darn fleas!! i hate them.. i got soo mad at a friend who brought their flea infested dog over.. yes you can do this.. first treat your animals with flea shampoo.. then also get some advantage and put that on them (that comes from the vet and is less harsh than the store bought brands.. a friends cat died from the store bought brands) now go get some bug bombs.. make sure you you have enough to have one in each room (if you have a single room that in very large.. get two for that room..) strip your bedding (and wash) turn the cushens from couches up so the bomb will get underneith the cushion area.. open closets (except for dishes and any closet that doesnt have carpeting) follow the instructions from the bug bombs (you will have to leave.. come back to open windows to area out.. leave again.. and then wipe down counters) plus the instructions will tell you what to do with fish tanks.. birds will have to be taken out etc...this is a big job.. but you just killed the adult fleas.. (and any other creepy crawler).. BUT.. the fleas have layed eggs in your carpeting that didnt get killed.. so in two weeks, you have to bomb your house again.. by then the eggs will have been hatched, but have not layed more, so you have to kill them.. if you do not choose to put a lasting flea repellant on your animals.. they will get them again, and bring them in again, so that is impotant.. i know this is a big job, but well worth taking care of the problem.. good luck
2006-11-14 03:43:53
answer #1
answered by c 3
Get some flea bombs and make sure there is no food out nor dishes, the mist will be on everything in the rooms. It does work.
Also do not do it where there is an open flame like on a heater.
Saw a show once in which the combination was a combustion,
It takes a bit of work but it does work.
Best remedy is to put the drops behind your pets neck and that works very well. Fleas do not have a chance then to get on the floor.
2006-11-14 02:23:49
answer #2
answered by antiekmama 6
Insect bombs will work in the house; however, if you dont get rid of the fleas in your yard, they will just keep coming back. What I did to get rid of fleas was I took the bed coverings off my bed so that the fleas would not have any place to hide, opened all the doors on my cabinets, closets, etc then opened up the bombs and then went outside and sprinkled Selvin 5 dust all around my house. (Selvin 5 is a flea powder you can use on dogs and cats), put the Selvin on my dogs. Worked like a charm. (After about 3 weeks you will have to do this again as the flea eggs from the original fleas would have hatched. After the 2nd time, you usually do not have to do this again) .
2006-11-14 02:39:26
answer #3
answered by bettyswestbrook 4
First you need to decide what caused the fleas. If you have pets they will need to be dipped, or sprayed, or something that's effective like flea drops or pills. Then the same day you'll need to either use a fogger, or spray your carpets. My dad loaned me his spray bottle and mixed a solution for me from pesticide. He bought a large bottle and it only took a couple capfuls to do my whole house, twice. Because our came from our new puppy, after we sprayed the house and both dogs we put out poison in the yard and watered it in. We tried spraying, and the drops, and the poisons all at different times. We finally got rid of the fleas when we did them all at once. Now we havent had fleas in months.
2006-11-14 07:40:52
answer #4
answered by rdnkchic2003 4
My dad used to work for a pest control and fleas are a hard kill. I have 1 small dog and a saint bernard in my house. Spraying with something is ok but you also need to empty your vacume everytime and tie the bag or trash up in a plastic bag then throw away. You can see the little suckers jumping in there
2006-11-14 03:00:43
answer #5
answered by greatestmomntheworld 2
I bought a spray bottle from pet smart for the house, and a bottle of some insecticide that hooked to my water hose for the outside, gave the dogs a flea bath and then put frontline on them afterwards...worked fine.
2015-08-21 05:35:45
answer #6
answered by james 1
Giving birth to a new life is indeed a blessing which almost every woman would wish to have. How to get pregnant naturally https://tr.im/x1x2e
Enjoying the feeling of motherhood and raising a family would surely be a couple’s dream. Some get it naturally, while for some others things don’t seem to work as they desire. These reasons which stop a women from conceiving can be due to either physical reasons or truly physiological.
2016-05-02 02:20:47
answer #7
answered by ? 3
get some flea bombs at walmart. You have to leave the house for like 24 hrs but, it works.
2006-11-14 02:21:18
answer #8
answered by day dreamin baby 5
Try sprinkling cooked grits all over the carpet... this works like rice in ant beds it fills them to where they explode. dawn dish detergent,... mixed with a little water spray all over or try sprinkling salt all over let it sit for a while then vaccum it up.
2006-11-14 02:24:30
answer #9
answered by jjones_3279 2
2006-11-14 02:21:47
answer #10
answered by jb 4