Short skirts and jean jackets. Nice idea too b/c she was smokin hot! (I watch Saved By The Bell reruns every morning before work).
2006-11-16 04:11:22
answer #1
answered by Joe Somebody 6
Wear either a short skirt with leggings
straight legged jeans and a bright, maybe floral designed tank top....crop top...jean jacket
hoops earings
either wavy hair down and kida flipped in areas
or a side ponytail
or wavy/flipped hair IN a side ponytail
Tank tops that were banded at the bottom a la ugly maternity shirts of the 80s
Mini skirts featuring the ever-so-flattering princess waist. Aka the "v" . The "v" that makes your belly look as big as possible. Because big bellies were cool.
Lady- neck ties attached to blouses. Like the ones Teri Garr wears in Mr. Mom. Like the ones everyone's mom is wearing in the family portrait taken in 1982.
Knit blazers. Don't ask.
Jean backpacks
Skinny jeans with zippers on the bottom. Because who knows when your ankles are going to need to go out for a walk.
=] =]
hope i helped
ooohhh one more thing
SHOES- CONVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-11-16 12:24:05
answer #2
answered by samantha 2
She always wore those tight pants that looked like a bunch of paint cans spilled on them, plus a belly tshirt and a jean jacket over it! Oh, and semi big hoop earings!
2006-11-16 12:11:44
answer #3
answered by Jon C 6
long dark brown wig or if you have long dark brown hair with bangs curl them 80's style flare out the sides. black mini skirt, shirt that comes off the sholders ( cut the neck out of an over sized sweat shirt) put a tank top underneath. leg warmers
2006-11-16 12:17:52
answer #4
answered by Nikki R 2
A tight mini skirt with leggings and a crop top.
And there's always the red and white cheerleaders outfit.
2006-11-16 12:12:55
answer #5
answered by damesha 3
You should totally wear like stretch pants and a cropped jacket. And cropped jackets are back in right now so it shouldnt be hard to find one. Take a look at this,com_browse/task,product/product_id,2213/
2006-11-16 12:29:38
answer #6
answered by Celebstyle11 2
that is such a cute idea i used to watch that show every day and like you i wanted my you could do that little Kelly low side pony tail she did and wear blue jeans and do that little roll up thing where you like pull your pants legs tight then roll them up a little bit and wear those plain canvas
2006-11-16 12:11:34
answer #7
answered by CRYSTAL S 6
that's a good idea! that was my show back in the day too. try and find a pair of leggings and put it with a sweatshirt.
2006-11-16 12:15:31
answer #8
answered by loveable_cancer83 2
I would recommend getting online and trying to find images of her and work your outfit from there. Good Luck!!! It sounds fun!
2006-11-16 14:56:33
answer #9
answered by MIA 4
leggings, stirrups, and cut off the shoulder sweatshirts!
2006-11-16 12:19:12
answer #10
answered by Student12345 2