Go over your finances and determine if you can sustain your current lifestyle until the (advancement) comes your way. Or, determine if you are willing to reduce your standard of living for a while. If either of the two are doable for you, congratulations! Not many people these days are doing what they love.
2006-11-16 05:36:51
answer #1
answered by BRENDA T 1
Yes, I would. No amount of money is worth your peace of mind, and if you're going to be happier taking the job that pays less, I say go for it. You can always stretch your budget or pick up a part-time job while you're just getting started at your new job, and like you said, there will be lots of room for advancement soon, so the $7,000 paycut will probably be rather temporary. If I could get a job doing what I really want to do, I'd quit my job right this instant, even if the other job only paid me half of what I'm making here.
2006-11-16 05:40:00
answer #2
answered by fizzygurrl1980 7
DO IT! For two reasons. First is, you don’t like your job, and you have platueatu’d where you are. No where to go.
And Secondly, it sounds as though the pay cut would be temporary. If you budget, or have the support of family or friends, you can make it through until an increase can happen. So with a little patience you can have your dream job, AND the pay you are used to (and probably more).
Of course, I am saying this as a single adventurous person who has changed careers once already, and changed cities twice in the last 5 years…
2006-11-16 05:39:24
answer #3
answered by a_theangel 1
If you like it more you should take it, it would be much more pleasant. But if you need the money more than the pleasure you should stick with your current job, if your dream job can pay you better in a while like your current job you should take it. It depends on a load of stuff. You should rather ask your parents or older family who has the experience, they could have the answer to your question.
2006-11-16 05:41:31
answer #4
answered by chipmonkforever 2
I would take it. If there is room for advancement (and soon), you could find yourself at a higher paying job later. Just take what you can get. You can always ask for a raise later. Plus, it sounds like a great work environment.
2006-11-16 05:39:39
answer #5
answered by Chris 2
Take it without a hint of doubt. Money, while nice, doesn't always bring happiness and contentment. Do what will fulfill you as a person. It will bring much more balance, happiness and fulfillment than the $7000 will.
2006-11-16 05:39:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Will you be happier in the long term?Can you afford to take the temporary pay cut? If you answer yes to both questions,I think you should go for it.
2006-11-16 05:36:35
answer #7
answered by kalusz 4
It comes down to finances. Can you afford the pay cut? if the answer is yes then go for it.
2006-11-16 05:42:17
answer #8
answered by Billy FZ1 5
If your sure its your dream job take it. Working at what you love is worth a lot.
2006-11-16 05:37:16
answer #9
answered by stoneman 2
I would take it....the problem is my dream job is retirement at 40
2006-11-16 05:33:33
answer #10
answered by True101 4