This event is really weighing on my mind. I am 25 and married to my wife for about 2 years. Back in late September, a bunch of buddies (both single and married) when away for a guys camping weekend. The second night we were there, we were drinking and smoking some pot. It's been a long while since I smoked pot and it hit me like a ton of bricks. All I remember until I woke up in the morning was a weird memory of me being held down and sorta raped/ taken advantage of by a bunch of guys. I don't know if this was some sorta f*cked up dream due to the pot or did this in fact happen. That next morning no one made any mention of it. I'm realyl weird about this and I don't know what to do. Any thoughts?
20 answers
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Society & Culture
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➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
All I know, as far as evidence goes, is that semen was stained on the front inside of my boxer briefs. I'm just not sure if it's my own or someone elses. I do remember in the dream that during the experience I was given one or two (for a lack of better words) handjobs.
08:32:18 ·
update #1
How come this always happens to OTHER guys... sigh. I can't even get my friends to go camping!!!
2006-11-14 09:34:49
answer #1
answered by WalksEternal 2
Guys camping weekend, huh... alcohol and pot too... sounds clear to me what happened, no doubt about it really.
You were abducted by aliens and probed, dude. They just used the fact that you were together to implant false memories of the bunch of you getting it on. It was definitely aliens, you can be sure of that.
I'd definitely report it as an abduction. Technically, a close encounter of the 4th kind. (The 'gay' kind, that is)... LOL
Although I admit it could also have been the pot. I personally wouldn't characterize a dream where I came in the end 'a bad trip' however, pot or no. Back where I come from, we call that a 'wet dream.' They are pretty nice actually. Unless its the aliens wanting your semen for scientific experiments. Then its bad. Ohh... I don't know, dude... this ones hard to call.
2006-11-14 17:10:27
answer #2
answered by Todd 3
If you want to find out for sure, you should go up to your buddies all casual like and say hey I had this weird dream. Remember when we went camping in Sept? Well, that night I had the weirdest dream. I dreamed that.........etc. Maybe you could see from your buddies reaction what happened. If anyone looks a little shifty in the eyes, they might be guilty.
It also could be the pot you smoked. You could've had a bad trip. Just to be on the safe side, I wouldn't smoke any more pot around them and pass out. I hope for your sake this didn't happen and it was some weird dream.
2006-11-14 16:41:39
answer #3
answered by country girl 5
With respect, if you had been raped/sodomized, you would have had physiological evidence. Anal tearing, possible bleeding, and most important, you would have felt it when you woke up. Now, at this point you might say, well gay guys don't have those issues, and the answer for that would be because they prepare and are used to it. Chances are you had a bad dream from the weed or maybe even a rape fantasy, it does happen you know. Either way, it happened in Sept. and this is November so move on and don't let it bother you.
2006-11-14 16:26:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Dude, you'd know the next morning if you were raped. Especially if several were involved. You'd be very sore and tender. Seems unlikely that several guys drunk or not would all decide to rape you and then not mention or say anything to anyone. I doubt seriously you could find that many diverse men with same secret desire to rape another guy all just happening to get together.
Probably just a homoerotic dream. Don't worry too much about it, or read too much into the dream.
Uhhhhh....Now aren't you sorry you didn't go to Vegas?
2006-11-14 16:29:35
answer #5
answered by Langtry 3
Seems like you would have had physical evidence if you were really attacked. Was anything out of place? Where the guys gay? Is there any of them you could tell it to and pass it off as a dream and see if that say anything incriminating?
What do you want to resolve if it turns out to be true?
2006-11-14 16:27:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
if it did happen it serves you right for going off and leaving your wife and smoking pot and drinking. why would a responsible married man smoke dope in the first place? now back to your problem, did your bung hole feel sore the next day? if so you need to go round up your friends and determine who did it and kill the sorry basta**s
2006-11-14 16:29:06
answer #7
answered by roy40372 6
If you were done in the bum you would definitely feel it. It would be at least sore the next day even if they did lube up. I think you had a crazy pot head dream.
2006-11-14 17:29:29
answer #8
answered by Q~T 5
if you do have semen on your boxers, you can get that tested, as long as you haven't bleached them yet. There are home kits as well as hospitals that can test your boxers. (Most often 1 person uses it to test & see if semen/fluids not their own is in their loved ones underwear) No grown man is really going to admit to doing something like that to another, unless you're willing to get them trashed & stay sober enough to ask the questions & even then that's term enough for a fight.
2006-11-14 17:28:05
answer #9
answered by jmintecu 4
Try taking your clothing of that night to a foresic lab. That should tell you if something happened.
2006-11-14 16:24:25
answer #10
answered by missgigglebunny 7