in our sex crazed society no every day is completely normal. the body has needs and i'll tell ya it's a great way to take the edge off. sometimes i have to take a coffee break with no coffee if you get my meaning and some days 2. plus lots with my lover whenever we can. if it's affecting your performance at work in a negative way or interfering in personal relationships (not seeing your friends anymore, don't have time for family) or starting to cost you $$ (even female sex addicts will pay for it just to avoid the conversing) or you're having one nighters a lot, then you may need help. take sex addicts annonymous with a grain of salt. i know that aa says if you have 1 drink a day you're an alcoholic. not necessarily true and especially with sex.
every day is no big deal. 6 and 7 times daily on a mandatory basis: big deal. IM me if you need to chat about it further.
2006-11-14 07:03:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There's nothing wrong with needing stimulation every day, or every six hours, or whatever time frame you put on it. It might not be the average experience for all people, but it is certainly normal for some people to have high sex drives.
If this feels like obsessive behavior, though- something where you would suffer adverse affects if you were to miss the stimulation, or bowing to your desires is affecting your schoolwork/job, or relationships with friends, family, lovers, etc., then it has become a problem and you should go to therpay. There are support groups for such, sex aholics anonymous, but the people who frequent them are usually promiscuous and have sex compulsively- I'm not sure if you count your problem like that or differently. Either way, it's worth checking out if you feel unsure about your behavior.
Good luck.
2006-11-14 14:53:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
While it is normal to want the pleasure of sex and it is normal for people to have a high sex drive, I would consider it a problem when it becomes an addiction to you. If you can't think striaght unless you have sex or feel you have to have sex to stop yourself from thinking about problems you are going through in your life right now.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of 12 Step programs, if you want to get better you are going to get better regardless what they make you do. 12 Steps are almost, to me, degrateing... they make you convince yourself that you are powerless against your addiction and that you can't do it alone you need help from a higher power (whether you choose God or the tree in your back yard).
If you think you have a problem you can do something about it. If you feel comfortable enough, see a councelor about it and describe to the person what you're going through. The only time you are going to need to go to group meetings and write lists of all the people you slept with and how often you masterbate is if you go to SA (sexaholics anonymus).
What I would suggest is that you read this book Choke by Chuck Palahniuk. It is a great book about a man who is addicted to sex and how it controlled his life. While the book itself it fiction the author actually went to countless SA meetings and used everyone's expirience to write the story so it's as true-to-life as possible. I have read it and I strongly recommend it...
2006-11-14 14:45:38
answer #3
answered by IceyFlame 4
I am a man, and I feel the same way. I don't think there is anything wrong with being this way. I strongly believe I am lucky to have such a strong sexual drive.There are many people who, for whatever reason, maybe medical or psychological, don't enjoy a healthy, strong sex drive. As far as the feeling need for some sort of stimulation is concerned, I think all that's just curiosity or wanting to experiment.,toys, video, etc. I say as long as nobody gets hurt, ENJOY!!!
2006-11-14 14:37:29
answer #4
answered by chicagoCarlos 1
Restraint is something we all have to practice at various times and places. My wife insisted I was a sex addict. I talked to a counsellor and the counsellor thought she was the one with the problem (we used to call that frigidity).
Sure it feels good and you want more of what feels good. But if you worried you had a drinking problem you might purposely limit yourself to one or two drinks a day. For sex, limit yourself to maybe every other day, or skip a day if you do it two or three days in a row. If you were getting fat, you would cut back on what you eat wouldn't you? Me, I talk too much unless I restrain myself. Make a habit of rewarding your desires a little more deliberately and a little less often.
2006-11-14 14:35:04
answer #5
answered by Rabbit 7
This is very normal. I think this is how its supposed to be. Its not a problem unless you start raping people or lose jobs or fail relationships bc of it. But everyday? Of course,even multiple times a day would be normal. Once a week,now thats way too little! Thats more of a concern.
2006-11-14 14:31:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you think it is a problem and it is interrupting your everyday life then yes. I would assume that there is group therapy, such as AA for alcoholics. But, you may be more comfortable with one on one counselling. Good luck.
2006-11-14 14:31:52
answer #7
answered by KMAB 3
Same problem Honey. I'm a total nympho! Nothing wrong with you or me. Some women are hot all the time, some half the time, some hardly ever, and some never. Same for men. Everyone is different.
2006-11-14 15:02:08
answer #8
answered by verhotica 1
If it is interfering in your ability to live a happy, healthy life, then it's time to seek counseling. There are support groups for that.
2006-11-14 17:48:12
answer #9
answered by carora13 6
If it interfering with your normal life, and if it's preventing you from developing healthy relationships, then I think you should seek the help of a therapist.
2006-11-14 14:30:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous