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I'm referring to I, Robot, in case anyone wasn't sure. Anyway, I understand that Spooner didn't trust the robots because he thought they were capable of doing more harm than good, but it seem that what sparked his mistrust is the car accident he took part in.

What I don't understand is that he seems to be mad at robots because they can't make human choices (such as saving a young girl rather than an adult) and as such, wants to get rid of them. But doesn't he realize that had the robot not been walking in the vicinity of the car accident, both he and the little girl would have died as a result? It's not like the robot prohibited a human from jumping into the water as well. There weren't any humans around, in fact, it was a human that caused the accident and trapped him and the little girl. Anyone else feel that his anger is misdirected?

(BTW, I'm not knocking the movie in any way. I actually think it's a very enjoyable depiction of Philip K. Dick's vision)

2006-11-14 10:02:10 · 5 answers · asked by I Am Legend 5 in Entertainment & Music Movies

5 answers

It's more about the robots not having the capability of human emotion.

Yes, Spooner was lucky the robot was walking by and owes his life to him. But had it have been a human, the human would have at least made the effort to try to save Sarah instead of just deciding it wasn't worth the risk because Spooner had a higher probality of living.

Humans react. Robots deduct.

2006-11-14 10:49:30 · answer #1 · answered by Shunda 6 · 0 0

It tells you in the action picture that he lost his arm throughout an twist of fate the place slightly lady died. His arm became into replaced with an robotic arm, yet that i the only element of him it is robotic.

2016-10-17 07:08:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think theres a part where he was covering a part of his arm which looked like a robotic arm.

i think that if he wasnt suspious of the other robots, then someone might look at him if something went wrong

2006-11-14 10:14:30 · answer #3 · answered by fuzzycakes 5 · 0 0

Human nature. If you were drowning, and saw a child with you. Who would you want rescued first? I hope your decision was the child.

2006-11-14 10:17:21 · answer #4 · answered by tim g 3 · 0 0

Hello? Plot point!

2006-11-14 16:07:29 · answer #5 · answered by Lorenzo Steed 7 · 0 0

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