I am toying with " Play-dough"
2006-11-16 09:22:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
OK, I was going to stay out of this, but I have to answer that IDIOT who asked how monkeys could still be here if evolution happened. She obviously has no idea what she's talking about and she's making the intelligent creationists (assuming there ARE any) look bad. First of all, no REAL scientist would ever state that humans evolved from the monkeys we have today. Humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor which is now extinct. As for why they evolved into two separate species, it's probably because they were split into two groups for some reason (migrated in different directions, caught on opposite sides of a river, etc) and were unable to mix for many generations. Since they couldn't breed together, and may well have been in different environments with different criteria for survival, they evolved in different directions.
I'd also like to point out to the people that believe everything was created exactly as it is and can't change that humans domesticated the dog from wolves mere millennia ago, and we've already managed to breed poodles. For that matter, penicillin was developed less than a century ago, and bacteria have already adapted and become resistant. Things change! Anyone who claims we can't see evolution around us is deliberately not looking for it.
2006-11-16 17:37:40
answer #2
answered by Amy F 5
I honestly don't believe in a God. The very idea is something made up by someone a long time ago. I don't believe in a God for a few reasons. The first being, think about it. How can one person have that much power to make everything? Think about this, nothing was just created out of mid-air. What we have today came from something that previously existed, hence, evolution.
I don't need someone to tell me that we were "created" by a God or "the" God. Time shows us what has happened.
Think about this while you contemplate your project of Creation vs. Evolution. If there was a God, where did he come from? He/she couldn't have just existed throughout time. People argue that we didn't evolve from primeapes, why? Is it so hard to believe that modern science has proven that there is reasoning behind everything that exists now? The people who argue that we were created don't see what's really in front of them, the truth. They hate the idea that they were lied to for their entire life. They cling on to that idea of there being a God because that's the only thing that keeps them moving in life. They created the Bible to show people there is something to look forward to in life. They hated the idea that they didn't know where they came from or why they are here. So they made up the belief of a God so people would strive for something that never existed in the first place. They believe in a God who will be waiting for them in the afterlife. I have a question for them, how do you know what happens after you die?
Just because something's written in a book doesn't mean its true. Just use common sense. There is no almight creator. There is facts. If you cling on to the idea of there being a God and look to the Bible for guidance. then I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you've been mislead. You have followed a "faith" that was based on lies. If you need proof that we came from evolution, look towards the ice age. That showed the very first prehistoric humans. People evolved from other beings. We didn't show up out of nowhere.
2006-11-16 17:45:11
answer #3
answered by † ¯|¯igerz ßlood † 3
it would depend on your religion i personally am not decided on what choice would be but i enjoy all of the different varieties of cultures that have there own ideas. some people don't respect that others might have been made/created by someone different then they believe. some people are so narrow minded these days and are afraid to look behind the door they've locked themselves in at other peoples choices and beliefs.
i think there are possibilities in both choices:
everyone has there own belief of how we were created. i favor the Navajo story of creation myself. but i am open to new ideas of how and why we were put on earth.
there are some very sound facts in this possibility and i think that it could be possible.
My choice is creation (like i said i am undecided but i lean a bit closer to this one. i think it is a very creative way of showing where we come from and i personally am curious but there really will be no possible way to prove where we cam from unless we can speak to out great x a bunch of numbers grandmother. which is impossible in this day an age. good luck on your project. thx for the 2 points! :)
2006-11-16 17:53:32
answer #4
answered by roseeee 3
You are assuming the two are mutually exclusive. Evolution does not rule out the existence of God. It describes the how, not the why.
It is reasonable to say..."God created the universe and the natural laws of the universe. Evolution is the natural consequence of those natural laws" Many Christian hold this belief. There is plenty of evidence to show that evolution did occur and is real, to deny it, would be to deny all of science (there is more evidence for evolution than there is for gravity).
If someone says, "that is not what the bible says", respond that, like many stories in the bible, the story of creation is allegorical and not literal. The story is meant to teach and convey a message, not enumberate the actual process.
2006-11-16 17:29:21
answer #5
answered by Wundt 7
There are no facts to support creationism, it is a faith based belief. A belief is nothing more than what one is certain of, it my not be true at all. There are some facts about evolution, but there are gaps there too. Perhaps G-d created evolution, and continues its progression today.
2006-11-16 17:29:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's quite obvious we evolved because of fossils of apes with speech centrres of the brain developing. If we were created, God was drunk at the time!
2006-11-16 17:38:54
answer #7
answered by Pope Barley 4
We were created by God. We are way to intelligent and complex being to have came from a little molecule or a big blast or whatever those atheists believe. This world around us is just simply to beautiful and complex to be an accident. We were created by intelligent design. That is the basic fact.
Some more: And if we came from monkeys, than why are monkeys still around? Darwin's theory has been pr oven wrong many times. Scientists still can't find that "missing link" after all this time.
Creation is the truth!
2006-11-16 17:26:36
answer #8
answered by mandamandapanda 3
Evolution is real; creation is a myth. Look it up online at Wikepedia.
2006-11-16 17:25:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Creation, of course.
The complexity of creation defies any answer but a divine Creator.
The day I see a junk yard assemble a brand new 2007 model car, randomly without a creator, I'll believe in evolution.
Most of our lives is lived in faith, and it takes a lot more faith to believe in evolution that it does to believe in creation.
Evolution is nothing more than the fanciful imaginations of warped reasoning by those who choose to harden their hearts against their Creator. They want to be gods themselves. Just like Satan did.
How so-called intellegent minds can believe such garbage is beyond me. It is utterly ridiculous!!!
2006-11-16 17:39:58
answer #10
answered by delmaanna67 5
Structural similarities and variation in living creatures
The fossil record
Molecular genetics and genome maps
2006-11-16 21:39:14
answer #11
answered by novangelis 7