Well his mind sure isn't working like yours, A healthy 19 year old males mind is going to be filled with thoughts of sex, thoughts of passion, thoughts of strength and bravery. He will probably be very loyal in a relationship because he will equate the pleasures of sex with the passion of Love, thats if he is a virgin, or at least an un experienced lover. If he has had a lot of woman in his life, then he has had his illusions of Love and Sex busted, he then is most likely just looking to get laid. Just remember that for men, sex is a very powerful drug, I mean that seriously, Most men get upset, grumpy, even violent if they have sex with-held from them in a relationship.
2006-11-15 19:10:03
answer #1
answered by amara 2
Being that is was a 19 year old male and that I have and 18 year old son and tht I am woking witha 20 year old guy through socil services, I think I can help you. When you are a guy that is around 19 you think that you know everything life has to offer you think you can take on the big bd world, you are full of piss and vinegar to put it mildly and you are basically a selfish little bast**d. I don't mean that there isn't any hope but we are very uncaring ve are thinking very romantically, we sure as hell don't have a clue about what life really is, we are in no position to become fathers for at least five years and we make terrible lovers because we are selfish. unfortunately we are just like 15 year olds with bad attitudes more money better looks and nicrs toys. stay clear of the ones who don't hve a plan as far as college and a career are part of the picture. Many 19-20 year olds think they can wor at going no where soon jobs for the rest of thr lives and live in moms basemrnt and drink beer with the boys every night. stay away from those guys they will always be losers. In tens years, the geeky looking colllege boys will be the guys you wish you'd dated because they'l be going somewhere in life, making three tmes what the guy in the basement ever dreamed of as well as dressing nice, he'll have a nice car a house and you might be his wife with your own career or family. I'm forty now and have seen this with my own two eyes, if you don't believe me ask a strange resource your mother or any 40-50 year old woman. I speak the truth Its up to you to use it.
2006-11-15 18:49:46
answer #2
answered by yellowkayak 4
Here's my pet theory and it doesn't matter if you're 15 or 55 or more - if you're male and you are conscious everything you do is subconciously designed to get you laid at some point. Car you drive , underwear you put on, what you do for a living, how you walk and talk, where you go, who you hang with, what your fav beverage is and heaven help us all if some plan works because then we will get obsessed with that behavior or possesion or vocation and it will be the only thing we emphasize. I'm sure all you ladies know at least one good looking guy that you can only name one thing about him. There's that guy that has the hot tub! or that guy plays guitar in the XXX band ! If we get stuck with a situation that detracts from layability , Lets say you're not a corporate big shot, we'll pass over that real quick in the conversation - Yes, I work for ACME Corp. - and end it with something else we think will get us laid - have I shown you my new Corvette? Yes, I'm only 5'6" tall they had a devil of a time fitting me for my new Armani suit. The difference with the 19 year old is he is still building his number of conquests so its in the front of his mind more. Believe me when I tell you at age 58 the thing that still makes my day is some good lookin woman of any age paying attention to me. I'm single - I'm allowed - I like it!
2006-11-15 19:05:59
answer #3
answered by Norman 7
Men are really very simple. From 14 to 25 we want sex pretty much all the time. 25 to 40 we want sex when we aren't asleep or making money. Only after 40 can men and women have a real relationship where sex isn't the dominant motivation.
The problem is that a 19 year old hasn't a clue how to deal with his sex drive and so usually just acts like an idiot around girls.
2006-11-15 17:57:03
answer #4
answered by taotemu 3
A 19 year old male is in his sexual prime of his life. Yes, sex is a big part of his inner thinking. I just would hope to say that they remember to be kind and respectful to all. And for them to be honest with all. Hey maybe they might even have some college work in their head. We hope so.
2006-11-15 17:59:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well a 19 year old guys mind is usually on sex.i know because i was 19 once,and its no different now.their hormones are in high gear that age,and they cant keep their minds above their belts.its just a teen thing.
2006-11-15 18:29:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2006-11-15 17:54:17
answer #7
answered by Dovahkiin 7
4 letters S E X yes i know i said 4
2006-11-15 18:19:06
answer #8
answered by theycallmevic 2
doesn't matter what people answer to that question, because subconsciously you will only notice the ones that support the ideas you already have in mind.
i'd say don't worry about what goes inside that dude's mind and focus on what you want
2006-11-15 17:55:33
answer #9
answered by Tony S 1
2006-11-15 17:53:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous