there is this boy at my highschool that really likes me alot. I'm a guy also. I'm in the closet hiding it from society in school. Lately, I been finding myself flirting with him, and him too. So a rumor came up saying that we were both gay and going out. I was hurt so badly when he started going out with this girl in my face and act like he didnt even know me, knowing that we have a secret relationship with one another. He know how I feel about this but just luaghs at it. Even though God meant for woman to be with man, but I just have feelings for guys. I'm a christian, and know Jesus Christ.Could someone please help me out, give me advice anything you can. Anything, and please be kind to me please dont hurt me anymore than what I already have. I want to cry but I cant make myself cry, why? Is it because I'm so ecxited on this issue
11 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Cultures & Groups
➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Typically, in High Schools, there are councelors that will listen when kids need to talk. You should talk to someone about your feelings. It might help you to understand yourself, just by getting things off your chest.
Goodluck to you.
2006-11-15 10:34:56
answer #1
answered by *Logan's Mommy* 5
My heart breaks for you, too. Lots of young men, Christians and nonbelievers, find themselves attracted to other men b/c of deeper hurts in their lives. It's a way of finding a temporary fix for the deeper problem. For a brief time, another man finds you acceptable and shows you love. Maybe it's a hurt inflicted by your father, or maybe you don't have a father and need affirmation from a man, or maybe you developed such a closeness with your mom you feel more feminine than masculine. I don't know your situation. I do know that like others have said, Christ will help you and give you strength. No matter what seek Christian counseling, but do seek counseling. Search the web for groups who specifically help people leave homosexual relationships and/or fight that temptation. Sex is a deadly lure outside of the godly boundaries of marriage between man and woman. It can be devestating whether it's in the form of homosexuality, pornography, pre-marital sex, etc. I've done it all and I know the consequences. Find a godly mentor to hold you accountable and lead you through this hell on earth. Get to the root of this addiction (ultimately that's what it is, read the book False Intimacy.) Don't do it alone, though. Pray and rely on other believers who have been there and through the grace of God are on the other side.
2006-11-15 11:34:35
answer #2
answered by Joanna V 2
Find a guy that will be a bit nicer to you and love you back without fear of exposure. If Jesus and God are really as kind and forgiving as you people say they are then I'm sure they'll understand.
We all go through this at one time or another, it'll pass and as long as you have the will power to make things better than they will get better. Just follow your heart, you sound like a fairly nice guy so you probably have a good one, it won't lead you wrong.
2006-11-15 15:14:03
answer #3
answered by Rageling 4
Wow that sucks, It sad to say buy in 4 years all of this will not really matter. Once your out of high school you can be your self. This guy probably does really like you and he is probably having a harder time with himself than you. I think you can be a Christian and be gay, you just need to be strong. Every Christian doesn't judge, because That's what your not suppose to do correct. I'm a lesbian woman and I know who I am and what I believe and I'm not hurting anyone. If god needs to judge me one day that is up to him and only him. I'm proud of who I am. Its OK to like boys, the older you get the easier it is..
2006-11-15 10:57:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I feel sooo sorry for you! That must really be hard! Seek help from a church member or pastor that you trust, and if he or she blows your secret, then their not a real Christian. Real Christians care about people like you instead of blotting you out and calling you a sinner, which is what they usually do. I'm really sorry, but I'm a Christian to, and the bible clearly states that it is profane for a man to lie with a man as he would a woman. Try not to fall into temptaion, and stay strong. email me if you want to about your problem. You can trust me. Don't worry.
P.S. No matter what happens, you can always turn to God. He'll know what to do.
May God bless you richly. Peace!
2006-11-15 10:32:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
sorry dude. but like peoplz said talk to a councelor. its the best thing to do. and since u guys like eachother or are really really close friends try not to show ppl that at school or else theyll make fun of u more. dont act like u guys r boy friend girl friend just act like regular friends at school
2006-11-15 10:52:08
answer #6
answered by jordan g 1
It sounds like he's just dating her as a cover. It sounds like you're both pretty much in closet. Eventually people caught on to your relationship. You discovered depression and he discovered deeper parts of the closet to hide in.
2006-11-15 11:44:52
answer #7
answered by carora13 6
I hate to be one of those people who tell you it's just a phase, but it could be, you're still young.
Maybe you can't cry over it because you're so stressed. It happens sometimes.
But feeling hurt after being screwed over and embarrassed is not a phase.
Most important of all, I'm glad you know who you are and where you stand. I wish the best of luck to you ♥
2006-11-15 10:41:13
answer #8
answered by BUD 3
sorry but if he really liekd u he wouldnt be laughing at you,maybe he is just as scared as you to come out, or he is just playing around, you should forget about him, there are more fishes in the sea and leave that one behind.... maybe you should find someone thats not from ur same school....
2006-11-15 10:31:18
answer #9
answered by gaby f 2
I think he's scared to be known as gay, Just drop him and move on with your life. There's other fish in the sea.
2006-11-15 11:43:56
answer #10
answered by Dark Knight 3