Usually I am checking them out, but then again I'm a dyke...
2006-11-14 09:43:17
answer #1
answered by carora13 6
Well when I'm checking out a girl I'm checking out the girl no different than a straight guy would...
I do think that a lot of woman, though, look at other girls just to see what they're up against. Either that or they're checking out thier shoes.
2006-11-14 08:46:47
answer #2
answered by IceyFlame 4
Jealousy. It's not a gay thing.
It's like the car accident that's so horrible, but you can't stop looking.
Same thing A woman sees another that is prettier, skinnier etc. and even though it upsets her, can't stop looking.
Ironically, the media recognizes this. Ever see an ugly woman on the cover of cosmo? Why don't they put good looking men?
2006-11-14 08:37:13
answer #3
answered by Salami and Orange Juice 5
Make no mistake about it man. When you go to the club and see all the women dessed up looking all hot and stuff. They didn't dress up for any guys !!!!!OH NO!!!!! They dress up for the girls so they can stay in competion with the breeding rights. Its all that laws of mother nature stuff. They have to look there best so that they can get a good mate you know what i mean right.
2006-11-14 08:40:50
answer #4
answered by Logical Leroy 2
Checking out the competition? Most women are interested in appearance, clothes, hairstyles, make-up, etc. so we like to check out what other chicks are wearing and so forth.
2006-11-14 11:34:59
answer #5
answered by DawnDavenport 7
I'm sorry, I'm straight, married with kids and I'll be the first to comment on a woman's looks in a positive way. If my husband points a pretty woman out, I'll honestly tell him what I think.
2006-11-14 08:43:29
answer #6
answered by icddppl 5
girls are very catty towards each's just in us from the day we're born. It's about competition, not about being lesbian...altho it is much more socially acceptable for a girl to admit another girl is attractive than it is for a guy to do the same...kinda funny, eh?
2006-11-14 08:40:18
answer #7
answered by superstar_81882 5
COMPETITION women are always in competition with each other....or we're admiring what the other girl has on, or maybe we like her could be a lot of reasons
2006-11-14 08:37:41
answer #8
answered by graciegirl 5
I do it out of jealously for I hate my body so much and constantly wish I was pretty like all the other gals I know.
2006-11-14 08:48:06
answer #9
answered by missgigglebunny 7
Some of it's jealousy, some of it's admiration, some of it is just looking for inspiration (like, 'wow her hair looks good... I wonder if that cut would work for me.')
2006-11-14 09:27:04
answer #10
answered by angiekaos 3