i have a hard time with it. Think it is a womans choice but women in general should try to avoid situations requiring one.
Their reasons to do it. Ah well.
2006-11-14 16:59:08
answer #1
answered by rostov 5
So you were only pro-choice when it came to matters of rape? What would happen if women started accusing people of rape just to get an abortion? Nothing good that is for sure.
A long time ago, I decided that if I got a girl pregnant, she would have the final say in the matter. She could decide to keep it and take me as a husband, raise our child herself and get child support from me, put the baby up for adoption and decide whether or not to stay with me, or have an abortion and again decide whether or not to stay with me. I also decided to do my best not to put any woman in the situation where she had to make such a choice.
You can not impose your morals on others. If that was the case I would make it impossible for people to smoke, obtain illegal drugs, or get married. The best you can hope for is to influence people not to get abortions through education, and expressing your opinions.
Keeping abortions legal is necessary to prevent back-alley-operations which endanger the health of women as well as that of the fetus. It is an ugly alternative, but a very real scenario if Roe V. Wade was ever overturned.
Outlawing the supply will never end the demand. Outlawing alcohol during Prohibition did not work. Outlawing prostitution has not stopped the demand for such services. Why should outlawing abortions be any different?
So please, keep abortion legal; just convince women not to have them. I think if we all worked at reducing the number of unwanted pregnacies, the number of abortions would drop to levela where it would go un noticed.
2006-11-15 02:32:56
answer #2
answered by Kevin k 7
I am pro-choice because it should be an inherehent right that no one tells me what to do with my body but me....sure it would be different if one could just give the fetus to the male who didn't want the abortion...or to a couple who cannot concieve, but that is not the case.
aking a woman describe to a panel about why she should be allowed to abort is a travesty to her privacy. No one is to say why she should or should not be responsible. The minute we make that distinction is the minute we pass judgment and make those who need to ask for help (even those that want adoption) scared to ask.
I am against abortion as a means for birth control...in fact...I think abortions should have a steep fee ( don't worry...if anyone can come up with the $$ to pay off an overdue gas bill, they can pay this) and the proceeds of which are used to provide birth control and condoms to those who ask.
If there is $$ left over, it should be spent on counselling for those who have had to place children for adoption or abourt...
2006-11-15 01:03:57
answer #3
answered by elysialaw 6
Abortion is wrong, period. Sometimes you must make the wrong choice, however. In the case of rape, incest, or death to the mother can occur I think abortion must be considered. But for any other reason, I say BS.
Raising adopted children I have done a complete 180 on abortion. Before anyone considers abortion, consider adoption. It's free to the birthmom, no med bills, the adoptive family pays those after the adoption. It will give the birthmom a chance to one day see how the child they gave birth to turns in to an adult. Adoption solves the problem of abortion. Abortion is a complete abandonment of all morality and responsibility.
Do I think the government should ban abortion? No way, but it needs to be a hell of a lot more difficult. I think all options must be presented to the birthmom before she snuffs out the life of her baby.
Everyone has to wait a few days to get a gun, why not a waiting period for abortion? Why not mandatory counseling? Being pregnant is inconvenient for sure, but take responsibility for your actions!
2006-11-15 01:07:42
answer #4
answered by Griff 5
I am pro-choice not for stupidity, but for rape victims, incest victims, maternal health. You also have to think of the other side of the issue also.. way to many babies get dumped.. I would much rather see a baby aborted at 12 weeks gestation then a newborn baby put in a dumpster, I will take the lesser of the two evils any day
you should put your source when you put stats up because I know I saw these floating around here before without a source, and I can't verify them without a source- I know for a fact that the maternal health is higher than that
2006-11-15 00:59:32
answer #5
answered by katjha2005 5
i am in no position to tell any woman or couple what they should do with their child. But all of your statistics state that that woman DOES NOT WANT THE BABY.
I don't know about you, but there are enough messed up people in the world, and enough kids in need of adoption, and enough people (period). that I don't understand why we should force a person that doesn't want a child, and therefore will not raise it in the loving household a child deserves, to bring ANOTHER unwanted person into this world.
Your percentages, while informative, do not resolve thee only question here that is of any value to the debate, which is... When does a fetus become a human?
My above argument is based on the fact that I know that i don't remember a dang thing from my fetal years, and had I been yanked... I would have never known it... but if i was raised in messed up heartless house-holds, i would sure know it.. and i'd probably be in jail, dead, or on my way... but my mother waited till she was ready for me.. so i'm fine...
true rape is the worst type of accidental pregnancy.. but every woman will raise far better children when they are in the right place, financially, physically, educationally, with their career, with their spouse, and with their lives... why chastise someone who has to make such a hard decision for doing what is best for the only thing she has in this world, herself?
2006-11-15 01:01:54
answer #6
answered by Jonny Propaganda 4
Even in the case of rape, the child is completely innocent and does not deserve to die for the crime of her father. Children conceived in rape are no less worthy to live than the rest of us. Furthermore, abortion only increases the trauma of a woman who has been raped. It causes her to become the aggressor, and the knowledge of what she has done will haunt her long after she has healed from the rape. For more on rape and abortion, including stories from women who conceived in rape, see:
Unborn children with medical problems deserve love and protection as well. Being sick is not a crime worthy of death. See:
Abortion is never necessary to save the life of a mother. See:
For well-documented information on all aspects of abortion, see http://Abort73.com
By the way, the statistics given above are not in question. Similar statistics can be found at the website of the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the pro-abortion research arm of Planned Parenthood.
2006-11-15 13:20:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The answer is simple. When a woman invites a man to enter her, she also invites the consequences of taht entry. If she doesn't want children she shouldn't have invited the entry in the first place.
What about Rape I hear.
When you abort a child you could be destroying the person who may one day have save your life. You may destroying the next president. You may be destroy the worlds last chance of peace.
2006-11-15 01:52:04
answer #8
answered by scruff 4
I am completely against abortion. If you don't want it or you can't afford it, there is always adoption.
I am completely against young girls not telling their parents when they are getting an abortion.
My state just voted against telling your parents.
How is it possible to know what your child is doing all the time, when you can keep something as big as an abortion secret. They treat it like it is an everyday procedure, like going to the bathroom.
The only reason anyone should get one is:
Any other reason is murder, in my opinion.
And what is really weird, people that are so pro abortion; are so against the death penalty, for anyone. Are they reading the "Bible" backwards.
2006-11-15 00:56:10
answer #9
answered by pixles 5
Who cares about "morally?" It's not like I'm religious, okay? In the end, it's the woman's right to choose. If the guy can't carry the kid, then there you go. (Well, until science allows otherwise.) Besides, what happens when a condom breaks? It's chance. It's not as if they weren't using protection. What are you going to do? Ban people from f*cking? I'd like to see you try... and fail miserably. Come on, now! With the world as overpopulated as it is... finish my thought any way you choose. Most people don't want to handle the responsibility of having a child because society imposes this belief that once you do pop out a kid, you're a slave to them for the next 18 years. For those who WANT to do that, go ahead. But if you think about it... are there really people in this day and age responsible enough to care for a kid ANYWAY? I scoff if you say "yes." Why not abort the fetus if all you're going to do in the end is throw the kid away to some orphanage? It's too crowded THERE, too. Am I callous? Maybe... but that's subjective.
2006-11-15 01:00:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous