He doesn't want you to have a baby. He just wants to get in your pants. He thinks by saying that he wants a baby (which guys assume all women do) that he will get there faster.
2006-11-15 14:04:27
answer #1
answered by tortasinqueso 3
This could be a way to get you to give it up, don't because you will regret it. You are only 15 and have many years ahead of you to get to know yourself before having a huge responsibility on your head. I was 16 and had my boyfriend who was 18 tell me how badly he wanted me to carry his child, I used protection and fell pregnant. I lost my baby but fell pregnant very quickly after that.
By 17 I was a single mother, He wasn't who I thought he was and now my son is 4 and has nothing to do with his father. He has a step father who loves him very much and treats him like his own. But I wish I had of met my now husband before having a baby.
You are to young to have to grow up very quickly by having a baby. If this boyfriend loves you he will wait until your ready and not push you into anything, trust yourself and only do it when your ready. loosing your virginity is a huge step, you can never get it back, its a one time offer so be sure. and having a baby wait until you have graduated high school and been able to party and find yourself because that another thing you can never change, the father of your baby and been only 15 you shouldn't be thinking of baby's as this is more then likely not the man you'll marry. So choose wisely.
2006-11-15 22:24:10
answer #2
answered by mj_missi 4
You should tell him NO! You are still a kid, and you have your whole life to care for babies. Wait, and care for you and your education right now. Then, you should find another guy(or better yet, don't date at all) because
1) He sounds like he's older than you, possibly alot older.
2) He should want better for you if he really loves you. And he should be willing to wait until it's a good time for YOU.
Where would you like to be in 10 years? Do you want to go to college? What are your dreams? Think about how you are going to make those dreams happen if you have a baby(or even two). Where do you think he'll be in all this?
2006-11-15 22:43:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First off it's a trick. Once he do he will change and if you get pregnant he may start to act strange. I lost my virginity at 14 by a loser who left me but i found love but I eventually got pregnant at 15 and now i'm 16 about to have a baby and my boyfriend is by my side this is only b/c we've been together for almost 3 years now. It takes time in a relationship yall need to get to kno each other better. Just think before you loose your virginity b/c if he leaves remember it's gone forever and you would have wasted it on somebody who is worthless. I wish millions of times i would have had waited until i met my baby's daddy to give it to him instead of my 1st boyfriend who turned out to be a straight jack@$$. Now he's wishing he was still with me b/c i've found love and i'm happy. But just talk to your boyfriend and if he doesn't approve go on and get someone who will while you still have the chance.
2006-11-15 22:11:33
answer #4
answered by His Fiance of 2009 2
Tell him absolutely not! You do not need a baby at 15, just ask my sister. She is currently 15 and 7 and 1/2 months pregnant. The guy left her, he wants back in her life but denied the fact that she is pregnant with his child! He just wants you to have sex with him. He and you are both not ready for a child.
If he breaks up with you for it, your better off without him. I suggest you break it off though, now before he talks you into having sex and a baby. Your just not ready and it isnt good on your body to get pregnant this early.
2006-11-15 22:23:19
answer #5
answered by bbear20 4
Sweetheart, your are a one of a kind find!!! You need to tell your boyfriend to get lost!! How old is he? Your virginity is something you should cherish and keep for your wedding night!! It is a once in a lifetime gift that you will never get back! And you still have so much of your life to live before you want to start a family. Enjoy being a teenager!! You can't do that with a baby on your hip! Life is yours to take and create what you want for yourself!!!
2006-11-15 22:13:13
answer #6
answered by mrs.shutterbug 1
Don't be pressured to have sex if you don't want to and DEFINITELY don't get pregnant just to please him! Do you that that he'll stick around if you get pregnant? Probably not. Besides, don't you have plans for your life; college, a job, a career, marriage, an apartment or house? Those get a lot harder to reach when you have to spend thousands to take care of a baby. Don't do anything you're not ready for. Tell him that you're not a slut, that you want to have sex when YOU are ready, not whenever HE wants it. And if he wants you to have his baby, he can wait until you're old enough and hopefully get married before he gets you pregnant.
2006-11-15 22:10:45
answer #7
answered by Shelly 3
Definately do not go for that you are too young and that is a very irresponsible thing to do......I got pregnant at 15 listening to my boyfriend and he left me after I had the baby and doesn't take care of her at all....I am now 19 and have been taking care of my daughter by myself all of this time
2006-11-15 22:04:57
answer #8
answered by Brooke R 2
you are noy ready. at 15 you are too young babies are suppose to be had after marriage not before. and don't have sex just to keep him that is not fair to you.because if you have a baby now and it does'nt work out .well then you have alot of hard decissions to make . so please wait.you are really to young. you haven't had a chance to grow up yet there will be plenty of time in the future. if he truely loved you he would want you too wait.
2006-11-15 22:09:20
answer #9
answered by kathy c 2
yuo are just 15....say no to him...tell him u are not prepare to have a baby..and sex when u are 15 is illegal...if he get mad...better for u to find another boyfriend..
>>>sex is not the first thing in love<<<
2006-11-15 22:09:49
answer #10
answered by joden 2