Fruit and Veggies. I ate salads because I craved them. Instead of grabbing chips, eat an apple, etc. It becomes a habit after a while. I stopped buying junk but not altogether. I didn't go without my doritoes, I just bought the little lunch size bags and used it as 1 of my snacks. If I wanted a big hamburger I had one. If you don't satisy your taste buds, I found you eat more trying to curb your craving. Try raisins, dried fruits, cereal, pretzels,etc. Basically, eat what you like just less of it and make sure you eat plenty healthy at the same time and don't skip meals. Be sure to drink decaffinated drinks.
I had to change alot but I didn't diet. If I wanted something way fattening, I ate and didn't feel guilty about it because all the other times you are eating healthy.
I only gained 24 lbs total and the weight came off in about 4 months without really trying. I actually lost 22 more lbs than I started at being pregnant. I lost a total of 46 lbs and I'm not one to lose weight without starving myself but I think because I ate healthy during pregnancy it didn't build a bunch of fat that stored itself.
Hope this helps
Good luck
2006-11-15 14:18:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I really think it depends on who you talk to, I had a friend that smoked pot through out her entire pregnancy and her son was born fine, that doesn't mean I will go out and get high. The eat this eat that, that the doctors recommend are just that a recommendation to make you and your child the most healthy you both can be. There have been certain foods that have been proven to be bad during pregnancy if eaten too much. It’s very possible to eat nothing but fast food through out an entire pregnancy and have nothing wrong with the child now but its been said what a mother eats during pregnancy can predict how the child will grow up and eat. So if you are eating veggies and fruits then your child is more than likely going to eat and like veggies and fruits, and if a child is used to the high sodium from fast food they will like salty foods more. Pregnant women should also get a well balanced diet for their sakes and their babies sake, and believe it or not though very high in calories and sodium, fast food also has protein, I am not saying its healthy to eat all the time, that is a great way to have a heart attack later in life but when you are pregnant your body can sort out the protein it needs for the unborn child. As far as the prenatal vitamins my doctor said it was up to me if I wanted to take them, some women swear by them others have never even taken one. Same goes for doctors some swear by them and say that they are needed, others its your choice. They are really to give you that extra boost, I defiantly noticed a difference taking them and not taking them. I feel healthier when I take them regularly and a little more blah if i miss a day or two. I wouldn’t say that all of the healthy eating is over rated, but I would say that it’s a chance in the times. In the 1950's and even after, women would drink hard alcohol and chain smoke while pregnant. Now that there are so many additives in our food these days doctors just want to make sure that you are being the most healthy you that you could be . Some women that don’t take care of their bodies and babies during pregnancy end up having children like my adopted brother. He was born a few months premature and weighed in at 13 lbs. His biological mother did not take care of her self at all during her pregnancy and that was made pretty clear with a big baby like that.
2016-03-28 21:59:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Fruits and veggies are good choices. Things rich in iron like meat and spinach. Protein from chicken and eggs and peanut butter. How about eating healthy for breakfast and lunch and having some "good" junk food for dinner? As long as you arent putting on too much weight doctors are usually ok with some junk food.
I lost so much weight from morning sickness my dr oked me to eat whatever I wanted as long as I could keep it down, even if it was a half gallon of ice cream or bag of chips.
2006-11-15 14:01:53
answer #3
answered by Lori R 4
A great book to read is "what to eat when your expecting"
The worst thing about eating too much junk is shifting the weight after baby comes. You need to eat healthy too to breastfeed. Any thing too strong or spicy comes through you milk and upsets the baby. Also if you breastfeed and exercise gently, you lose heaps of weight.
2006-11-15 14:07:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I ate Mcdonalds and double cheesburgers and fries and all the junk, but I also Drank tons of water and both of my girls were 8 ponds +++. I think as long as you monitor how much fast food etc.. you eat and balance it with healthy fruits then you will be fine.
2006-11-15 14:07:53
answer #5
answered by SUMMER 2
What do you mean health food? Do you like chicken, potatoes, broccoli or carrots. This is a wonderful meal for you and your baby. Spagetti is a good choice with a salad and a glass of milk.
It is reall;y not hard. Good luck.
2006-11-15 14:02:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
fruits and veggies!
You need to take a prenatal vitamin and just don't eat foods high in salt and trans fat. Otherwise you can maintain a pretty normal diet.
2006-11-15 14:02:59
answer #7
answered by iampatsajak 7
All kinds of fruits and veggies. Eat low to the ground..that's what I think!
2006-11-15 13:59:58
answer #8
answered by CelebrateMeHome 6