yes ,treat everyone as an individual and they will earn your respect on their own merits.
However,other people might label you,depending on your race,ethnic background,or what part of the country you are from ,or even what neighborhood you are from.
That has happened to me,I moved from the East coast out to Colorado,I try not to tell people where I am from,but as soon as I open my mouth,they ask me ,"Where are you from ? ".
I am not from Boston,or New York City ,so I don't have a distinctive accent but it is definitely different than a native Coloradan.
Once labeled you cannot allow people to know who you really are,because they already have their opinions of you made up in their small little labling minds.
2006-11-13 23:26:43
answer #1
answered by Dfirefox 6
No. I do it all the time.
Categorization is the method the human brain uses to process knowledge into wisdom.
Anyone who presumes that a label is blinding is narrow-minded.
Their personal problem of being unable to see an individual behind a label, need not be projected onto the enlightened members of the planet.
2006-11-14 14:37:23
answer #2
answered by limendoz 5
Yes, it's wrong because when you label a person, you are making a judgment about them and that's usually done without fully knowing the person. Who are we to judge? Labels are preconceived notions based on biased opinions. And in reality, labels are usually wrong. When you find out a label that someone has given to you, are they right? Do you know you 100%?
It's wrong and hurtful and usually degrading.
2006-11-14 07:27:17
answer #3
answered by cartman 2
Provided that:
* the label matches the content
* the label is not a price tag
* the label is either self-imposed or approved by self
* the label is removable
there's no wrong in labelling.
2006-11-14 07:28:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
People r not to be label,but treat each individual with respect, n know the individual accordingly before u can say anything about tha' person...
2006-11-14 07:33:30
answer #5
answered by PETEY 1
Overall, Yes it is wrong to label people. Thechinamom's answer says it all.
2006-11-14 07:28:35
answer #6
answered by GRUMPY 7
when you label a person you have already made a judgement on them and could very well be missing out on a great friendship.
2006-11-14 07:25:52
answer #7
answered by norwood 6
Alas it is unfortunate we as a society regardless of which country you live in! wheteher you have an illness physcial /mental. the reason (my theory) is that people are afraid so they will put a label on them instead of approaching the issue head on.
dont put label on people
2006-11-14 07:33:11
answer #8
answered by dave c 4
In my opinion, once you label a person, you have cut yourself off to know the real person.
You can`t judge a book by its cover.
2006-11-14 07:22:02
answer #9
answered by thechinamom 4
The answer depends on the social situation and the specific persons involved.
2006-11-14 07:27:26
answer #10
answered by Sam 7