't circumcised in civilized countries. it relatively is merciless and ineffective.

2016-10-15 15:50:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firstly it is exceedingly painful, carries a great risk of infeaction and also permenantly mains somebody.
It basically removes all the parts of a woman that feel physical pleasure in sex. It also makes birth and sex very painful. Finally it significantly increases the risk of a problem during giving birth which may result in the death of the woman or baby.

Just because people do something somewhere in the world does not make it right. The practice cannibalism in some places and that is certainly bad!

2006-11-16 13:09:21 · answer #7 · answered by monkeymanelvis 7 · 3 0

People who re involve in female circumcision ve thier reasons which may be religious or cultural or both. they should ve the right and freedom to do what they feel is good since they dont question other cultures about what they do; sleeping wth a man/woman u re not married, exposed nakedness in the name of dressing, encouraging pornography and so on which re against African culture. Africans beleived that if a female is not circumcised, she ll be loose; i.e sleeping around, always itching to sleep wth men. no wonder a lot of these "white"girls on the net ve thrown caution to the wind. therefore, they ve their reasons and u cant change it by imposing yr own culture on them but by persuasion. My own stance is that men should be circumcised and woman should embrasing goldly life and wait till they re married b/4 sleeping wth any man. This acceptable to God and good for all men and women.

2006-11-16 21:46:50 · answer #8 · answered by adegoke_joshua 2 · 0 1

Circumcision of women is mutilation, plain and simple. The mental and physical effects are there for life, and many of them die from it at some point. And- for the books- just because something is being done somewhere in the world doesn't make it right. Try educating yourself on various practices before defending them.

2006-11-16 13:12:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Female circumcision is not like male circumcision where only skin is removed, it involves the removal of the clitoris so that the female cannot enjoy sexual stimulation. It is sexual mutilation.
These acts are done in unsanitary conditions with little or no anesthesia.
At least male cutting has some legitimate benefit, female cutting is only a means of dominating women. The mental scarring of the event itself is nearly as harmful as the cutting .

2006-11-16 13:00:30 · answer #10 · answered by ©2009 7 · 8 2

Because it stops the female enjoying sex.

Because females have bled to death as a result.

Because it's not a cleanliness issue as it is with males.

It has been banned in most of Africa now too.

2006-11-16 20:10:31 · answer #11 · answered by Dotty 4 · 0 1

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