The European nations did, after all, If it wasn't for their persecutions, America would never have been founded.
2006-11-15 06:29:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
That's a really difficult question to answer, mostly because your so broad. I think France has contributed by way of food, the US the most by way of technology, health care, and economic development, Germany has contributed much to art and beer.
Overall though, I tend to think that the United States has contributed the most to the development of the world in the past 100 years. We've perfected flight, developed a plethora of vaccines for some of the deadliest diseases in the world, we've established ourselves as a world center for economics, we've introduced computers to the world, and so many other things. WIthout the US, Japan probably wouldn't be a leader in producing quality electronics. China wouldn't be nearly as economically stable as it is without the US importing so many of their products, same with many other Asian countries. On the war side of thing, without the US WWII could have turned out very different than it did - Germany probably would have defeated England and ran unchecked across Europe for a long time. The United Nations would not have been created, and the world would be a completely different place than it is today.
We may not be the best at everything, but I think we've done the best job at contributing things.
2006-11-15 06:40:34
answer #2
answered by jedi_junkie05 3
Though I believe America is a tough decision to dispute with, I would have to go with England. It's a small country; however, America is made up of different countries - England being one of those countries.
England is one of the main allies to America - you hardly ever see one without the other.
England has say over what goes in Australia as well.
From our language to our policing strategies in the world, England has laid the groundwork for most countries.
This is all based on governmental and cultural contributions - in my opinion. As opposed to the material contributions with oil from Kuwait, items made in China, technology from Russia, and different religious views from the Middle East.
2006-11-15 06:50:43
answer #3
answered by Monopolized 2
Well that honor fall to:
Africa ( Which includes Egypt, Ethiopia, Etc.)
China (Including Mongolia)
Later in History Came:
Italy (Rome)
Then even later came:
Great Britain
And then even later in history came:
These are the main Countries that have made the greatest contribution to the world and shaped the world into what it is today. One more thing Slavery made the greatest contribution of all these countries combined for without slavery who know how many of these countries would never have attain the greatness that they are known for.................................... As for who did the best They all are major contributors, I don't think the world could have been what it is today, without all of them and their major contributions to the world. But if you have to have the best than it has to be Africa ( where life first sprang forth to populate the world)
2006-11-15 06:51:24
answer #4
answered by kilroymaster 7
Very difficult answer to give. Every nation has it's share of good contributions to the world. You would have to list them and tally up the score before picking the winner. For example; Germany, Italy for music; France, Italy, China for food; Scotland for golf.
2006-11-15 06:37:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think it would be America, because it brought freedom into the world. Also, America has been protecting the world for a long time now, and will be for quite a while more. People from America invented the airplane, the light bulb, etc. And if it weren't for America, then Hitler (or his legacy) would still be in power.
2006-11-15 06:26:42
answer #6
answered by nicholaswright2006 3
I feel that Canada has. We have contributed much to other countries without stripping of them of innocence or safety like mighty America has. We have given hockey, good looking people, good service to tourists, Jim Carrey, and a plethora of other good things. We have a good history and we mean no one any harm. God bless Canada. Great question, young man.
2006-11-15 06:23:40
answer #7
answered by Obi-wan Kenobi 4
USA, through the World Bank, World Healthcare Organization, United Nations, etc., etc., etc. We are the biggest contributors, monetarily speaking, to all the above.
2006-11-15 06:23:23
answer #8
answered by Local Celebrity 4
look man
the only nation that have survived for about 7000 years is egypt.
the most name of a country was mentioned in the holy quran was "Misr" egypt in arabic
the country that have defended islam against the Asian and European attacks in the middle ages was egypt
the name that people know for a long time is egypt
USA, and such young children are welcome too. but they will not last as egypt did.
2006-11-15 06:30:32
answer #9
answered by mozakkera 2
the Netherlands because of its social tolerance. Its policies are liberal towards drugs, prostitution, same-sex marriage, abortion and euthanasia. The country is host to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
thanks wiki
2006-11-15 06:24:39
answer #10
answered by zigzag 2