I find attractive lesbians attractive because of appearance. But in personal dealings, when it's clear my interest is not reciprocated or especially welcomed, the attraction quickly fades.
Seeing two attractive women, presumably lesbians, kissing or otherwise having sex together, is fascinating for a different reason. When we watch two people kissing on screen, for example, we identify with the one of the same sex and with the feeling he or she must be having while kissing the other person - assuming we ourselves would want to kiss that person.
So if we, as men, see two attractive women kissing, we still tend to identify with the kisser as to what it must feel like when kissing the other woman. AND we also identify with the other woman as to what she feels when kissing and being kissed by the first one. So our mind is in effect bombarded with sensations of kissing and being kissed - and kissing IS one of the more sensuous things we can experience.
Straight men who see two men kissing will tend not have the same reaction, as they will resist any identification with either the kisser or the kissee, believing or having been led to believe, that the sensation has to be gross. Yet we seldom stop to wonder why women clearly find it otherwise, and clearly expect them to want to be kissed by ourselves in particular.
I note that women's responses here vary - some say they aren't turned on by men kissing, and some say they are. It may be more of a turnoff for "moral" considerations than physical distaste, but if so, men seem to have fewer "moral" problems with watching lesbians at play - and society in general seems to have fewer moral problems with lesbianism than gay male activity.
I suppose if I did ever see Brad Pitt and George Clooney in a gay orgy, I'd have mixed emotions. On the one hand I'd try to imagine what either one is feeling and why, just because I'm curious about any and all human sexuality. On the other hand I might react badly to what my mind tells me when I have forced it to examine those feelings.
Yet if it were two males that I had not otherwise identified with, such as two gay porn stars, my interest would no doubt be much more of a clinical one, with reactions tempered accordingly.
2006-11-14 06:50:07
answer #1
answered by Grist 6
This is just a theory.
Times are changing. Men like to see desire in women. As more and more women become more and more attracted to other women, their desire for men will go down and their desire for pussy will go up.
Watching two lesbians making out gets really hot, because we're all trying to change with society. Heterosexual relationships is actually becoming almost taboo. More and more people are losing all respect for men, boys, fathers, brothers, husbands, masculinity. They're convincing themselves of things that don't even exist now. Soo... as boys hear how awful they are, because they have *****, they become more hateful and disrespectful of themselves and subsequently, women, who are creating these problems. So, the idea that two women could never hurt each other, they can only please each other, that it's the best kind of sex is really a big deal in our minds now.
And women are upset that their men today can't get it up?? lol
2014-02-16 07:12:53
answer #2
answered by ? 3
I don't know what kind of boring female friends you have but me and many of my girlfriends find it quite hot seeing two guys getting it on. To me two hot guys making out and giving each other oral sex (the anal stuff isn't very interesting) is highly erotic. I'm surprised at how many straight women like gay male porn and slash fiction.
I don't think straight men are attracted to real lesbians. Few actual lesbians would want a man to watch them. I think many straight guys are aroused by two hot women (regardless of their sexual orientation) engaging in lesbian sexual activity. I think the fantasy is that the women are performing for him and want him to join in.
By the way, ugh, I pictured your poor example (Tom Cruise? Yuck). You really need to pick some hotter, sexier guys as an example.
Also, alot of women don't like the thought that two guys could sexually pleasure each other and be happy with each other without a woman. It threatens their control, dominance and manipulation over men by use of their sexuality.
2006-11-13 22:49:47
answer #3
answered by DawnDavenport 7
I guess I'm the only lady here who is absolutely panting at the idea of Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney in a delicious gay orgy. I've always loved male-male action, still do. It's amazingly attractive to me.
But you're right, most straight men love lesbians but not gay men in sexual scenes. Probably because they love women and not men- and lesbians just doubles the pleasurable element of womanhood.
2006-11-13 18:23:49
answer #4
answered by cando_86 4
Leabians Making Out
2016-11-02 21:12:57
answer #5
answered by canevazzi 4
Speaking as a straight woman, I find gay men attractive, and I'd be more than thrilled to see Brad Pitt and George Clooney in a sex scene together (not so much Tom Cruise though). Most of my (straight) female friends are the same. If such a movie were to be made, I know plenty of women who would be camping out in freezing weather for tickets.
2006-11-15 01:46:29
answer #6
answered by Rose D 7
I think, first of all, I have to agree with a previous poster and say that men simply find naked women attractive...it doesn't matter if they are straight or lesbian.
second, I think a lot of them watch to much of that lesbian fantasy porn. you know, the "fake" lesbians that allow some guy to watch and then actually let him join in? unless the women are bi and into threesomes....it'll never happen, dudes! and those women are paid to be gay on film.... It's fantasy, it's not real!
2006-11-14 01:27:09
answer #7
answered by redcatt63 6
Everyone is so different that it is impossible to generalize. However, my girlfriend (a lesbian), is hit on by many straight men at her work.
2016-03-19 07:39:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Straight guys find lesbian women attractive cos they cant have them...men always run after things that they cant have..they like playing ot hard
2006-11-13 21:53:52
answer #9
answered by innocence 2
I'm a lesbian, and I do find gay men attractive. I wouldn't ever date a man or sleep with one, but I will happily watch two of them together in a porno. I'd almost rather watch gay porn than lesbian porn, just because lesbian porn always looks so FAKE! I may be the exception to the rule.
2006-11-13 23:56:59
answer #10
answered by lillielil 3