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csi, the sopranos, sleeper cell etc we seem at least 15 years behind. Part of the problem for me is that our tv directors seem obssessed with giving leading roles to middle class actors, thus how on earth are these programmes ever going to be gritty and edgy and realistic like our transatlantic cousins when they look and sound like an eton tea party. Taking waking the bloody dead for an example. a programme that could bore concrete.

2006-11-14 09:35:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Television

18 answers

How come Japanese game shows are better than American. Just compare MXC with anything

2006-11-14 09:45:03 · answer #1 · answered by American Idle 5 · 1 1

Hahaha... oh theres a lot of countries that have worse... not ALL british TV sucks... it may seem under budgeted and have poorer acting compared to something american... but thats just america's thing.... TV and film.. but have you seen how thing are presented in america? like the graphics for the news... so boring and dull and old fashioned... compared to our TV aesthetics... plus the types of cameras, filters and lenses effect the look of a tv show too.. like in post production editing... and then you got allllll of the UK's accents which dont go down well compared to the smooth sounding american accent lol!

2016-03-28 05:42:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Masterpiece Theater and Mystery series here have mainly British made programs and beat the hell out of anything made in US - with some exceptions. Sopranos and others like Wire now running on HBO can't be beat, but are quintessentially American in any case.
Dexter now on Showtime is exceptional. But of course one used to the usual formula drama in one country will at least feel something different when watching what he doesn't know yet is essentially formula drama from another country.

2006-11-14 09:48:52 · answer #3 · answered by Grist 6 · 2 1

If you were an American, you’d be saying the same thing about our shows. At least British directors are willing to give the middle class a shot. A big name actor does not necessarily translate to a success story.

2006-11-14 09:39:02 · answer #4 · answered by blooutflash 3 · 2 1

USA has more channels and more rubbish....we just get the cream of the crop!

UK channels just to worried about being PC! so you will never get realism.

Spooks with the girl M15 agent getting her head pushed into a deep fat fryer has to one of the most terrifying gritty scenes in a UK drama in recent years!

2006-11-16 00:01:07 · answer #5 · answered by Breeze 5 · 1 0

So don't watch the British ones if you feel that strongly about it.

The British dramas are far superior to the US ones *IN MY OPINON* because they better reflect life in the UK.
I cannot relate to American dramas because they define a life that I have never experienced, and that means nothing to me.

Remember, in America, they have actors.
But in Britain, we have Thespians.

The rest of the world looks to Britain to see how theatre and TV should be done properly.

2006-11-14 10:11:29 · answer #6 · answered by Swampy_Bogtrotter 4 · 2 1

I think it's cause UK can't do drama. They have no idea what the real world is like, (or they have no idea what real life should look like on tv at least). They love home and away for heavens sake... They should stick to comedy and documentaries, they are the best in the world... I love red dwarf, IT crowd, Black books, etc, but i can't think of 1 uk drama that I would watch.

2006-11-14 10:01:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

That really interesting, boring concrete, thats probably better than watching any tv, cause i'd like to know how you do that!!

2006-11-14 09:40:02 · answer #8 · answered by carol g 3 · 2 0

American drama is set to the lowest common denominator..IE easily understood by almost anybody...lots of explosions and car chases...little plot..seems you fit in well with this audience.?

2006-11-14 10:07:22 · answer #9 · answered by notgnal 6 · 5 0

Cracker and Blood in the wire are two good English shows as is Prime Suspect. but hey what ever floats your boat.

2006-11-14 09:48:49 · answer #10 · answered by andy m234 2 · 1 1

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