I'd definitely read the book first so that you get a handle for the material. Then I'd get a copy of Angels and Demons from Dan Brown; this introduces the character Robert Langdon. And believe me, it's a great book. I liked the movie but it was a bit typecast and according to the new references, there are no bonuses on the dvd that make it worth the price. Your best bet, an expensive one, is to get the box set that Amazon.com is offering. This includes videos, interviews with the cast members, history of the Mona Lisa and a lot more. It's about 52 bucks. I included a link in case you're interested. Good luck in your decision!
2006-11-14 10:30:57
answer #1
answered by ? 7
The movie is a horrible reproduction of a book, and the book is written in a way that it should have been a GREAT movie. Save you $13.99, just because something is cheap doesn't mean it is worth it.
2006-11-14 18:17:33
answer #2
answered by donnamspeirs 3
The book was better than the movie, but the movie was ok. I wouldn't mind seeing it again, but I wouldn't buy it. If you don't know about the plot of the movie, make sure that you are not easily offended by Middle Ages religious heresies (Cathars, Albigens, etc). If you like the topic of the movie, I recommend you read Robert Graves ("King Jesus" is a good introductory book) or the books of Peter Berling about the Holy Grail.
2006-11-14 18:16:35
answer #3
answered by The Muffin Man 2
No, I didn't really like it. Its so boring and unrealistic. When I say boring, it's because all they do is wander around and ponder different clues and watch tom hanks become awstruck every time he has a brilliant idea. When I say unrealistic, its because they wil stop and casually try and figure out something after nearly getting killed. Other things are so conveniently staged too, like there is this one part where tom hanks and the lady are asking this old guy that they havent seen forever for his advice and out of thin air he is able materialize a power point presentation on a giant flat screen monitor. Come on............. No, you should wait for it to come out on television.
2006-11-14 18:16:24
answer #4
answered by Casey 3
I thought so. I have read the book and seen the movie. Of course the book was better but the movie was good, if you havent read the book I would suggest you buy the movie, but if you have read it just rent it.
2006-11-14 18:19:21
answer #5
answered by surfer grl 5
Buy the book instead, the movie was too long and not as good.
2006-11-14 18:15:47
answer #6
answered by Annie 5
I thought it was a worthwhile moive I saw it in the theate with my sister and read the book. I think it is worth it!! I'm certianly going to buy it.
2006-11-14 18:11:00
answer #7
answered by Kimmiko16 1
I would buy it...i read the book and loved it and i loved the movie too.
2006-11-14 18:14:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes and Yes
2006-11-14 18:14:03
answer #9
answered by LORD Z 7
I think so it was good.
2006-11-14 18:33:52
answer #10
answered by probasket 1