And if not, did it really happen? How about if an unborn baby is cut from its mother's womb and left to die in a cold steel bowl on the counter? What if an unborn baby is burned to death from the inside out by a saline solution injected into the birth the pro-abortionists hear its screams? How about if an unborn baby just weeks or days from birth is pulled from its mother's womb feet first, the base of its skull punctured, and the brains sucked abortion lovers hear that sucking sound? Or, do they hear the cries of the mother who realizes what she's just done and cries out for forgiveness from her child? Ok, how bout this...if a baby survives one or all of the above, does an abortion lover hear the sound of the baby's cries as it's being drowned or struggles for breath inside a trash bag?
Just ponderings in this day and age of another government sanctioned genocide.
32 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Pregnancy
Ok, so let's ASSUME all abortions happen only to babies that are in the first trimester (which is crap because it's easy to find a clinic that will do it in the second trimester, no questions asked. Just google abortion in your city. You can also get a third trimester abortion from Dr. Tiller the Baby Killer for $5000...he'll just write down that it was because you were "depressed". Google him, you'll see.)
Ok, just because you think that the first trimester the fetus is "just a bunch of cells and membranes". First of all, genius, a heart not only beats as a whole organ, but each individual heart cell beats on its own if it were to be separated from the others...look it up if you don't believe it. Three kinds of muscle cells in the body; striated, smooth, and cardiac. Ever been to "Biology 101"?
Even if the baby is "imperfect" "unwanted" "of rape or incest" NONE OF THAT MATTERS...THE BABY IS A HUMAN BEING AND HAS RIGHTS...see
13:18:38 ·
update #1
13:28:22 ·
update #2
BTW, I had an abortion back in 1992 before the internet and the lady that ran the place just wanted the MONEY, made me pay in cash, but they never told me anything about the baby's development or how the baby would die. I remember trying to find info on it, but before the internet, it was really hard. Then, when I was having the procedure, I got very sad and said "my baby, my baby" and the nurse told me to "be quiet, it's not a baby".
Today I have two beautiful boys ages 4 and 1 and the full gravity of what I did is only now apparent. Between having my boys and the wealth of information available on the internet about the realities of abortion, (not available in 1992) it is not with glee that I confront what I did. BUT, I have forgiven myself and I can only now tell others what no one would tell me.
I posed this "question" not to chastise anyone who has had an abortion, only to fully inform those who may consider it in the future. I wish someone had told ME the truth.
14:39:46 ·
update #3
It's obvious that the only way that "pro-choice" people can justify doing any horrible thing they want to little babies is by claiming that "it's my body" and that "govt doesn't have the right to take away my right to choose". I beg to differ: we have every right to take away your right to choose to: ingest illegal drugs; kill a kitten, puppy or other animal in a cruel and inhumane way; drive over the speed limit; kill your 2 year old child; steal money; threaten another person with bodily harm; rape your neighbor; and in some neighborhoods, paint your house a tacky shade of pink.
People, babies are being murdered up until the day of their births, and in many cases, AFTER THEY'RE BORN!
You all have got to WAKE the age of the internet, there's NO excuse to be ill-informed. Once you know what's going on, believe me, it's then just a matter of figuring out what you're going to do about it.
03:37:50 ·
update #4
It's amazing how HATEFUL people get who supposedly support free speech, when the free speech isn't what they agree with! Wow, hypocrites to the end!
Why are you so worried about women getting both sides of the story and knowing all of the facts? I'd be worried about my words too if my goal in life was for every woman to have an abortion so I could feel validated in my beliefs. If you're so secure in your pro-choice beliefs, then why don't you look at my links? Then, see if you want to come back with your hateful bile-filled lies. If you can, then it's have no heart or soul and I will pray for your salvation.
08:26:44 ·
update #5
Abortion Knoweledge Class or not there are plenty of nerves. What do you think makes the baby's body function?
The nueral tube is one of the first things to form which develops into the nervous system. The heart starts beating the week after a woman finds out she is pregnant. By week 9 the baby can curl it's fingers around an object placed in their hand. They also begin to move this week. This is only 5 weeks after a woman finds out she is pregnant. At the end of the 1st trimester the baby sucks his/her thumb. No nerves to feel anything? That is just pure mis-information.
I will be and will always be completely against elective abortion no matter how politcally incorrect others may think it is. Not only because of the poor baby but because of the poor woman who has to live with the guilt the rest of her life.
While I think this "question" is not very effective, it does have an issue I agree with. Most people are not truly educated about abortion.
2006-11-15 12:38:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
BTW, I had an abortion back in 1992 before the internet and the lady that ran the place just wanted the MONEY, made me pay in cash, but they never told me anything about the baby's development or how the baby would die. I remember trying to find info on it, but before the internet, it was really hard. Then, when I was having the procedure, I got very sad and said "my baby, my baby" and the nurse told me to "be quiet, it's not a baby".
So after all this, you feel you still have the right to judge other people's lives...You are in some serious need of PROZAC. And your a bit GRUSOME MUCH?! People like you have a lot of nerve and disrespect. And by the way DILL WEED, Just because I am PRO-CHOICE, that dosen't mean I am PRO-ABORTION. You make me sick.
2006-11-16 00:14:08
answer #2
answered by oppsupsideurhead 5
Yes, you have been ripped off. However, it's, sadly, fairly your possess fault. The software in query offers with adware and equivalent malware, and has *not anything* to do with viruses. Go to the (first) hyperlink underneath and use the loose scanner there. It is most likely extra secure than whatever to do with Adware... If you wish to shop for a well AVS kit, use the moment hyperlink to entry a deal they're it seems that presently walking for first time customers. Incidentally, *such a lot* scanners PLACE the "viruses" they record for your laptop after which present to take away them "for a nominal one-time price"... If the manufacturer/character appearing that's in Canada or the United States, they're engaged in an act that may see the manufacturer charged with a few as a substitute critical Criminal Charges and a few principally hefty fines. The off-line variant of that is referred to as Extortion. CA is likely one of the most sensible Security suites I've encountered, and likewise offers you three licenses, because of this you and 2 peers can occasion and lower your expenses...or you'll shield as much as 3 machines owned on your own and/or household contributors. Symantic and McAfee each require you to spend the whole retail quantity for EACH license. The renewal costs at the subscription also are respectable. As for the money for your CC...whilst the invoice comes, refuse the cost. Contact the manufacturer once more, by way of email, chat, or mobile (or in character...with impartial witnesses...when you are living within the identical field because the bodily position of the manufacturer...and I would not propose this one), and endorse them that the software is refusing to permit you to put in it with out shopping ANOTHER license. Inform them that if this maintains to be the case, you'll be difficult their costs for your CC instantly. Also touch the BBB in THEIR field and dossier a criticism when you can't acquire a best selection to the problem. Good Luck! EDIT: In regards to "loose" program you dowload from the ' is significance is frequently lower than the cost paid. In quick, just about ninety nine.9999...% of all Security Software that's "loose" is worse than vain. The essential exception to that is an Introductory Trial Peroid that a few AVS.providers permit.
2016-09-01 13:12:57
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I will tell you what I have learned in 50 years of live.
I have always been pro-life and always will be. But I do look at it differently now as I did when I was 20. I was so pro-life I worked in a Right to Life Counseling Center for about 6 months. I was trained to counsel women who come in for advice. We would show a movie on conception and the stages of pregnancy then if they did not walk out at that point we pulled them into rooms to councel them. I was in my 20's and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. They cry, they cant provide, they were raped, their boyfriend or husband dumped them, they are poverty stricken, they already have 6 kids and home and cant feed all, getting pregnant could kill them, it is against their religion because they are not married, if the parents know they will dump them on the street or beat her, and the LIST GOES ON AND ON.
My job was to convince them no matter what the reason they had to have this child. Sure some you can convince to stop a abortion but you wonder about all the others who do it anyway. And then you start wondering are you really hurting two lives here, THE MOTHER AND THE BABY. Look at all the kids that suffer and come into this world anyway. If it really in there best interst? Well I still could never ever give up my child, not for no one EVER. But other women do not see it the same way as me. But I will say while working there we found the ones that have abortions, 75% suffer forever in there decision. They may say it does not bother them but it bruises their soul. We also did counseling for mothers who were distraught 5, 10, 15, 20 years after the abortion. Pain and emptyness never quite being happy.
I NEVER believe in ever getting an abortion after 6-8 weeks. I have seen the grusome films of the abortions and wont be graphic here. There are better ways and 9 months out of a persons life to go to full term give birth and give the child a chance at life is not too much to ask. There are so many couples willing to adopt (even me any day and time).
These last few years I have been learning about spirituality. I have learned so much from reading and taking classes. I have not learned that the sould actually enters the body toward the end of a mothers term. So before that it is a body living without a soul. The soul comes from heaven and decides to be born and even picks which couple it wants to be born too (good or bad) and all souls come here to learn and grow and then return to heaven (that is Gods will). When a baby is born dead or is miscarried it was because for what ever reason (health or ?) the soul changed its plan to enter the body. Souls are eternal.
I hate abortion but it is a part of our society. It is just one more lesson some women need to learn for their soul to grow (compassion, love, understanding, courage, forgiveness, wisdom). I think all Children should live but that is not the real world. Should a child be born in Africa and die at 4 years old because of no food or disease (what good was this child, what did this child learn).
I no longer lose sleep over Abortion. I did my part even though I had to give it up because I got to attached to the women their children and in trying to help them. I used to raid my cupboards for food for them, drive them to churches to get them off the streets, and care for their other child while they got an abortion behind my back. What for? If the woman wants it bad enought believe me when I say "It will happen".
2006-11-15 12:52:24
answer #4
answered by Nevada Pokerqueen 6
Margaret margaret, you have some anger issues here, and lots of guilt I would say. Sorry that you made the wrong choice for yourself years ago. But regardless of anything else, it was your choice, nobody forced you to, or maybe they did, then I would say you are weak. Your opinion really means nothing, so rant on dear woman rant on. Does it make you feel better or simply get your panties more bunched up then they already are?
Free speech means we get to say what we want and voice our opinions, I'm glad we have that right, as I get to laugh at the inane stupidity of people like you.
already looked at all your little linky dos....doesn;t change my mind, and neither will all the pictures of aborted babies. Pro choice does not mean pro abortion, but we still have the freedom to do as we wish with our bodies, if you want to stop abortion then we need to start teaching protection instead of people just want your cake and then you want to be able to stuff it in your face while the rest of us watch. Thankfully we don;t have to sit around and allow that to happen...yet.
go ahead and pray for my "salvation" i'm an atheist and I don;t believe in your little god.
2006-11-16 07:57:23
answer #5
answered by ? 6
It is a shame that woman are still out there who believe they have no say in what happens to their bodies or believe they have no control over their future. Pro-choice does not mean an open policy on abortion.
Who hears the cries of an unwanted child being abused? How many children go to bed hungry at night? Who hears the cries of the child who was brought into the world addicted to drugs? Who hears the cries of a 12 year old girl as her body is being ripped apart while giving birth to a child conceived during her rape? The list can go on.
Unwanted pregnancies will continue until birth control is made available to all who need it; until laws change to punish those who abuse;and until an alternative to intercourse is promoted. You at the anti-abortion club should get all info connected to abortions straight before spewing your opinion and false information. Pro-choice is all about finding out all the facts and making an informed decision about terminating a fetus .
There is only one true judge and you do not speak for him.So shut up and let my father do his business.
2006-11-15 14:27:43
answer #6
answered by Miz Val 3
First off, I happen to be pro-choice. I don't support abortion, what I support is the government, or people like you not telling me what to do with my body. There are many reasons to have a FETUS aborted. I don't condone using abortion as a form of birth control, however there are reasons when I can support it. If my life were in danger, H*LL yeah I'd have an abortion, and NEVER look back. I have a beautiful amazing 2 yr. old baby boy who needs we. He is in this world, he can survive in this world (a fetus in early pregnancy can't), I would be an irresponsible parent if I put my life in danger. I can also support abortions when it comes to rape (for all you women out there who have carried a pregnancy after a rape- more power to you, you are a truly amazing, loving person) Rape is not a choice, and abortion should be an option. I, or no one else for that matter, should be FORCED to give birth to a rapist's baby. Now, let's say for instance a young girl becomes pregnant by a father, uncle, grandfather, brtoher, etc, I difintely support abortion in that circumstance as well. All other situations, I feel like this: It's not my body, and not my choice. If there is a heaven and hell, then GOD will judge (that's just not my place, or yours). As for adoption vs. abortion. I support adoption, the only problem is this, way too many kids- not enough elidgible parents. Oh, yeah, baby's get adopted fast, and easy, but what about a 4, 6, or 7 yr. old? Not so easy. We have too many kids living in foster homes for me to say that adoption is the best under any circumstance. So, hears my answer to your question. YES, I know what happens when a FETUS is aborted, and guess what-- still PRO- CHOICE. Of, course I've never looked at the pictures, watched the videos like a lot of you PRO-LIFERS (sick and morbid if you ask me, but hey, who am I to judge). But you know what, I've never watched someone have open heart surgery either, and I still believe that should be an option.
So you believe a (in some cases, and it actually happes) A girl of 11 or 12, should be forced to give birth to her father's baby? You are one SICK person. Oh, I believe that some abortions are selfish and unneccessary, but COME ON! And by the way, I totally believe in a woman's right to choke the life out of some one who molests their child. Let some perv put his hands on MY baby!
2006-11-15 12:48:30
answer #7
answered by Amanda D 3
Most unborn fetuses that are eligible for an abortion are only cells and membranes. The fetus will not have even developed arms and legs, you are using exaggeration and lies to deceive people. An unborn fetus does not "scream", nor does it even have a skull (at the stage in which it could get aborted). So stop spreading your rhetoric in order to intimidate and scare the less educated. Oh, by the way, I sure hope that you are a VEGAN bcuz if not then you are sanctioning the senseless murder of hundreds of thousands of helpless animals that are strung up by their necks and slaughtered just weeks AFTER birth! Hypocrite!
And HOW can a heart start beating ONE WEEK after the egg is fertilized???? WHAT HEART?????? LOL Biology 101 may need to be revisited. Just pondering....
Added 11/16: Yes, this "heart" that you speak of is, as I initially stated, is a bunch of cells that have come together to form what will be a heart. But you are attempting to paint the picture of a 3 1/2 week baby with a beating heart, a mouth to scream, and a skull to crush which is untrue. A fertilized egg that is in gestation is merely a ZYGOTE, NOT A BABY!!!!! You are being deceitful, point blank!
2006-11-15 12:39:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
there is a huge difference between a baby and a fetus if a woman were to naturally go in to premature labor at lets say 9 weeks to 16 weeks it would never survive no matter how much money ,the best medical care what have you.for any chance of a premature baby to stay alive it cant be born before26 to 27 weeks late term abortions are not common and rarely preformed so maybe you should learn more about things you hate so passionately so that when you rant like this you don't get your facts wrong. I will be pro choice and if they ban abortion lady I'm gonna scream like a banshee. guess what i am also a mother.the government has enough say in our lives they don't need to tell us what to do with our bodies. by the way did you hear the abortion doctor scream when he got shot or blown up what about his children and his wife ,did you hear that or were you to busy cheering!
2006-11-15 12:46:02
answer #9
answered by auntie s 4
But when close to 10,000 people were killed every day in Rwanda for 100 days, did you hear the sounds of the machetes? Do you hear the sounds of bullets tearing through flesh and bone, having been fired in the many wars and armed conflicts that have raged, and still continue in this world?
If you are so gung-ho for human life, then you should be a complete pacifist, and I doubt that you are. You should be opposed to the taking of any life, and I believe that you can justify ending another person's life, whether it be in self-defence or defence of others. You perhap should also view all soldiers as villains, murderers, and assassins, for they chose to take the lives of other men, when they had the option of refusing orders, and spending a lifetime in prison (but without bloodstained hands). I know that neither you nor I holds such extremist views. But why do you place the lives of unborn babies above those of people who are alredy living?
In a truly free society, women would be allowed to choose if they wish to abort a baby they cannot possibly care for. I, as a man, have no right to limit a woman's choice as to what she will do with her child, for both have absolutely nothing to do with me. I don't love abortion, but I do love freedom, which is also what grants you the right to hold such opinions.
Whether abortion is right or wrong, I don't know. Only God does. It is not man's job to legislate God's laws, for His laws are higher than that of man. It is merely our job to safeguard freedom, which to me is worth more than life itself. Allow women to have abortions, I say. If it is morally wrong, then those who choose that procedure will reap it in the next life.
2006-11-15 12:51:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous