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since they breath normal air like us how do they sleep in the water

2006-11-15 20:18:07 · 5 answers · asked by abouterachess 4 in Science & Mathematics Biology

okey how do they rest in the water and how do thet still manage to go up and get air whie they are half asleep ???

2006-11-15 20:21:23 · update #1

5 answers

G'day abouterachess,

Thank you for your question.

Dolphins sleep with half their brain switched on and with one eye open. They breathe normally as they are above water. They cannot breather until they are conscious.They decide to take naps at various times of the day and their body shuts down. They sleep for eight hours a day on and off. They have very little if any REM sleep associated with dreaming.

They have various options for sleeping namely:

a) swimming slowly and surfacing every now and then for a breath; or

b) rest at the surface with their blowhole exposed; or

c) sleeping at the bottom in shallow water and rising now and again to breathe.

I have attached sources for your reference.


2006-11-15 20:54:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1.) Dolphins do sleep, but not quite in the same way that people do. They sleep with one half of the brain at a time and with one eye closed. Dolphins rest this way on and off throughout the day, switching which side of the brain they shut down. During these periods, everything inside the dolphin slows down, and the mammal moves very little.

2.) Due to the fact that dolphins are conscious breathers, they cannot sleep the same way terrestrial mammals sleep. One theory on sleeping in dolphins is that they alternately rest each half of their brain for 2-3 minute intervals throughout the course of the day. Dolphins have cross-ocular connections like humans do, so they may close one eye when resting the opposing side of their brain. Therefore, half of their brain remains alert, enabling them to surface when they need to breathe and constantly be aware of predators. Dolphins sleep about 30% of their day (very similar to the amount needed by humans), but they do not have an extended sleep period.

Hope this answer suffices. All the best.

2006-11-16 04:31:36 · answer #2 · answered by Balaji N 2 · 0 0

Dolphins sleep one side of the brain then the other. While they're doing this they swim like a zombie. Sperm whales are really cool, they go about a body length straight down and grab about an hours sleep. A whole pod looks like a forest.

2006-11-16 04:22:12 · answer #3 · answered by foogill 4 · 1 0

Acutally dolphins don't sleep quite like humans. Half their brain goes to sleep at a time.

2006-11-16 04:19:58 · answer #4 · answered by xx_muggles_xx 6 · 0 0

they dont sleep really...they rest......

2006-11-16 04:19:25 · answer #5 · answered by Lisa 5 · 0 1

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