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My b rother-in-law wants separate from his wife of almost 3 yrs ,because he has being going out w/ some one else.. She is always home with 2 kids(1 only his kid 4rm another marriage) but still she has being a mother to him, always have food ready when he gets back from work, clean clothes, clean house, he is the one who handle the bills and the $$ because he is the one earning this money(like he said).. But he wants to be apart for few months so he can go out & so as her and then think about it & move back again ofcourse she doesn't want this it is not fair and I believe he is just an imature who doesn't know what he wants and he doesn't know what he is loosing a good wife, mother and specially his kids because my mother -in-law will keep the oldest and she will take their son.. I feel bad but why is this possible doesn't men like to be treated nice ???? And as a pay off they just cheat with a B**** who will be just for a moment of pleasure...:)

2006-11-14 09:41:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

17 answers

I'm sorry but I fail to see what the problem is. Looks like the gut provides well for his family and supports them, all he is asking for is a wee holiday to go out and relax and have siome fun, where's the harm in that? I think you (and possiably your sister) are making mountains out of molehills.

2006-11-14 09:45:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He sounds young and sounds like he never had the chance to go out and maybe things came at him to fast. He wasnt ready for that kind of situation and not quite matured all the way. He still has things that he wants to do in life and there is nothing wrong with that. Thats what happens when you try to live your life to fast it eventually catches up to you. Trust me he will realize that he is losing a great person but not now and not for awhile until he finds out how other people can be he wont fully understand. But I do believe that there is no turning back and that he has to do this otherwise there will be problems later into the marriage even worse problems than now. So its probably best and maybe a few years down the road when he has matured only then will it be a good idea to start a relationship with him if she still wanted to.

2006-11-14 17:46:49 · answer #2 · answered by hmm 3 · 0 0

There are some very selfish people in this world who care about nothing but themselves, such as your brother-in-law. They use the excuse that because they are paying the bills and bringing home the bacon so to speak they are allowed to act like brainless fools!
On the other hand the wife should not be enabling his bad behavior by carrying on like nothing is wrong doing everything she usually does. To him that is like getting a free pass to do anything he wants with impunity. He needs to realize there are consequences to his actions. She should get a lawyer and make sure he will pay child support and the mortgage and then put his *** out! If that is what he wants then let him go for it!

2006-11-14 17:49:50 · answer #3 · answered by tigerlily_catmom 7 · 0 0

Your brother in law is either very immature or self centered maybe both! I feel bad for the kids but putting up with his behavior for the kids is wrong and will only cause resentment and more pain in the long run. Tell sis to give him the boot. He obviously takes her for granted and dosn't respect or love her and she is better off without him. She can make a point of staying involved in the childs life if she wants by letters and gifts and working out visitation with the caregivers. A good lawyer should be able to help her and she may even be able to get custody if she wants. Good Luck to her

2006-11-14 17:50:43 · answer #4 · answered by buffybot67 5 · 0 0

I went through the same thing. It's not right, and it's not fair but it's life. I know she loves him- It's evident by her actions to try to please him but she should respect herself and put her foot down. Let him know that behavior will not be tolerated. I had to, and it still kills me to this day because he chose that lifestyle instead of me, after 9 years together. And I'm only 22. So I'll pray for her but just tell her to be strong and one day, after he loses her and realizes how stupid he was, maybe he will understand. But hopefully by then she will be with someone who loves and respects all she is and does. Good luck!

2006-11-14 17:46:07 · answer #5 · answered by love_n_hate84 2 · 0 0

After being married and having kids, some people start to feel "trapped" because they can't party and live it up like they used to. I call these people jerks, because they really need to open their eyes and see that they have built a good life for themselves and they need to be content with all they already have.

2006-11-14 17:46:55 · answer #6 · answered by adambomb286 2 · 0 0

He sounds like a selfish fool! I can't answer your question you might have better insight than me. U take care ofyour sister n law be her friend and a shoulder to lean on because when she finds out what he is doing she is going to need it.

2006-11-14 17:45:19 · answer #7 · answered by HereweGO 5 · 0 0

Your question--why is this possible? Becuase some men are dogs and always will be. The best thing she can do for herself and the child is divorce his butt and move on!

2006-11-14 17:49:46 · answer #8 · answered by blonde_bitch_norris 3 · 0 0

you were right your brother in law is going to loss something he wished had never happened.
i think all you need to do is talk sit him down and talk to him about the dangers in the parth he wants to take and also about the future of the children.

2006-11-14 17:45:19 · answer #9 · answered by asuoonline 3 · 0 0

He's a controlling asshole who thinks he gets whatever he wants. Next thing you know he'll want two wives. She should leave him and move on. End of story.

2006-11-14 17:45:28 · answer #10 · answered by Heather 3 · 0 0

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