Acupuncture is done with needles and acupresure with fingertips.There are around 700 or more finger sensitive spots on your body.
The best example for finger sensitive spots is that everyone instinctively presses speciffic parts of the head when having headache, like pressing the root of your nose, either sideways in, sideways up or the front, depending where the head condition is located. This deblocks the flow of energy or rather say the overload of neural impulses. According with the way you press, you can stimulate, normalize or calm some speciffic condition.
The most used points on your head are two parallel ones located where the head joins the neck. You can sense - locate them easier while bending the head backward. These work the best :)
One more obvious example is the point between your shoulder and neck; like a hole between muscles where you can approach deeper never channels. When having this pressed in a tense muscle condition due to overload, you can feel the moment the muscle relaxes.
2006-11-15 19:33:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, it's true. There's many places on various parts of the body that can be pressed or rubbed for different effects and to help different organs/body systems that need strengthening. I've used acupressure and acupuncture to get over allergies and all sorts of things.
One thing to do when feeling motion sickness or nausea is to press a spot about a thumb's width below the palm and between the prominent tendons in the middle of your wrist to quell nausea. If you are physically sick and have to upchuck and need a little extra time to get to the bathroom, it delays the inevitable.
2006-11-15 18:29:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
One time I was at my chiropractor and I had a viral infection in my stomach and was feeling really bad so he took my hand and squeezed the part between my thumb and index finger really hard for a while and it was very painful but at the same time I felt sensations running through my whole body. he never explained it but the next day I felt way better. I do not think you can perform it on yourself because it would be so painful that you would not be able to go through with it long enough. I have been told that accupuncture is amazing, but i have never been able to find one that actually uses needles. most use electric current now.
2006-11-15 17:02:44
answer #3
answered by Adam B 2
What your talking about is accupressure. Its the same basic technicue but there are no needles used. Both methods are relying on communication through the nerve paths. This communication releases blocked energy in that path which allows the brain to communicate with the poorly functioning organ, gland or muscle.
2006-11-16 16:19:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
yes, you can stimulate acupuncture points with the fingers, or by pushing on them with something like a pencil eraser (thats a good size & shape) you often need to stimulate them more frequently than if you were to needle them.
I am an acupuncturist.
2006-11-16 05:13:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes i does.
For example, on your palms, there's a spot where you press with certain amount of pressure which cures you of stomach ache, kidney pain, etc. There';s a spot for each organ inside your body on the surface. On the soles of your feel, your palms, etc.
2006-11-15 17:05:10
answer #6
answered by Yvonne Mystic 4
yep, I've heard this, although i don't know specifics...sorry.
i really believe in it though.
2006-11-15 17:02:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous