According to, chattingly is, in fact, a word.
Microsoft Word has a lot of errors in their dictionary, by the way, because they say that a LOT of things aren't words, when, as a matter of fact, they are.
2006-11-16 09:28:44
answer #1
answered by m0V3_aL0nG aDD!cT *// 2
Chattingly isn't a word. From Webster's Dictionary:
Synonyms babble, burble, cackle, chatter, chin-chin, clack, clatter, ||dish, dither, gab, gabble, ||gas, jaw, ||natter, patter, prate, prattle, rattle, run on, smatter, talk, tinkle, twaddle, twiddle, twitter, yak, yakety-yak, yammer, yatter; compare CONVERSE
Related Word yap; blab, gossip; gush, lallygag; confabulate
Idioms beat one's gums, ||chew the fat (or rag), ||shoot (or bat) the breeze, ||shoot (or sling) the bull
Contrasted Words discourse, expound; declaim, harangue, hold forth, orate, preach
Synonyms CONVERSE, chin, colloque, talk, visit, yarn...
2006-11-16 17:32:46
answer #2
answered by Andrew 2
I looked up "chatterbox, chatty, thesaurus, adverb" and got
the following from bartleby/roget's thesaurus [I would use chatty or babbling, since adjectives have more impact than adverbs]
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties
Division (II) Communication of Ideas
Section III. Means of Communicating Ideas
2. Spoken Language
584. Loquacity.
NOUN: LOQUACITY, loquaciousness, effusion; talkativeness &c. adj.; garrulity; multiloquence, much speaking.
GABBLE, gab [colloq.], jaw [low], hot air [slang]; jabber, chatter; prate, prattle, cackle, clack; twaddle, twattle, rattle, caquet [F.], caquetterie [F.], blabber, bavardage [F.], bibble-babble, gibble-gabble; small talk (converse) [See Interlocution]; Babel.
FLUENCY, flippancy, volubility, flowing tongue; flow, - of words; flux de -bouche, - mots [F.]; copia verborum [L.], cacoëthes loquendi [L.]; furor loquendi [L.]; verbosity (diffuseness) [See Diffuseness]; gift of the gab (eloquence) [See Speech].
TALKER; chatterer, chatterbox; babbler &c. v.; rattle; “agreeable rattle” [Goldsmith]; ranter; sermonizer, proser, driveler or driveller, blatherskite [colloq., U. S.], blab, jaw-box [slang], gas-bag [slang], wind-bag [slang], hot-air artist [slang]; gossip (converse) [See Interlocution]; magpie, jay, parrot, poll or polly; moulin à paroles [F.].
VERB: BE LOQUACIOUS &c. adj.; talk glibly, pour forth, patter; prate, palaver, prose, maunder, chatter, blab, gush, prattle, clack, jabber, jaw [low], shoot one’s mouth off [slang]; blather, blatter, blether; rattle, - on; twaddle, twattle; babble, gabble; outtalk; talk oneself -out of breath, - hoarse; talk -, run on- like a mill race; have one’s tongue hanging in the middle and wagging at both ends; talk the hind legs off a mule, talk one deaf and dumb, clack like a hen, go on forever; expatiate (speak at length) [See Diffuseness]; gossip (converse) [See Interlocution]; din in the ears (repeat) [See Repetition]; talk at random, talk nonsense [See Absurdity]; be hoarse with talking.
ADJECTIVE: LOQUACIOUS, talkative, garrulous, linguacious [obs.], multiloquent or multiloquous; chattering &c. v.; chatty (sociable) [See Sociality]; declamatory [See Speech]; open-mouthed.
FLUENT, voluble, glib, flippant; long-tongued, long-winded (diffuse) [See Diffuseness].
ADVERB: GLIBLY &c. adj.; trippingly on the tongue.
2006-11-16 17:34:15
answer #4
answered by emilynghiem 5