I was 5 days past my due date (40wks). I was going to be induced that very morning, but luckily mother nature came to my rescue. It's apparently very common to be late for your first. I was so sure I was going to have her a week early too, that I felt like I was 2wks late. Those last few days are the worst, staying up at night wondering if 'tonight is the night', but once your baby is born you have NO time to yourself so pamper you and your big belly all you can in your final pre-baby days!!
2006-11-16 00:46:36
answer #1
answered by MaPetiteHippopotame 4
If the mother is left alone (meaning no medical interventions to speed up the onset of labor, including but not limited to sweeping of membranes, pitocin, cervidel, evening primrose oil, etc) the typical first pregnancy lasts 288 days from the first day of the last period she had before she conceived. That means not 40 weeks, but 41 weeks and 1 day. For a second time mother, the average length of pregnancy is a little less: 40 weeks and 3 days. Pregnancies typically last 2 weeks before or after those dates to be "in range." This information was all gathered by Henci Goer in her book "Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities."
The typical American pregnancy lasts only 39 weeks due to medical intervention. Probably about half the mothers I know are induced to go into labor, including my sister who has been induced 4 out of 5 pregnancies.
I almost forgot to add-- my first pregnancy lasted 39 weeks and 2 days and my second pregnancy was 40 weeks on the nose. But I cheated and had my membranes swept both times. I probably would have gone another day or two with my first and probably close to another week with my second without medical intervention.
2006-11-15 17:57:40
answer #2
answered by I ♥ EC 3
Hey honey it all depends on the baby! I was induced because I was tired of being pregnant and my baby wanted to wait another week, not considering the fact that he already was 1 week to long, but that was my second child, my first baby came right on time, I was afraid because 2 days before I had her, I went to the hospital thinking I was in labor but it turned out to be a false labor, so I was like " when will I know when its real, because the pains I was having hurt like you know what. It was my first baby so I didn't know what to expect, but I knew something was going on when I didn't even get up in the middle of the night for water or anything to eat, which was a routine for me to have a late night, early morning feast So that's my story, but I say let the baby come when its ready unless you can't take it anymore and your doctor is sweetheart like mine was
2006-11-15 17:51:16
answer #3
answered by Ms. Twissta 3
Due June 9 ------- Baby came June 18
Due December 13 ---------- Baby was induced December 3
(medical necessity)
My december baby was 38 weeks and my June baby was 41 weeks. Baby will come when it is ready.
Nature has a wonderful way of knowing what to do next. It truly is an amazing thing
Congratulations..... and good luck!!! you're almost there.
2006-11-15 18:10:10
answer #4
answered by Mrs. Wizard 3
First child came 1 day late..3 1/2 hour labour..2:30 am
Second was 7 days late..3 hour labour...4:30 am
Third was 3 days late..2 hour labour...5:30 pm
Forth one due in March, we will see....
I thank my Mom because she had 3 children, all labours under 2 hours. How blessed are we!!
But no matter if baby arrives early, on-time or late, or how long the labour.....the pregnancy, uncomfortableness, and painful labour ... your little bundle of joy makes it all worth while.
2006-11-16 01:00:49
answer #5
answered by tj 4
my baby was born at 38 1/2 weeks but i was induced because of high blood pressure. my baby weighed 6 1/2 pounds.
2006-11-16 17:45:54
answer #6
answered by olgap15 2
I had my first one a week late and had to be induced. I am now pregnant and on my 37th week waiting to see what happens next! Good luck! Try walking alot it could really help you from havin to be induced.
2006-11-15 17:43:12
answer #7
answered by chinhua06 1
I went into labor when I was exactly 39 weeks prego and I delivered when I was 39 weeks and 1 day. Don't worry, it won't be long now, but take this sage advice: GET ALL THE SLEEP YOU CAN NOW!
2006-11-15 17:42:51
answer #8
answered by Queen D 3
i got same calculations with my OB-Gyne but my baby never came out on the due date, was 3 weeks overdue i got worried & wanted to be induced or CS but my friend who is a surgeon said just wait till labor starts unless there are abnormalities in your physical health. was funny coz my leave of absence starts Oct 16 & i need to reinstate December 19. but my baby comes out
December 16. for safety consult & check with your doctor. good luck.
2006-11-15 17:54:50
answer #9
answered by dadithz 2
Well with my first child i had went into labor on my due date...and had her the day after...I was in labor for 19 hrs. With my second I was induced and I had her at 39week pregnant. Both were different...and both babies were different. my First the labor went well,and the birth was difficult, and with my second the labor was hard , but the birth went well. SEE totally different. I hope everything goes well with you and your baby.
2006-11-15 18:05:02
answer #10
answered by Jess 3