Nice question. Why don’t you try to become an actor? You can also enjoy all the credits what they are having.
2006-11-13 19:13:18
answer #1
answered by Zain 7
Ah....but the actors/actresses have to learn by heart what somebody ELSE would be easier for them had they written it themselves.
further more, if they act very well, they will attract a lot of public, good for business, but also good for the people who go watch the movie, cuz they can have a few hours without worries, they just have to sit down and enjoy.
Mind you, I DO agree with you top-actors get a salary that is ridiculously high.
But looking at it from a business-point of view : those actors have fans, fans go to the movies, have a drink before and after the movies, then come home and want to chat to other fans about it, so they hit a website like this, or another one.
And of course, if possible, fans want to see their fav. celeb at least once "live", so they go to places where they think they may find their fav celeb. (not to their homes of course, I detest ppl going THAT far)
Go figure how much money we spend on all the businesses mentioned in, economy!!
2006-11-14 03:42:36
answer #2
answered by Joshua 5
Imagine you worked at a clothing store. You became very good at selling clothes and cutomers kept coming back to the store, just to be served by you. The clothes you sell are very expensive, and you sell a lot more than the other sales people in the store. One day you find out that, not only is the store owner making millions of dollars each WEEK, but that you are getting paid the same low wage as the other sales people. You start to think to yourself: "He is making millions of dollars off my good work. nobody has sold his clothes as well as me! And to make it worse, I get paid the same as people who sell a fraction of what I do. Without me he would struggle to stay in business!" Would you not go to him and seek a more appropriate compensation? Well, this is how and why actors get paid so much. The right name (Nicole Kidman, Harrison Ford etc) guarantee tens of millions of dollars come through the box office. They are just getting paid because people came to see them! A lesser name would draw less at the box office, and why should the producers make tens of millions and the actor who drew the crowd basic wages? It is simple economy, a good boss in a high turnover business will profit share with his good money spinners. it is also why when an actor makes a turkey, other produces are quick to stop using them, and their 'price' goes down.
2006-11-14 03:17:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The one who gives credit to actor for all they see in the movies are
are not facing reality as there are different peolpe to be credited for all the different job in a particular movie, weather it is for dressing, screenplay or direction.
so why worry about them when they are not being rational in facing reality ...these poeple may be giving criedit to actors for every thing bcoz it is easy to associate on person for everything in the movie as he is in the screen in front of them carring out their job of acting---mezmorising the audience with their stunning act
And it is not possible for evrery actor to carry out his act in the best way ---so they are paid well [just bcoz they have mass following]
2006-11-14 03:27:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
for their hard work,and mass attraction.hte film is based upon male sell the film they have tosign top most hero ,they have to pay the highest salary.
2006-11-14 04:19:31
answer #5
answered by bestof me 3
Cos the main thng they do is : they ACT
2006-11-15 06:11:52
answer #6
answered by King of Chaos 2
thats what is called as marketing world.
2006-11-14 04:26:12
answer #7
answered by vikasbansal4u 1