What value would a house have to be for you to be considered: Rich, Upper Middle Class, Middle Class, Lower Middle Class, Poor. Just wondering what the national (Talking about US) opinion on this is. You don't have to answer them all if you don't feel like it but just give your opinion on at least one of them. Either a range or just a price you would have to be above to be considered in that level. Thanks! :)
PS: I realize house value may not always pertain to how rich you are but this is just for general purposes. Just saying this because I don't want a bunch of picky people to come and tear apart my question!
2 answers
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Yeah, I guess it does greatly depend on where you live, but at least it's interesting to see how it differs from place to place.
I live in Orange County, CA. And where I live the ranges would go something like this:
Rich: 4 million or more
Upper Middle Class: 1 million - 4 million
Middle Class: 500,000 - 1 million
Lower Middle Class: Good luck finding a house under 500,000!!!
17:50:29 ·
update #1