It's unlikely that you are pregnant......but wait another week and take a test.
Usually, Ovulation occurs right before you start your period...which is the time you are fertile.
2006-11-15 13:29:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Of course it's possible to get pregnant from pre*** BUT it's very unlikely that you're pregnant if you had sex 2-3 days after your period ended.
Usually MOST women are most fertile (ovulate) between anywhere from 12 - 15 days after the first day of when you last STARTED your period.
Good luck though and don't have unprotected sex if you don't want lil ones hun!
2006-11-15 21:31:09
answer #2
answered by Jen 5
I got pregnant off the pull out method twice. Not a good form of birth control. I also have four cousins that got pregnant the same way. So it is very risky. If you're having unprotected sex be ready for the responsibility that comes with it!
Good luck
2006-11-15 21:55:48
answer #3
answered by nessa c 1
For the average couple, the withdrawal method is only 82% effective. This is due to the fact that some men find it difficult to control the point of ejaculation, and accidentally release sperm into the vagina. Accidents like these are particularly pervasive in younger men with little sexual activity. Another reason that this method can fail is because the clear liquid discharged from the Cowper’s gland before ejaculation is rich with sperm cells. Since it is difficult to tell if this pre-ejaculate is leaking out of the penis, the withdrawal method is deceptively unsafe.
2006-11-15 21:31:58
answer #4
answered by iampatsajak 7
well the withdrawal method is actually a very risky one bcoz sperms can be in fluid that *** b4 that also it jst need sumtimes a single drop to get u preganant, and the fact that aft 2 days of ur period u cant pregnant is also not universal,actually a women gets preganant on the day she ovulates or 1 to 2 days aft that, most women ovulate in the mid of their cycles that is b/w 11 to 17 day so the chances post lmp and next mp of pregnancy are rare but u nvr knw so take a test 2-3 days aft u miss ur period
2006-11-15 21:39:38
answer #5
answered by vish 2
No, it is unlikely. Don't worry. If you are freaking out, don't have sex again. (And get on Birth Control) Don't worry. Seriously.
*And why do you keep asking the SAME question (with a different caption?) You would think that after asking the question 8 times, you would get an answer. Not unless you want to be pregnant....?
2006-11-15 21:32:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Not to scare you but I got pregnant after I had my period. But my hubby and I were trying and he came in me. Totally different story. But yet pre-*** can make you pregnant. Anytime a man inserts his thing in you, you can get pregnant. If you are really worried take a test.
2006-11-15 21:47:18
answer #7
answered by Mommy To My Angel 3
Me and my boyfriend have been using the pull out method since we've been dating and thats been about 11 months and I never got pregnant, it wasnt until recently that when actually came in me did i get pregnant. So its very unlikely that your pregnant so I wouldnt worry
2006-11-15 21:37:43
answer #8
answered by Kaliyah's here! 4-30-08 7lb 2
Here is some info on using withdrawal as a method of birth control:
If you follow the right steps withdrawal is 80-90% effective. Read the webpage.
2006-11-15 21:36:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It's possible. If you're worried about it, go to a planned parenthood and get the morning after pill. Some call it the 72 hour pill.
2006-11-15 21:34:44
answer #10
answered by j_ace84 2