Evil is individual and I rate people on a case-by-case basis
2006-11-15 07:25:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It's always easier to demonize a group when you don't know anybody in it. Religion tends to promote such judgment of others. As an atheist, I get this a lot. People who are religious think that atheists are evil and amoral, and are surprised that I'm one. I think this world would be much better off without religion.
I congratulate you on being able to think outside your church and realize that the line you've been fed is not necessarily true.
2006-11-15 15:25:55
answer #2
answered by nondescript 7
You know...I have to respect you for this. Especially being a youth and taking a stand for this. Regardless of whether you agree with your friend's lifestyle or not the fact that you have stood by him shows a lot about your character. I am a lesbian and used to be in your shoes myself back in my denial years. I thought I was horrible for having these overpowering feelings for a girl that I had fallen for but I wasn't then and I'm not now. Yes, you're gonna have your sickos even in the gay and lesbian world just like you do in the hetero world! But overall most of us are pretty normal folks who just happen to fall in love with someone of the same gender.
2006-11-15 16:20:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm glad that you have chosen to accept your friend as a human being. Accepting a person that is gay is something only an open minded person can do, such as yourself.
All of your other responses that have to do with us being evil or part of the devils work is a bunch of hog wash. Those "judgers" might as well be in the KKK. They have the same opinions as the Klan. They call themselves Christians .... please. They are all racist pigs.
2006-11-15 15:41:33
answer #4
answered by spartexcites 4
My daughter is gay. At first I was ashamed but no more. She is a wonderful person and a productive member of society who happens to love another woman. Looking back, I believe my daughter was gay from the day she was born. Teach your group to love one another rather then to hate and judge other people.
2006-11-15 15:51:57
answer #5
answered by doglover 5
I saw a lady living in the Dr.Phil house. She hated gay people too until she really looked at the lesbian on the inside and saw the person. She changed in the end. It made me think wow thats pretty cool that a shrink can change hatred like that. He should hang out on here sometime.
That's all I've got. I'm fine with gays too but my church doesn't pick out scripture like that to use for hatred. I'm glad you changed. Sorry if my last sentence sounded grumpy like.
2006-11-15 15:28:37
answer #6
answered by missgigglebunny 7
I don't think your views were changed, I think you were confronted with a real situation and you did what you felt was right. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! I'm sure your friend is thankful for your openmindedness as well as your strength to do your own thinking!
Religion is a guide to life and should not be a rule book. I was raised Catholic and when I started to question things, I noticed people told me I was wrong but couldn't give me a reason. It's good to question.things!!!!
2006-11-15 16:08:14
answer #7
answered by Lancer 3
I think that your a great friend. Its beautiful that you have the chance to open your heart and concur fears. The delusion of religion using verses to create segregation would never be what god wanted. We all bleed just like you, hurt, have broken hearts, love, and laugh just like you. Thank you for supporting your best friend. Changing him would only break his spirit or your relationship. You whole life will change now that your eyes are wide open, and you will start standing up for things that you believe in as well as God. Because GOD created you too...XOXOXO
2006-11-15 15:39:20
answer #8
answered by mylife 4
I doesn't make sense that your Church would teach you that gays are evil. The ACT of having sex w/ same sex is considered a sin. A Church should reach out to homosexuals too. Hope it goes well.
2006-11-15 15:29:06
answer #9
answered by <><><> 6
My only question to those who consider themselves Christian is this: Who are YOU to sit in judgement of what others do?
What people do out of the public eye is private business, many American soldiers have died for the right of privacy in this country.
If someone is gay, and chooses to share that with you - you have no business to opine one way or the other on their lifestyle. Just as that person has no standing to opine on your lifestyle.
2006-11-15 15:27:28
answer #10
answered by kentata 6