You didn't just find yourself chatting to gay men in chat rooms, you initiated it. You initiated it because you had an interest in it. Your interest in it has resulted in you starting to get off on the idea of being with another guy. You don't mention anything about women, so I do not know if you are sexually attracted to them or not. If you are sexually attracted to women as well, you are bisexual. If you are not sexually attracted to women as well you are gay. Your body/heart/mind tells you who you are attracted to, so just go with the flow and don't fight your own feelings.
2006-11-14 08:15:31
answer #1
answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7
Hi Mark M
Ask yourself a couple of questions.
You are on a train, or a similar confined space. Do you (A)instinctively look at the women or(B) the blokes?(A) You are walking down the street and you see a fit young wench, you check out her boobs and turn your head as she walks past to see if she has a nice bum, if you do that, would you (B) sneak a peek at a guy's package and turn your head to look at his bum? If your answers are A then you are most likely Hetero. At the age of 25 you have probably had a reasonable amount of experience with women, so it may be just that you are curious to see what it is like to swing the other way to add a bit of variety.
So you have a couple of options, knock one out while fantasising about it or doing the same while watching some gay porn. That will keep it anonymous and in the fantasy realm (like the chat rooms) or you can try it for real with all the consequences involved. Without speaking of STD's; I mean guilt, self hatred etc... If you enjoy having a J Arthur over the porn with no associated guilt and you feel that you can handle the real thing then ,go for it.
No one can tell you if you are gay or not, but I hope that I have given you something to think about that may lead you to make your own decision.
2006-11-15 09:22:20
answer #2
answered by wizard prang 3
only you know how you feel towards men sexually. Most people think about the same sex sometime in their life,even if it's thinking what it would be like kissing someone the same sex.
Have you ever had thoughts like this about men if your out drinking in a pub or out with friends?
Either way talking over the Internet is completely different than chatting to men face to face, would you say the things you wrote to a man? and would you feel comfortable saying it?
2006-11-14 08:09:17
answer #3
answered by zeldieuk2002 5
I think you should explore these feelings in a controlled enviornment, speak with a counselour first, being gay is not an illness just something we come to terms with,,,,it took me 28 years. (and I still stand near the closet door, it is safe there (no discrimination) but I am out.... I refuse to go back someone turned the light off in there...its dark there now, i now live in the rainbow world
2006-11-14 08:47:31
answer #4
answered by southernboy 4
I believe you are courious to what it might be like to be with another male. I mean if you think about it try it you might like it and maybe gay or at least bi. But you may not like it and you just experimented lots of guys do it even though they dont want to admit it. I have been many guys experiments. I say go for it and try it and if you dont like it you probably will stop with the idea of it. But good luck with whatever you decide
2006-11-14 09:02:36
answer #5
answered by brandenbaby 2
Try it out? It might be a tough step to take, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating! Or summat...!
If you don't want to, or you're with a girl etc... ask yourself if you're still attracted to girls. Approach girls if you haven't got a girlfriend. If nothing works, I'd say you're gay. Otherwise - you could be bisexual (or just confused/curious, everyone wonders about it sometimes!)
2006-11-14 08:36:18
answer #6
answered by lady_s_hazy 3
It is natural for most guys to want another guy at least from time to time. Gay? Only you know how you feel inside. Gay includes sexual feelings as well as wanting to date/love another man. Just because you go to a Bar Mitzvah doesn't make you Jewish. So go have fun, just wrap that rascal.
2006-11-14 09:34:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'd say you're curious, but not necessarily gay. I suppose you could go with a man just to satisfy this curiosity, get it out of your system ... or see if this is really you. Either way, mind yourself, use protection.
2006-11-14 08:10:24
answer #8
answered by Orla C 7
I'd day meet someone for a drink and see how you go. It doesn't necessary mean your gay as such, maybe just curious. It should really be up to you to make your mind up if you feel you are gay or not, it's not really up to us to tell you you are.
2006-11-14 22:35:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sexuality is not an all or nothing proposition in all cases. Read this article on the Kinsey Scale and you will understand what I mean.
2006-11-14 08:10:51
answer #10
answered by The Eight Ball 5