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I thought id love getting a bigger tummy, but the problem is i had such a poor body image before i fell pregnant and now im stacking on weight i dont feel i look pregnant i just look 'fat'. Everyone tells me not to worry, its beautiful. I dont see it. I wont even get naked infront of my boyfriend. Whenever i look in the mirror i feel disgusted at what i see. Ive got stretch marks and bulges. I just cant wait till i have this baby, its the only thing keeping me going. Im currently 5 months. any one with similar feelings?

2006-11-15 13:04:37 · 15 answers · asked by foxy 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

To JULIE: i think your answer is hilarious. You sound really old fashioned, now a days its perfectly fine to have a baby with your 'boyfriend' stop living in the past. Thanks for the advice anyhow.

2006-11-15 13:17:54 · update #1

15 answers

sweetie i know exactly how you feel i felt the same way when i was pregnant and i hope it will be different for you but even after i had my son i still felt horrible about my body. i still have stretch marks and bulgey spots but it is all worth it to me when i look at my son and think its my body that made it possibe for him to be here with me. just remember stretch marks will fade and they have lotions you can use (Vita-K from walmart worked pretty good for me)and as for now drink alot of water and use moisturizer and coco butter. that might help the elasticity of your skin to help reduce the stretch marks you get. you will lose weight but dont rush it. it took you 9 months to gain it. and one good point is with a baby you will be getting plenty of exercise without even trying too. :) keep your chin up and be proud for you have someone on the way who is going to love you no matter what you look like

2006-11-15 13:30:48 · answer #1 · answered by buy_me_bacardi 1 · 0 0

What are you eating?

Here is why I ask that: with my first two pregnancies I gained a lot of weight. I got big all over. I felt terrible. Four years ago I gave up processed foods, specifically trans fat. I'm on my third pregnancy and I feel terrific. I'm on my six month and I just started really getting a big belly about two weeks ago. I've gained 10 pounds so far and I've only got a belly. I've not gained weight anywhere else. Even my face is still skinny. I seriously believe it has to do with cutting out all those toxic preservatives.

Pregnancy is not the time to diet. But you can exercise. Walk at least 30 minutes a day. Walk as briskly as you can but can still keep up a conversation. Don't diet but do cut out as much boxed food as possible. Eat more natural foods. If you still want an occasional treat then bake something or find something that isn't loaded with chemicals.

You'll probably still feel huge because all pregnant women do. But you'll feel better about yourself. Don't stress too much. Now is not the time for stress. And realize that all those bulges and stress marks will be worth it once you see your baby. I don't even care that I have stretch marks. And there is always hope. I gained 50 pounds with each of my first two pregnacies and I was able to get it all off. So, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

You *are* beautiful. Now go look in the mirror, smile and tell yourself that! :)

2006-11-15 13:14:21 · answer #2 · answered by Amelia 5 · 3 0

I feel the same way. I'm 18 weeks along and I don't think I look pregnant, just fat. I went shopping with a friend the other day and just felt so fat and ugly because everything just looked so bad on me. I look worse then I ever have before, I have pimples now and wierd hair that is growing in places I've never had hair before. I just feel so gross, fat, and ugly. I'm hoping once I'm showing more that I won't feel so fat and will look more like pregnant so people walking by won't just think I'm a fatso. The joys of pregnancy :) But all in all, it's still exciting and now I'm keeping food down I'm actually kind of enjoying it. I love feeling the little one kick and can't wait to find out it's sex in an couple weeks.

2006-11-15 13:31:38 · answer #3 · answered by Serena 5 · 0 0

I know how you feel.... I like my pregnant belly, but I certainly don't think it is sexy. As far as being naked in front your b/f, been there too with my hubby. I am only about a half a month ahead of you too. So, I will tell you what my husband just told me.... "Pregnant women are sexy!". There is something about a pregnant belly that alot of men like. I don't know what to tell you, I haven't really found anything that makes me feel better about it either. What does make me happy though is that while I may not feel sexy, the big old belly is holding a life that I created (with some help). How cool is THAT? Knowing that I am capable of creating and forming a life freaks me out (in a very good way). I hope I helped you.... I am right there with ya if it helps!

2006-11-15 13:23:01 · answer #4 · answered by emmadropit 6 · 2 0

Right now you should enjoy every moment of being pregnant. I loved it even when I couldn't bend over any more. Pregnancy is something you'll never forget. Just make sure you are eating healthy not a bunch of junk. It'll be easier to lose later because if you don't feel sexy now, just wait til after you have the baby. Nothing fits like it used to. I sware my feet even got bigger. After, was the non sexy time for me. I felt awful about myself for several months until I got the weight off even now the stretch marks and the bulge that will probably never go away bug me alot.

I came to the conclusion that everything will be fine and it is. I may have flab and stretch marks but look what I got in return. Good luck and remember you are making memories.

2006-11-15 13:46:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hi. I am also 5 months. I think it's kinda nice to get a big tummy, cause then you don't have to worry about it being fat! I think you should go out and buy yourself some sexy maternity clothes like a long sweater and some leggings (very fashionable)...it will make you feel better, it helped me! Good luck, and hang in there...we're half way there!

2006-11-15 13:13:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yeah, i have 3 weeks to go. My husband says i look sexy, but i sooo don't think so. at 5 months i just looked really chubby around the belly, but by 6-7 months, you could tell i was actually pregnant.

try dressing up pretty every now and then, it does wonders for me, especially when i go out and see all the other pregnant women in daggy baggy t-shirts and leggings, and then here's me, looking like i just stepped off a catwalk : )

I had a negative body image too, before i had my last baby, but when i fell pregnant with her, it improved beyond belief, considering i'm still a little podgy. well i was before i fell pregnant again!

As for WI MOM: Don't be a b i t c h. I sometimes feel disgusted with how I look, but I'm married. And I felt great with my first, and i wasn't married then. so your theory is implausible.

2006-11-15 13:22:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Congratulations on your pregnancy,
As you have now figured its much more beautiful watching someone else been pregnant, its a very demanding job on your body and it affects every women differently. You are not alone feeling this way.

You shouldn't worry because you are beautiful and you looking the way you do now is for an amazing reason so you need to remind yourself that everything about pregnancy is wonderful, its wonderful because your creating life and once your holding your beautiful baby you will forget all the horrible feelings you have at the moment.

During my first pregnancy I felt terrible, I lost my very slim and toned body and always felt fat as I put on weight EVERYWHERE, I couldn't wait for the pregnancy to be over so I could look normal again as it doesn't take long to forget what your body looked like before pregnancy. Once holding my beautiful son I knew it was worth it, it takes time to get your body back but if you breastfeed it comes back quicker.

During my second pregnancy I didn't feel as fat as I knew what I was looking forward to and running after a toddler kept me fit, you will feel more terrible during the last month as thats when you gain the most, I missed that month so it went very quickly. This pregnancy I feel huge but I keep reminding myself that this is apart of creating life and everything in pregnancy, the good and bad is worth it and it only lasts a short time so I need to enjoy it.

You may not feel beautiful but pregnancy is beautiful, other people can see your glow but you can't. To give yourself more self esteem do something that makes you feel better, get your hair done, your nails, a pampering day. Something to make you feel good. Have your boyfriend rub your belly with mistoriser to minimise strech marks, and enjoy it, this is a wonderful time and if you keep thinking negative towords yourself it could send you into depression and that would be terrible.

Everytime you look in the mirror tell yourself your amazing and this is happening to create a beautiful baby, you are beautiful because of what your doing, don't rush your pregnancy as its such a short time, it doesn't feel short at the time but it is in our lifetime so you need to enjoy everything about it so you can look back and think wonderful thought about your pregnancy not all bad thoughts. Let your boyfirend enjoy you just as he did to get you pregnant, he will think your beutiful even more so because your carring his baby don't take that off him. It will make you feel better to trust me.

I wish you all the very best and hope this has helped. You need to remind yourself everytime you think badly that its a beautiful thing your doing. Think positive and positive things will happen.

2006-11-15 13:57:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

up until my 8th month people didnt believe me that i was as far as i was
and when someone would walk up to me and ask how far i am i would be soo happy that someone thought i looked pregnant
even my stupid neighbour had the decency to tell me i didnt look pregnant only fat
( my tummy isnt as big as some pregnant peoples but ive watched what i eat and tried to keep weight gain at a minimum with walking and cutting back on sweets because i am overweight)

Big is beautiful and u have a baby in you one it starts to kick and move around like crazy those buldges wont bother you so much

get a pedicure it might make you feel better

2006-11-15 13:20:25 · answer #9 · answered by MaeStar 2 · 0 0

Yikes! You might have other issues like hormone imbalance caused by pregnancy. Don't feel bad because most women just look fat.Pregnancy is not all that beautiful to the woman who is pregnant. Don't worry. See a trainer who can help you now with diet and exercises. You need to eat but eat healthy food no processed junk. Then you will loose the weight when it is over easily. I notice that children in the womb cause the mother to eat what the child wants. This is why women eat strange stuff when they are pregnant. I loved milk as a child and my mother drank a lot of it.

2006-11-15 13:21:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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