do her every day
2006-11-14 08:29:57
answer #1
answered by Brett R 1
Not an expert by any means of the word but if I remember right women like to be wooed - even by their partner. A slight touch and gentle word a soft kiss. Begin doing these things a few hours before bedtime. Tell her she is pretty, or handsome if that does it for her. Kiss her neck rub, rub her back. Pay attention to her. Help her get her household chores done a little early - wash dishes with her, talk about her day, warm her up slowly! Don't expect anything the first few nights but continue this attention - - then made a move. See what happens!
2006-11-14 16:32:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Perhaps your anatomy is just not right for one anther. If two people fit together well sparks will fly in the bedroom. I'll give you some examples.
My first mate was too large for me. It was very uncomfortable & even painful to have intercourse. So I never engage or ever reached orgasm with this person although I did love this person.
My second mate was not quite large enough. Intercourse was okay, but I never did climax. He could not reach my "G" spot which at the time I still thought was a myth!
My current mate is just right. I climax every single time we engage in intercourse. Sometimes more than once. Our anatomy fits together just rigt.
Need I say more....
2006-11-14 17:25:03
answer #3
answered by Q~T 5
Maybe ask her flat out what she wants? Hey, some people just don't have much of a sex drive. I think they're admirable honestly. If you can't accept her as she is, leave her and find someone who does have a sex drive.
2006-11-14 16:31:19
answer #4
answered by Blackadder 2
maybe she da type da type dat see a nice conversation more stimulatin then actual sex so talk to her witout pressure ask her wats goin on wit her if its nuttin ask her how would she like u to please her and tell her she beautiful and touch her gently and kiss her and if those simple things make her happy then she make u happy also.dont make it seems as if sex is da only thing on your mind cuz dat might make her feel like u dont care.
2006-11-14 17:18:15
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
you need to talk to her about it, maybe something happened to her in her past that makes her like that, or maybe you need to spice things up a bit ask her what she likes, but you need to have a chat about it
2006-11-14 16:49:32
answer #6
answered by Amanda 1
Ask her what she likes.
Go down often.
Surprise her with new 'moves'
Wear sex panther.
2006-11-14 16:33:22
answer #7
answered by Barrett G 6
why dont you try to talk to her?but never pressure her!if you care about her you wouldnt be posting questions about this...shouldnt this be confidential?thats my opinion....
2006-11-14 16:58:32
answer #8
answered by Lizzie101 2