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Ok ... I am just curious what kinds of things are you all feeling.. I will be 8 weeks pregnant tommarrow and I feel so crummy!!!! I go from feeling fine to feeling like I could just puke..... However I have not been throwing up the whole time ive been pregnant just very very nasueas!!!!! I feel like all my energy is being taken away and I feel like I cant stay awake for more than 5 or 6 hours at a time.... I get little pains here and there in my tummy that go away after a little while..... Just feel blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and just wanted to see how everyone else is doing.. This is my first baby!!!

2006-11-15 13:55:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

I could have totally written your question a few weeks ago. As much as I wanted a baby and as happy as I am about the whole thing, there were moments when I wondered if it was worth it. The overall feeling of crap is the worst. However, I'm 11 weeks now and feel so good that I worry something is wrong (we're never satisfied, are we?). Once you get over that morning sickness hump, your appetite comes back, you start to pee less often, and you don't feel as tired (but you don't have to tell other people that- take your naps, girlfriend). Make sure you eat, even when it seems like the last thing you'd possibly like to do. Keeping a full belly will help with the nausea. Remember that creating new life takes lots of work, and your body is doing its best to keep your baby healthy. You'll get over the sucky part soon- I have seen the tunnel, and it is good. :)

2006-11-15 14:21:25 · answer #1 · answered by elizabeth_ashley44 7 · 0 0

I was very sick and so tired because I wasn't keeping any food down. I didn't know how I was ever going to get through this pregnancy. At 15 weeks I started to feel better. Now at 18 weeks, I feel like I have a balloon in my tummy and it's pushing on my organs. I've got to go to the bathroom ALL The time.

2006-11-15 23:07:19 · answer #2 · answered by Serena 5 · 0 0

I felt like I wasn't even pregnant at all. I had no morning sickness or anything, just a little dizziness. It's my first pregnancy too and I'm at 16 weeks now. I agree with the tired part. I wish all I could do is sleep, but no such luck. Everything you said sounds normal for a pregnancy and it will get better. And just think, in a few more weeks, your pants will get too tight, you'll start to get a belly, and all the nausea will be in the past... you'll still be tired though. Good luck!

2006-11-15 22:03:20 · answer #3 · answered by Shelly 3 · 0 0

Congratulations.. All pregnancies are different. I was really sick (nausea) for the last 3 months of my first and fine at the start. I'm approx 8 weeks with my second and feel very excited, very tired and occasionally a liitle sick. I've heard that making sure your tummy isn't ever completely empty or full helps. Good luck, having a baby is wonderful

2006-11-15 22:01:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You will feel that way for the first 3 months...but it will get better, your body is trying to adjust. Rest as much as you can, and just know that the nausea will subside in the next few weeks (for most people).

2006-11-15 22:04:56 · answer #5 · answered by kiki 4 · 0 0

aww .. i do remember 8 wks.. i remember how crummy i felt till i was about 16 wks.. i am now 9 months... and damn what i wouldnt trade to be back there.. i feel SO MUCH WORSE NOW.. but its a wonderful brake from about 4 months to 8 months.. you feel just fine.. a little akey but good. i feel for you.. I hated every foor except ice cream.. i actualy never puked.. I just felt like i could have.. now i feel like im going to explode!! :P Good luck!..

2006-11-15 22:02:59 · answer #6 · answered by pladedah 2 · 0 0

Tired, bloated, fatigued, nauseated, etc. Not good :(
Don't worry though, hon, better times are ahead. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are always the hardest.

2006-11-15 22:02:40 · answer #7 · answered by Kayla 4 · 0 0

Tired, drained and sick as a dog. Im 21 weeks and still am. Doesnt seem like it will ever go away.

2006-11-15 22:01:13 · answer #8 · answered by Blondi 6 · 0 0

same with me .Now i am 61 days. i feel hungerless. But if u take food at intervals u will have lessen the nausea sensation. Take food pariallly fit ur stomach . split ur regular food to intervals.

2006-11-16 04:39:37 · answer #9 · answered by saranya vijai 1 · 0 0

hay I'm 18 weeks with my first and i so know what you mean i remember it like it was yesterday its totally normal you just have to cope with it but i defiantly feel better in no time drink lots of water that's what helped me good luck

2006-11-16 02:14:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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