It's absolute HELL!!! No, I'm kidding. W/out meds it's unpleasant, but with the help of breathing tecniques, it's bearable. With an epidural, it's great!
For a brief explaination, from my experience...contrax are menstral cramps times 50. Back labor was horrible, worse than the contrax. When you're pushing, it seems to relieve the pain of the contrax, if I remember correctly. During the delievery, while the baby is making it's way out, it feels like your 'ladiness' is on fire, but as soon as the baby is out, it STOPS COLD. A couple days of soreness and you'll forget all about it...well, sort of...I guess I didn't forget all about it if I can tell you, huh?'s not that bad. You'll make it!!! Good luck and congrats on the little one!!
2006-11-15 13:34:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Like some have already told you everyone is different. Labor pains feel alot like normal cramps times 100. My experience was very painful I was in labor for 28 hrs. and the contractions are the worst part. The actual delivery is not that bad. I had 3 epidurals b/c the first 2 did not work. Good luck I would suggest talking to your mom b/c you will more than likely experience some of the same labor as her. Congrats. Hope all goes well. And definitely ask for the meds.
2006-11-15 13:42:46
answer #2
answered by mominla 3
It's a different kind of pain. I won't lie, it hurts and at times it hurts reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllly bad. take breathing classes, that helps. Once you hit the 3cm dilation you can get an epidural. Take it, it is SUPER. Before the epidural those contractions felt like your insides were being twisted with pliers then the contraction is over and here it comes again. After the epidural, you can still feel a contraction but it's like the feeling you have when the baby kicks. It was a breeze after. I pushed 3 sets of 10 and I had a 9 lb. 2oz. baby boy.
Of course, everyone is different. I know people that had natural childbirth, some say it hurt really bad others said it was not that bad.
Good luck, whatever pain - it is all totally worth it.
2006-11-15 14:01:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The pain can be controlled if you can't handle it. I was able to go a long time naturally- until pitocin was used, then it was really bad pain.
It's like bad cramps, then you feel a primal urge to push and when the baby comes out it's a pretty unique feeling. It's not just your vagina that you feel it, but your cervix. You also have to deliver the placenta too.
Once the delivery is over it will feel a lot better.. they will push on your belly a lot which hurts like hell.
Oh- I've also had a c-section and no matter what people may say or think about it- the recovery is a thousand times worse then vaginal delivery. It was terrible.
2006-11-15 13:28:53
answer #4
answered by iampatsajak 7
Labor comes in waves of pain. If you have back labor, it hurts a lot. While in labor, you are focused only on managing the pain and getting through it. But there is the knowledge that on the other side is going to be your baby.
It doesn't do much good to get scared but I do understand. As far as it rocking your world, they do have medications to help you if it is too much. I delivered all three naturally but you can get an epidural and it really dulls the pain tremendously.
Once it's over and you have a moment to recover, you realize that your baby is there waiting for you and then it's largely forgotten.
2006-11-15 13:28:05
answer #5
answered by meoorr 3
It is different for everyone. I've heard that you are most likely to have a labor like your mom, if that helps. It will probably hurt (although I know one woman with 5 kids who has called it simply "uncomfortable") but it will be worth it.
Don't let scary stories make you anxious as they only make it harder.
As for what it feels like: bad menstrual cramps. Long cramps that spread through your back and front.
Pressure. Then when it is time to push you can feel the muscles shoving on their own if you haven't had the okay yet. Think about straining when you are constipated, that's it.
You will feel a burning "ring of fire" as the head gets close to crowning. Pump your fist into the air and celebrate. You are almost done.
It will hurt to push through that fire, but get angry and push really hard. Get all of your strength behind it and push through the pain. There, the baby's head is out.
The rest of the body was (in my experience) a piece of cake compared to getting the head out.
Then a bit later you get to hold your baby and you think "No way. the kid's head was WAY bigger than that!"
Best wishes for an easy and safe delivery.
2006-11-15 13:34:59
answer #6
answered by bookmom 6
Working 9 to 5.
2006-11-15 13:29:19
answer #7
answered by Larry-Oklahoma 7
It is diffrent for everyone. To me contractions feel like the worse mentstral cramps you had times about 10. The pushing out part is painful too which is why I was glad my twins were c-section. Not much you do about it now but try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy. When your labor comes it goes by fast (even if its 30 hours or more it doesnt feel like when its all over) and after all is said and done you will have your baby to cuddle. The first time you hold your child, it really makes icky labor worth it
2006-11-15 13:27:05
answer #8
answered by Lori R 4
Mine hurt, but not as bad as people make it out to. The reason people feel uncomfortable telling you what it's like is that it feels exactly like you have to have a bowel movement, and it's similar to the feeling you get when you have diarrhea, very crampy and everything. It's more of a strong dull pain than a sharp pain.
But seriously, you should try not to worry, even though it's hard not to. Pain is worse when you think it's going to be bad, so try to ignore anything that makes you more scared. Just focus on the fact that it is completely natural, and so many women go through it every day, and they end up fine.
2006-11-15 14:28:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Point a million: Every celebration has to discover volunteers to face as applicants. Not adequate volunteers - no longer adequate applicants. Point two: Standing in a hopeless ward, despite the fact that fascinating for all of the country wide events, isn't constantly useful, and, of path, bills cash. Standing manner placing up a deposit, and publishing election fabric. Point three: In 2007 I do not suppose any celebration is fielding applicants in additional than 60% of all of the council seats up for election. There is a ward close me that's surely solidly Tory. A few years in the past the Tories could not discover a candidate. Nor would another celebration besides Labour. So he gained the seat by means of default. The man used to be a conventional ancient staunch socialist and it used to be rather ironic that he spend four years representing a prime Tory rural ward. The Tories made definite they publish a candidate four years later. P.S. If you are going to cite Shakespeare you must no less than have an understanding of it. "Wherefore" honestly manner "why are you", no longer "in which are you". Juliet used to be asking why Romeo needed to be from a household with whom hers had a feud.
2016-09-01 13:14:23
answer #10
answered by ? 4