I tried foaming pipe snake but it didn't work, should I try something else? or should I call a plumber? thank you very much
7 answers
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Home & Garden
➔ Maintenance & Repairs
I live in military housing so I am not sure
21:35:35 ·
update #1
No there is no garbage disposal, thank you though and thank you for the prayers it is appreciated :)
02:19:04 ·
update #2
take apart the trap under the sink. You will be able to see where the hose from the dishwasher drain connects to the trap. clean it out. the trap is easy to take apart and put back together, just mind the washers. if that doesnt work, the try a product called liquid fire. it is almost straight sulferic acid. very strong. will not damage plastic though. follow directions closely, it is very dangerous. you can get it at any hardware store. It also smells bad (like rotton eggs) so vent well.
2006-11-16 04:16:37
answer #1
answered by Dave 3
I have seen this problem before, and it usually is a clogged drain from your disposal. The desposal is never a problem with clogging (as one person suggested).
If you are handy with tools and not afraid to try this, remove the drain hose from dishwasher at disposal. Get a bucket, put dishwasher in "Drain" mode, and let dishwasher drain out. Then, reconnect hose securly. Remember, drain hose of dishwasher MUST be raised as high as possible to avoid backwash into it. If it isn't, get some twist tie or tape and secure it above the disposal. About 30'' from floor is reccomended.
Now, you've drained the dishwasher, try running the disposal with water in it. If the water doesnt drain, check the "P-Trap", thats the "U" shaped pipe that sits at the very bottom of sink under the disposal. Remove the trap and look for food blockage. If none is visible, get a flashlight and look inot the drain pipe going from the P-trap. It most likely is in your drain.
Two food items that will definately cause you a blockage after having them disposed of in garbage disposal, carrots and salary. Also, coffee grounds will clog your drain. If you recall doing any of those, get something to rod out the drain and reconnect pipes and test.
If it works, you probably just saved $100.00 in charges. Good luck
2006-11-16 03:50:34
answer #2
answered by Stop NWO 2
There's a couple of things you can try before calling the plumber.
The first thing is to try heating a small pot of water on the stove, look under the sink and find the "P-Trap". Place the hot water over this (if it's a grease plug then this will melt it) If it does not then you can easily disassemble the trap and manually remove the blockage. If that doesn't clear the problem then you should call in the plumber.
I salute you for your service and hold you in my prayers.
2006-11-15 22:45:12
answer #3
answered by opie with an attitude 3
DO YOU HAVE A GARBAGE DIPOSAL if so thats the problem usually the tailpiece coming from oppisite of disposal has a baffle in it and clogs right there or in the trap
place BIG pan or bucket under trap unscrew nuts and be careful water may poor out if clug is in tail piece water will just trickle out if in trap will poor out ALL OF IT is it a double bowl sink
2006-11-16 01:36:09
answer #4
answered by jdebord1976 3
Since the dishwasher could be the culpert here, yes, call the plumber. He may have to remove the dishwasher, I've had to in the past. Good luck
2006-11-15 21:26:00
answer #5
answered by cowboydoc 7
If you live in military housing, doesn't the military maintain the buildings? For heaven's sake call for maintenance. Your drain is blocked and needs to be snaked out. Quit wasting your money on things that will not work and have someone who knows what to do take care of it.
2006-11-16 18:39:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Do you have a septic tank or city sewer ? Could be the septic tank is full. Try meratic acid down the sink (It won't take much)
2006-11-15 21:30:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous