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swept the membrains of my cervix today... to help labor progress.. Do you think i will go in to labor? and if so how soon? i have been cramping today.. But its mostly painless like braxton hicks.. but there is alot of pressure.. Any answers??

2006-11-15 13:47:55 · 4 answers · asked by pladedah 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

4 answers

Could be 2 hours, could be 2 weeks. You never can tell.

2006-11-15 13:50:03 · answer #1 · answered by willtilligers 2 · 0 0

I don't know what sweeping your cervix is, but it must be part of what is causing the cramping....As for painless and pressure...I had a baby over 9 lbs, and never had pain, only pressure. That was a natural birth too, and FAST!. I noticed a tightening that lasted 1 minute, and happened every 4 minutes. First hospital instructed to stay home, then, since it was my first time, told me to come in to get checked. 2 hours later, I was holding my Son...still no pain. I was scared and eventually thought an elephant could have been sitting on my belly, but no pain, no screams, no panting, and somewhat confusing because I had been so prepared for all the drama. I just want you to know that not every woman experiences the same level or type of pain. For me it was just pressure. Pay more attention to the timing of the cramp or pressure feeling.
Good luck!!

2006-11-15 14:00:51 · answer #2 · answered by Deb 3 · 0 0

Well I'd say it won't be long! They did that to my daughter and she went right into labor and had the baby 4 hours after leaving the Doctor's office! Good luck!

2006-11-15 13:50:46 · answer #3 · answered by rebecca_sld 4 · 0 0

yes, of course you are going to go into labor!

I know how hard it is once you are that close and you feel so.. full and big you just want it to be over with! Try walking, sex, spicy foods, etc. With sex- make sure you orgasm- that AND the sperm can trigger labor.

Good luck soon-to-be mama!

2006-11-15 13:50:54 · answer #4 · answered by iampatsajak 7 · 0 0

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