One of John Carpenter's trademarks in his earliest films is that he always used basically the same cast. Some would have a small role in one of his movies and a bigger role in others. Also, he writes or co-writes all the music for his movies. In a few, the music has been just as important a character as any of the rest of the cast. Imagine 'Halloween' without that synth music. It would've changed the whole movie! SAme can be said for 'The Thing' and 'Escape From New York', in particular. John always has an easy-going pace to his movies that rhythmically picks up as the movie moves on until finally you're caught up into it so gradual it seems more real (and scary). This didn't work in every movie he did, but certainly the ones considered 'classic'. They are remaking 'The Thing' as a mini-series for television. I forgot who was going to direct, but he said there was no way he could 'remake' The Thing because there was no way to do it better than John Carpenter did it. So, this new director wants to do the new 'Thing' and start it where JC's version ends...hmmm. Also, JC's films are quiet clauserphobic at times. He takes advantage of the small space to not only scare us more, but to get us closer to the characters. We become intimate with them because he's put us in that space with them. Hard to explain....sorry :-) And back to the music, since he is a musician he uses this to his advantage to set the rhythm of the movie. Everything takes place to a certain beat that keeps everything constant. Including the dialog and the action. Like the way Alice Cooper 'swaggers' in 'Prince of Darkness'. The way Michael Myers 'rises up' in the background as Laurie Strode catches her breath at the bedroom door with her head turned. Things like this. And the editing. I gotta stop now...LOL! I love John Carpenter! ;-)
2006-11-14 10:01:21
answer #1
answered by Army Of Machines (Wi-Semper-Fi)! 7
Independence Day War of the Worlds The Matrix AVP Resident Evil Transformers Armegeddon Blade Runner Equilibrium Serenity Sphere Terminator Stargate Ark of Truth The Fifth Element Jurrastic Park Mad Max
2016-03-28 05:36:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Thing, Halloween, Escape From New York, Big Trouble in Little China, Escape From Los Angeles, The Fog, The Prince of Darkness, The Mouth of Madness, Starman, Assault on Precinct 13, College Girls of Doom, Ghosts of Mars, They Live, Vampires, Christine, the list goes on.
2016-12-17 14:03:11
answer #3
answered by Michael 2
Prince of Darkness or Darkstar are good if you are looking for B movies. Darkstar was his first movie. If you want a serious horror then go with Halloween. I agree the scene where Jamie Lee Curtis is hiding in the closet is timelessly scary. I covered my eyes.
2006-11-14 08:27:58
answer #4
answered by OrianasMom 3
Escape from New York and The Thing
2006-11-14 09:21:30
answer #5
answered by Dang it 2
He's got too many to chose from. but, I always liked "Christine". A combo.of Stephen King and John Carpenter
2006-11-14 08:26:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Definitely "The Thing" He remade a classic and made it his own. There have been so many later movies that have borrowed from this, Alien comes immediately to mind.
2006-11-14 08:29:14
answer #7
answered by john p 4
Wow - tough question! Love Escape From New York (Snake Pliskin was my first concious understanding of an 'anti-hero').
However - I have to go with Vampires - gory, tough, twisted, everything you want in a Carpenter movie.
2006-11-14 09:03:50
answer #8
answered by InstructNut 4
They Live!!! One of my favorites from childhood. He's kind of hard to watch now because I have a limited tolerance for cheesiness and cliches, but remember, "I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ***, and I'm all out of bubble gum."
2006-11-14 08:37:55
answer #9
answered by Kballs 3
halloween, the scene that michael myers is trying to get laurie in the closet...classic
2006-11-14 08:22:12
answer #10
answered by fuellover2002 2