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When I was in my teens, it was white and thicker. Anyone else experience this change? I've been taking fish oil...I know fish oil thins your blood, I wonder if it's affecting my semen? Is it a sign of infertility? I want to have children someday.

2006-11-15 06:01:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Men's Health

10 answers

Consistency of semen isn't very consistent; you've probably noticed that the thickness of your ejaculate can vary from day to day. This is because the quality of the fluid is very susceptible to a number of factors. Diet, exercise and frequency of sex can all dictate how thick or watery your emissions are, as can the tightness of the clothes that you wear (tight clothing will increase body temperature and can thus impact sperm motility.

For men of normal fertility, sperm creation is a constant, ongoing process. Millions of sperm cells are created each day in the testes; they mature in one to 3 months, after which they're ready to be ejaculated. So, since there are always sperm cells being made, there is a lot of overlap between your "loads." Once one has been released, another should not be far behind.
Actual semen quantity differs among individuals and can also change for the same individual during different times of his life. Genetics plays an important part in how much a male will ejaculate. Most males ejaculate about one teaspoon of semen. Some medications may affect the amount of semen produced. And you will notice that the longer you take between orgasms the larger the quantity of semen you will ejaculate. (You've probably noticed that if you masturbate more than once a day that the second, third or fourth time you achieve orgasm you release smaller and smaller quanitities of semen. Wait overnight and see how much more your body made while you were asleep.) Additionally, the more aroused you get and the longer you take to ejaculate, the more semen your body will produce. Foreplay — touching yourself in special ways in special places — will sometimes stimulate the body to produce more semen, since the body's reproductive glands (such as the prostate) work harder when you're aroused.
Semen appearance and texture can change naturally over the course of months, days, or even from one ejaculation to another, due to a variety of factors inculding diet.
Semen from a mature male is usually a milky or pearly-white color. It is not uncommon to see a yellowish tint to the semen if you've abstained from ejaculation for a while. Semen colored with red streaks may signify blood. If you occasionally see a bit of blood it's not necessarily a cause for alarm, but if you see a lot of it, or if it persists, the condition should be brought to the attention of your physician. The same goes any other drastic color changes, which may indicate infection.
A lot of factors go into the appearance and consistency of semen, including diet, ejaculation frequency, etc., so changing any of these can alter the way your semen looks. Also, it's easy to think that semen is simply sperm cells in water, but it's a much more complex substance than that. So it may have been the absence or presence of something other than actual sperm cells — such as sugars or proteins — that caused your semen to look different before.
A nocturnal ejaculation may have more prostatic fluid in it (which is whiter and thicker), while a daytime ejaculation may have more sperm and fluid from the seminal vesicles, which tends to be more clear and less viscous.

2006-11-16 00:20:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

This Site Might Help You.

When I ejaculate, it's clear and looks like water.?
When I was in my teens, it was white and thicker. Anyone else experience this change? I've been taking fish oil...I know fish oil thins your blood, I wonder if it's affecting my semen? Is it a sign of infertility? I want to have children someday.

2015-08-12 03:06:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/MNJtV

that's normal that's the color it should be ok? if its clear its just not as thick most people call that pre-clum and when it is thick and white their is just more and it depends on what you eat and drink. like Coffee you drink that and you semen will get more thick and white ok? and if you masturbate too much it will look like water.

2016-04-01 07:35:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow, It's weird you know.
good semen should be white and thick or it's better if a little bit yellow, it means the semen is in good condition and high fertility. the yellow is better because it means the sperms got much nutritions, high fertility.
If your semen, clear and like water, it must be because of your frequency of masturbation or infertility condition.
Try not to wan*k your sausage for 3 days and look the result.
Having an erection as often and long as you could but don't shoot them out, it'll increase the semen's quality.

2006-11-15 12:58:38 · answer #4 · answered by fortman 3 · 0 0

Luckly this is a great solution for premature ejaculation http://EndPrematureEjaculation.enle.info/?KD2V

A guy always cums fast when its their first time. and especially if he's been waiting for a long time. Guys are erect at least 5 times a day so what I would do is some foreplay until he ejaculates or the both of you for that matter its not fair that he has orgasms and you don't so get him to do you first and then once you finish he will be more than ready for his orgasm. then use a condom because that cuts down the sensations for him if he feels he is about to come prematurely then tell him to come out and do some more foreplay on you so he has time to calm down. the condom should work but if you want a baby tell him to take the condom of before ejaculation and then finish in you. the longer you wait to make him come with foreplay the quiker it will be because he has to get it out of him.

He also does need time because you are the only one he has been with so once he gets used to it, you can really enjoy it once he gets his techniques down pat. Tell him what you like. Get some books and videos also until you both are experienced. Or you could even have a quickie in the morning, when you get home and then at night. he will diffently last longer because his mind has been free twice already. You get on top of him and you control the situation. Also my boyfriend tells me that he thinks about none sexual things for a while to help control him, tell him to think about a sport or something that calms him. If that doesn't work then just do IT over until you are satisfied

2017-02-17 13:08:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Consistency Of Semen

2016-12-15 09:45:32 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It's quite funny,as far as I know precum is like that

2006-11-15 06:06:29 · answer #7 · answered by Brenno 6 · 1 0

u dont finish puberty until 18....and different things grow at different paces. ur sperm hasnt developed yet. im 16 and my sperm is white and thick and i have no facial hair. so it all just depends. so no ur not ending puberty and it will happen for u sooner of later

2016-03-17 06:39:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Semen Consistency

2016-10-04 14:03:11 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

As you age, your semen changes in color and in texture. Not to worry. but I like semen to be pearly white , younger guys are the best for this. Older guys have yellowish semen. I like the taste of younger , also, More delicate taste & smells better. Really.

2006-11-15 06:28:02 · answer #10 · answered by blackbird 4 · 1 4

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