Of course this sounds like a good idea - when does not making more money not sound like a good idea? Only thing is, with employers having to jump minimum to $7.25, we'll end up seeing the results in higher product and living costs so minimum wage earners are back to not making enough for living expenses.
2006-11-16 05:33:01
answer #1
answered by Ms. Joanna Craig 1
It hasn't been raised for almost 10 years. So it is probably about right to stay current with inflation.
And for everyone against it. Most of your logic would mean a minimum wage of $1 would make the economy great. The truth is, you must find a good balance where the minimum wage is high enough to allow people to live off it, but not make it so high it hurts the economy. Many states already have minimum wages near $7-8 an hour. So it is a level that has been proven to work.
2006-11-16 05:31:48
answer #2
answered by Take it from Toby 7
It will hurt the economy. Not many people think about the fact that almost allunion contract give salary based on minimum wage. Therefore, if we raise the minimum wage $1 all union workers also get a raise of a dollar. American industry cannot take that big of a hit and will be forced to cut labor by having layoffs. If the congress manages to create a law that raises minimum wage without affecting union contracts I would be all for it.
2006-11-16 05:30:54
answer #3
answered by Rorshach4u 3
I am totally sure this isn't just a democrat thing I consider myself to be very liberal but I don't think raising the min wage will solve the problem people who have worked for years to earn what they do now will be stuck with new hires that make the same they took years to earn. Removing some taxes might help better than raising the min wage like taxes on food etc the necessities.
2006-11-16 05:31:22
answer #4
answered by serenity_may 2
It's about time but still not enough.
In 1968 the min wage was $1.60/hr which is equivalent to well over $9/hr in today's dollars (the current min wage is $5.15/hr).
Congress should push for a min wage that gradually increases to at least $9.25/hr over the next 4yrs and automatically readjusts (over a 4 yr period) every 4yrs according to the avg inflation of the last 8 yr period.
This is really a simple calculation. It makes min wage predictable, understandable and equitable.
BTW - in 2005 the median price for a home in the US was $190,000.
A couple (husband/wife) working 40hrs a week (@9.25/hr), every week for the entire yr could barely afford a home worth $115,000 (that's if they have the 20% down and other funds for closing cost.) With today's min wage that couple could barely afford a home worth $38,000.
Over 90% of the world have min wage laws. All first world nations have min wage laws. No first world nation has experienced dramatic inflation or unemployment due a gradual increase in min wages. In fact most tend to see an increase in production, efficiency, and worker productivity resulting in more competition nd better products.
2006-11-16 06:04:49
answer #5
answered by juan70ahr 3
Well as much as I would like to get paid more, being a teenager making minimum wage, i disagree with it somewhat. I disagree mostly because of the fact that if the wage goes up the price of living will also go up. Also this may harm smaller business like that a work at more than large industries like a McDonalds or a Target.
2006-11-16 05:29:55
answer #6
answered by Eric 2
Well, considering how much the politicians keep raising THEIR salaries, putting them TOTALLY out of touch with the cost of living, I think it's a very good thing. A person making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year can't relate very well to the problems of someone on Social Security who gets $7,200 a year or a minimum wage worker who makes around $1,2000 a year if he or she is lucky enough to get 40 hours a week. What do you think?
Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Be With You,
Cal-el & Swissy
2006-11-16 05:32:33
answer #7
answered by Prodigal Son 4
It will raise with everything else as well. Kinda not fair to the people who in time earned 7.25. Does that mean everyone will get a 2.oo raise as well? Touchy issue..needs to be looked over.
2006-11-16 05:28:44
answer #8
answered by Curious Person 2
I feel like I am thankful that I went to college and got an education, so I can make more than minimum wage.
2006-11-16 05:29:09
answer #9
answered by Local Celebrity 4
Everything is expensive nowadays. It used to be that a young person living with their parents could survive on minimum wage. Now things are so expensive it is impssible to survive on the minimum wage.
2006-11-16 05:52:23
answer #10
answered by pixles 5