1. n. [1920s+] (orig. US military.) a derogatory term for foreigners, especially south-east Asians, e.g. (in chronological order of use) Filipinos, Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese.
2. n. [1940s+] a foreign language spoken by one of the above peoples.
The etymology of this racial slur is shrouded in mystery, disagreement, and controversy. The Oxford English Dictionary admits that its origin in "unknown," but that isn’t quite fessing up to true complexity of the matter. It is generally agreed that the term was coined by the US military, the question is: In which war? The farthest back that its genesis is likely to have occurred was the Filipino uprising of 1899. The American soldiers are said to have referred to the natives as "gugus," playing off a Tagalog word meaning "tutelary spirit."
2006-11-14 06:14:02
answer #1
answered by cookiesmom 7
Tweener: A morally ambiguous wrestler, neither a foul man or well man (an inbetweener), who will combat someone without reference to alignment (e.g. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, The Rock, Kane). This time period could also be used to explain wrestlers who use strategies quite often related to heels (e.g., dishonest), but are nonetheless cheered by way of fanatics despite (or since of) those antics (e.g. Eddie Guerrero and Ric Flair). :://Starred//::
2016-09-01 12:27:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's spelled, G O O K (Yahoo, censors it, so I had to put spaces btwn each letter) I didn't know what you meant, until I read the other answers.
2006-11-14 06:44:04
answer #3
answered by limendoz 5
That's a racist remark to an asian person.
2006-11-14 06:21:33
answer #4
answered by LaoSy 3
You told me to suck my own? I don't know what that means
2006-11-14 06:15:48
answer #5
answered by martin 4