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I have no idea about birth control methods. One of my friend told me she never used any medicines or anything. Some people told me they follow the date from the periods. If you have sex in certain days from your period you wont get pregnant? Is it true?

2006-11-15 13:52:39 · 16 answers · asked by Tisa 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

16 answers

Best method of birth control is to keep your legs crossed until your old enough to practice safe sex.

2006-11-15 14:00:17 · answer #1 · answered by crazylegs 7 · 0 1

Well I would reccomend not having sex, seems that is what everyone is suggesting also. Especially if you are still fairly young, I am sure that you have heard this a million times, but you are still young and have plenty of time, but all in all you should talk to you Dr. remember that you conversation with him/her is totally confidential. And if you are still not sure, I am positive that there is a local planned parenthood organization in your town that will be happy to talk with you. Thats what they are there for.

I can personally vouch for birth contrl not always being 100% effective, I had my son last year and due to many medical complications the pill wasnt working correctly and I got pregnant again when my son was 6 months old. Sadly I didnt even know until I was almost 3 months along and was preparing to have a special suregery and they were doing all the preliminary blood work.

Good luck : )

2006-11-15 14:39:16 · answer #2 · answered by traea_1 2 · 0 0

You can get pregnant ANYTIME you have sex. Yes, some couples use the rhythm method of not having sex on days that it is especially likely they will get pregnant, but they are equipped to bear the consequences if they get pregnant. You should ALWAYS use a condom, not just for an unwanted pregnancy, but for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as well. 1 in 4 people have or have had an STD before, so your chances of getting one are pretty good. In addition to a condom, I would recommend some spermicidal jelly as well, to make sure any sperm and STDs are killed that might leak out of the condom if there's a hole. You can get both at your pharmacy. If you are too embarassed to buy these on your own, then you are not mature enough to even handle the thought of having sex yet.

2006-11-15 13:57:24 · answer #3 · answered by TrainerMan 5 · 0 0

Have your tubes tied or abstain. Both are 100% effective. Any other method and you will have a little bundle of joy before you know it. Forgot to take the pill, the condom broke, I was so hot i could not resist and on and on. Naw not me! Hello Mommy.

2006-11-15 14:03:27 · answer #4 · answered by scallywag 3 · 0 0

That is terribly ineffective. The most effective is an IUD- they can last for up to 10 years (or there are 2 or 5yr options) they can be taken out early and you return to normal fertility.

You should speak with your gyn about what is best for you (age, medical history, etc)

2006-11-15 13:55:33 · answer #5 · answered by iampatsajak 7 · 0 0

You can get pregnant anytime you have sex. But somedays you are more fertile than others. I wouldn't risk no birth control. If you want to have sex talk to your doctor about birth control.

2006-11-15 13:55:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i might pass with the IUD if I have been you. I had the Mirena IUD for 3 years, and have at the instant had it bumped off to attempt for toddler type 2. The IUD became into painless to get in, I had it put in at my 6 week verify up after my daughter became into born. that's secure to apply while you're nursing your newborn, and it lasts for 5 years!!! Plus you do no longer might desire to agonize approximately pills or the rest. the only think of i did no longer recognize when I have been given the Mirena is that's can take awhile on your menstral cycles to return to commonplace after having the IUD bumped off. I had mine bumped off in December 2008, and contained in the previous couple months my cycles have finally decrease back to commonplace, different than that, I exceedingly propose the IUD!

2016-10-04 00:35:58 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

just use birth control or just dont do it at all cuz i thought i was smart but look at me im a 8ths pregnant and 16....think carefully and make your choices wisely

2006-11-15 14:01:30 · answer #8 · answered by His Fiance of 2009 2 · 0 0

No, no, and no. The only way to make sure you don't get pregnant is not to have sex.

After that, birth conrtol bills and condoms...

2006-11-15 13:58:19 · answer #9 · answered by Dana Lana 3 · 0 0

abstinance is the only proven way. there are certain days where you're less likely to get pregnant, but it is still very possible that you could conceive.

2006-11-15 13:56:01 · answer #10 · answered by Becca 1 · 2 0

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